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Quick Question: Tele/Psycho-kinesys visible?

Dr Divago

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Re: Quick Question: Tele/Psycho-kinesys visible?


I has a question about heavy lifting with TK. If you buy TK with area effect, and say it normally lifts 10 tons, would it lift 10 tons PER HEX? So you could lift a 30 ton truck, at long as it takes at least 3 hexes of space... It wouldn't do increased damage or anything, but it would lift more weight if the object is larger. This came up when I was converting Quasar from Marvel Comics to Champions rules, since he once lifted an island. Way more weight then he should be able to lift for the amount of damage his TK would do with a punch, but if it was area of effect TK, used strictly for lifting large objects, he might be able to pull it off. This would also work for the Turtle in Wild Cards, since he once lifted a large ship from the water. No way his TK STR could have handled it, but it did because it was a large object?

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Re: Quick Question: Tele/Psycho-kinesys visible?


As long as it's obvious that the hero is question is using the power (glowing eyes for example) the special effect would have the telekinesis be invisible. Invisble Power Effect is used when no one can tell where the source of the telekinesis is coming from.

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Re: Quick Question: Tele/Psycho-kinesys visible?


Not entirely true.


from 5er page 262:


Invisible Power, Visible Source

At the GM’s option, if both the special effects of a power and its source are normally perceivable, a character can buy the power with IPE so that the special effects of the power, but not its source, are Invisible. In this case, the value of the Advantage is halved (minimum +¼). The character then must rely on stealth or trickery to hide the source of the power. Similarly, characters can make the source Invisible, but not the special effects of the power, for half value (Indirect may also be necessary fully to hide the source of the power).

The question then becomes "what is the normally perceivable default"?

I've always considered a Green Lantern's 'green energy hand linked to the ring' a default of sorts.

Otherwise GL builds should get to take some level beyond (-0) of the Visible Limitation (which I don't recall seeing anyone do).

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Re: Quick Question: Tele/Psycho-kinesys visible?


I has a question about heavy lifting with TK. If you buy TK with area effect' date=' and say it normally lifts 10 tons, would it lift 10 tons PER HEX? So you could lift a 30 ton truck, at long as it takes at least 3 hexes of space... It wouldn't do increased damage or anything, but it would lift more weight if the object is larger. This came up when I was converting Quasar from Marvel Comics to Champions rules, since he once lifted an island. Way more weight then he should be able to lift for the amount of damage his TK would do with a punch, but if it was area of effect TK, used strictly for lifting large objects, he might be able to pull it off. This would also work for the Turtle in Wild Cards, since he once lifted a large ship from the water. No way his TK STR could have handled it, but it did because it was a large object?[/quote']Unfirtunately No. according to the RAW, the weight is the total lift in the area.
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Re: Quick Question: Tele/Psycho-kinesys visible?


The question then becomes "what is the normally perceivable default"?

I've always considered a Green Lantern's 'green energy hand linked to the ring' a default of sorts.

Otherwise GL builds should get to take some level beyond (-0) of the Visible Limitation (which I don't recall seeing anyone do).


I thikn GL has typical 5e Visibility, but lacks the Indirect aspect of teklekinesis. We seem to ignore that a lot in character building.


In 5e, TK was "STR At Range (+1/2), Indirect (+3/4), NO Figured (-1/2).


I would have liked 6e to make TK Direct by default and require the purchase of Indirect if desired.

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Re: Quick Question: Tele/Psycho-kinesys visible?


quick and dirty answer is yes, it is visible by default.

but if you are running a TK centric game you can always make it a campaign default to be invisible anyway.


Exactly. In Kazei 5, esper powers are all functionally invisible, but they also cause certain side effects that let you know powers are in use. So while there's no visible Blast between an esper weapon and her target, the ground ripping up in a line along the path of the beam pretty much serves the same purpose.

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Re: Quick Question: Tele/Psycho-kinesys visible?


TK that directly attacks internal organs? If I'f allow it' date=' it would be bought as NND does body AS WELL AS targeting penalties[/quote']


That's what Gil Hamilton has, since he was able to reach inside someone's chest and crush their heart.

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Re: Quick Question: Tele/Psycho-kinesys visible?


That's what Gil Hamilton has' date=' since he was able to reach inside someone's chest and crush their heart.[/quote']


Killing attack. NND DOes BOD if desired. Deadly and expensive. And deadly should be expensive.


I don't think I'd want NPC's able to buy 10 STR TK and kill my character, so why should it be easier or cheaper for the PC to take out NPC's?

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Re: Quick Question: Tele/Psycho-kinesys visible?


Killing attack. NND DOes BOD if desired. Deadly and expensive. And deadly should be expensive.


I don't think I'd want NPC's able to buy 10 STR TK and kill my character, so why should it be easier or cheaper for the PC to take out NPC's?


In 5E, this is how Gil's TK looked:


18	Imaginary Arm:  Elemental Control, 36-point powers
9	1)  Imaginary Arm:  Telekinesis (2 STR), Fine Manipulation, Indirect (+1/4), Invisible 
Power Effects, Source Only (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), 
Transdimensional (Video Screens; +1/2); No Range (-1/2), TK Limited To Very Small Amounts 
(i.e. only a few ounces; -1/2)
24	2)  Imaginary Arm Squeeze:  HKA 1d6, Invisible Power Effects, Source Only (Fully 
Invisible; +1/2), NND ([see text]; +1), Does BODY (+1), Continuous (+1); No STR Bonus (-1/2), 
Must Follow Grab (-1/2), END 7
13	3)  Feeling Around:  Clairsentience (Touch Group), x256 Range (25,600"); OIF Immobile 
(requires a video projection unit to produce the image to be searched; -1 1/2), Concentration, 
Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2), Clairsentiense Requires A 
Clear Video Projection For Gil To "Reach" Into (-1/4), END 6

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Re: Quick Question: Tele/Psycho-kinesys visible?


In 5E, this is how Gil's TK looked:


18	Imaginary Arm:  Elemental Control, 36-point powers
9	1)  Imaginary Arm:  Telekinesis (2 STR), Fine Manipulation, Indirect (+1/4), Invisible 
Power Effects, Source Only (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), 
Transdimensional (Video Screens; +1/2); No Range (-1/2), TK Limited To Very Small Amounts 
(i.e. only a few ounces; -1/2)
24	2)  Imaginary Arm Squeeze:  HKA 1d6, Invisible Power Effects, Source Only (Fully 
Invisible; +1/2), NND ([see text]; +1), Does BODY (+1), Continuous (+1); No STR Bonus (-1/2), 
Must Follow Grab (-1/2), END 7
13	3)  Feeling Around:  Clairsentience (Touch Group), x256 Range (25,600"); OIF Immobile 
(requires a video projection unit to produce the image to be searched; -1 1/2), Concentration, 
Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2), Clairsentiense Requires A 
Clear Video Projection For Gil To "Reach" Into (-1/4), END 6

You'd have to redo it in 6e, after all it no longer has Elemental Controls
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