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Re: Ctrl+V


Like I already pointed out. Local judges in their various jurisdictions do not have to go along with the above examples.

The question is for the 88, 000 over 10 years works out to 8, 800 a year. What is the grand total of how much of that total population again?

Your statement also mentions that the 88, 000 are legal Immigrants of U.S. Citizens not anchor baby parents who are illegals who are using the system to gain a temporary foot hold.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Thanks for the heads up. And yeah, I suppose the site on the whole is not safe for most work based viewing, though that specific thread is.




How can I just let you walk away, just let you leave without a trace

When I stand here taking every breath with you, ooh

You're the only one who really knew me at all


How can you just walk away from me,

when all I can do is watch you leave

Cos we've shared the laughter and the pain and even shared the tears

You're the only one who really knew me at all


So take a look at me now, oh there's just an empty space

And there's nothing left here to remind me,

just the memory of your face

Ooh take a look at me now, well there's just an empty space

And you coming back to me is against the odds and that's what I've got to face


I wish I could just make you turn around,

turn around and see me cry

There's so much I need to say to you,

so many reasons why

You're the only one who really knew me at all


So take a look at me now, well there's just an empty space

And there's nothing left here to remind me, just the memory of your face

Now take a look at me now, cos there's just an empty space


But to wait for you, is all I can do and that's what I've got to face

Take a good look at me now, cos I'll still be standing here

And you coming back to me is against all odds

It's the chance I've gotta take


Take a look at me now

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Re: Ctrl+V


1) HSA account setup

2) Buy Fabric

3) Leak in bathroom

4) Buy Breaker

5) Install Breaker

6) Oil Change

7) Pirate Shirt

8) Shadowrun Duster/Armor

9) Clean Bathroom

10) Buy paint for office

11) Paint Office

12) $200 for DCon

13) Weed B Gone

14) Long Fescue Seed (over seed)

15) Belts for pauldrons



1) Write Wolfman - done

2) Schedule off Friday of event - done

3) Have Brad make new shield - done

4) Tax form for mortgage - done

5) Buy blue cloth and elastic for shield cover - done

6) Budget hotel in Columbia - done

7) Graphics for Rob's Game - done

8) Contact BofA - done

9) Make hotel reservations - done

10) Netsol - done

11) Do taxes

12) Budget Tax Return

13) Burn Pathfinder for Amber and Carl

14) Cancel Gym

15) Join LA Fitness

16) Buy TV

17) Buy 360

18) Order modem

19) Order NAS

20) Write Batman Hub

21) Write KickAss Hub

22) Write Iron-Man Hub

23) Write Buffy Hub

24) Hook 360 up to media center

25) Install Modem

26) move Modem and Wireless upstairs.

27) Turn on netflix

28) Install NAS

29) House Keys for Kat

30) Buy hard drive

31) Invoice for CBR

32) Take back cable modem (Comcast Chamblee)

33) Order wall mount

34) Cut fabric for shirt

35) Rabbit skins for mantle

36) Made mantle

37) Make Shirt

38) Buy totes

39) Sort SOLAR

40) Configure netflix for 360

41) Buy new sewing machine

42) Write Jonah Hex Hub

43) Write Green Lantern Hub

44) Tickets for Tavern

45) Tickets for Coke

46) Tickets for Aquarium

47) Write Iron Man Articles

48) Write Hubs

49) Tickets for 15th

50) Ordered tickets for Ovo

51) Tickets for Charleston

52) Warrior Dash

52) Barenaked Ladies

53) Hedwig

54) Configure rockband

55) Order Win7 from Dell

55) Installed Win7

56) Buy paint

57) Paint Steps and rail

58) Schedule truck repair

59) File claim with State Farm

60) Write Jonah Hex

61) Oil change and flush

62) Repair glass downstairs

63) Registered for Warrior Dash

64) Bought Hard Drive

65) Rob's Room

66) Rob's Keys

67) Haircut

68) $300 for Dragoncon

69) $200 for DC Hotel

70) Shipped xbox

71) Bought PVC for Armor

72) Bought Bathroom Hardware

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Re: Ctrl+V


Val Char Cost Roll Notes

10 STR 0 11- Lift 100.0kg; 2d6

10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3

10 CON 0 11-

6 INT -4 10- PER Roll 10-

5 EGO -5 10- ECV: 2 - 2

8 PRE -2 11- PRE Attack: 1 ½d6


3 OCV 0

3 DCV 0

2 OMCV -3

2 DMCV -3

2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12


2 PD 0 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD)

2 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (0 rED)

4 REC 0

20 END 0

10 BODY 0

20 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: -19


Movement: Running: 10m/20m

Leaping: 4m/8m

Swimming: 4m/8m


Cost Powers END

0 Short Legs: Running -2m (10m total) 0



1 AK: Local Forest 8-

3 Climbing 11-

3 Gambling 10-

1 PS: Hunter-Gatherer 8-

1 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical Forests) 10-

3 Tracking 10-

1 WF: Clubs, Polearms and Spears


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 13

Total Cost: -6


175+ Matching Complications

10 Distinctive Features: Prootwaddle; bizarre attire, slogans painted on the body, cry of "Proot! Proo-oot!" (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

15 Negative Reputation: harmless and unwanted annoyance, Very Frequently

15 Physical Complication: Dull-wiited; "moronic" (Frequently; Slightly Impairing)

20 Psychological Complication: Rapid Mood Swings; can switch from friendly to angry to back in seconds, known to be unruly and argumentive (Very Common; Strong)


Total Complications Points: -6

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Re: Ctrl+V


Dear Sir/Ma,



First of all, let me start by introducing myself. My name is Mr. Dominique kahn,the Auditor General of Deutsche Bank London. I have an urgent and very confidential business proposition for you.I am the accounting officer of Mr. Ken Lay, Enron founder, who deid on July, 5th 2006, at the age of 64 and his friend and partner Mr. Jeffrey Skilling, Ex-Enron CEO who was recently convicted 24 years for his involvement on the collapse of Enron, the energy trading giant in America.It will interest to know that on Wednesday, 7th February 2001, Mr. Ken Lay deposited a total sum of 20M pounds and on Tuesday, 24th April 2001, Mr Jeffrey Skilling deposited 17.5M Pounds in our Bank. These funds were deposited into a non-existing company's account which I opened in our bank (DEUTSCHE BANK LONDON) under their instructions, to avoid raising an eyebrow but unfortunately for them and fortunately for me, the 2 men are gone.



You can read more about the sentence by visiting the below websites:



http://www.chron.com/news /specials/enron/

http://www.accountancyage.com /accountancyage/news/2171002 /enron-ceo-sentence-slashed

http://www.economist.com /business/displaystory.cfm ?story_id=8082101



So right now, we have the sum of 37.5M Pounds lying in the 2 accounts without any proof of ownership as it was opened with non-existing companies name and the bank is not aware of the real beneficiaries as the accounts did not bear any name. As their accounting officer and financial adviser in charge of these accounts, I can comfortable present you to the Bank as the real beneficiary of the funds and they have no right to deny the application.



Consequently, my proposal is that I want to seek your consent as a foreigner to stand as the owner of any of these accounts, since it has no trace or beneficiary which makes it easier and fine to transfer to your designated bank account as the beneficiary. The nature of my work as a staff of the Bank will not allow me lay claim on the funds, hence this proposal to you and be informed that as long as you are ready to cooperate and be truthful to me, I can assure you that the sky will be our limit.All documents and proves to enable you get any of the money will be carefully worked out and more so, I assure you that the business is risk free, as everything will be handled in accordance with the International Monitory Guidelines. I am offering you 40% for your cooperation in achieving this aim.Please, if you are interested in working with me, I will like you to send the below information's to enable me procure the necessary documents that will back up the transfer to your account! :










As soon as I receive your acceptance mail by forwarding the above information's, I will prepare the paper works in your name for onward remittance of the funds into your designated account.



Lastly, I want you to understand that this transaction requires trust,honest and above all, utmost confidentiality, to avoid escalating.




Mr. Dominique kahn

The Auditor General,

Deutsche Bank London.




Oh boy...:(.


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Re: Ctrl+V


...Dutch bank scams? Whatever happened to Nigerian banking scams? What about tradition?! :D


If you're trying to scam a Nigerian, a Nigerian scam doesn't work.


Lucius Alexander


Allow me to introduce myself. I am Deputy Account Officer at the First Palindromedary Bank

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Re: Ctrl+V


...Except that Ragitsu is from Portland' date=' Oregon. So he's a South North American.[/quote']


You know that and I know that, but what do you think the scammer knows?


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary claims Ragitsu is a name more common among the Pyem people of Nigera than in Oregon, but what does a palindromedary know?

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Re: Ctrl+V


Isn't that time travel?


The words "proleptic" and "prolepsis" have a number of specialized meanings depending on context, but all relating somehow to the concept of "anticipation" or looking forward.


By "proleptic calender" Cancer is referring to the practice of dating events in terms of a calender that did not exist at the time of the events.


For example, any date using "BC" or "BCE" would be meainingless to anyone living at that time. If you asked Julius Ceasar what year it was, he might have told you in terms of how long since the founding of Rome.


For a more recent example, you might see Benjamin Franklin's birthdate given as 17 January, but if his family had a calender on the wall the day he was born, it read 6 January. During his lifetime, the British Empire switched from the Julian to the Gregorian calenders.


Lucius Alexander


Proleptic palindromedary

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Re: Ctrl+V


Phallos, the erect penis, the emblem and standard of maleness. All images through which masculinity is defined have Phallos as their point of reference. Sinew, determination, effectuality, penetration, straightforwardness, hardness, strength - all have Phallos giving them effect .... Erection points to a powerful inner reality at work in a man, not altogether in his control. No male has to learn Phallos. It presents itself to him, as a God does.


A man uses Phallos; he is not a man if he cannot do so. Men need to know their source of authority and to respect their sacred symbol. Phallos opens the door to masculine depth.




Hm, does that fall within the Terms of Use?


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary has a Y chromosome and a Y-not? chromosome

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Re: Ctrl+V


Example: Red Army sniper Svetlana Romanova has

Guns (Rifle)-14 and Precision Aiming (Rifle)-15. She’s

using a Mosin-Nagant V-1891/30 sniper rifle (p. 111) with

Acc 5 and a scope giving +2 Acc. It’s braced on a window sill

for another +1. Her target is motorcycle scout Hugo Elting,

talking animatedly to a Panzer crew 300 yards away.

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