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Need helping making a power, and a small question


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I've had this idea for a character with rock-related powers, and I was planning for one of his powers to be to transform into a boulder and roll forward. I'm not really sure how to do this, exactly. I was thinking either.


1.) A Hand-To-Hand power with a Line of Sight custom adder, since it won't let me use that as an Advantage. Of course, I could always make a custom Advantage with that name and the same AP cost.


2.) A Charge Martial Arts ability, with the same 'Must Be On Solid Ground' Complication as the rest of the character's rock powers.


Unless there's a better way to do it I'm missing.


Also, could somebody please explain to me the difference between powers in a Multipower that have a fixed slot and those that don't, and why I need either?

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Re: Need helping making a power, and a small question


Why would you want Line of Sight for a HTH attack? Line of sight only changes the manner in which maximum range and range modifiers are determined. If you want a HTH attack which can work at Line of Sight range, you need to put the advantage "range" on the power first, and then add Line of Sight.


I'm not sure what you mean by "charge martial arts". You can limit any ability - skills, powers, whatever - so you could certainly buy your martial arts, or extra levels or damage classes with martial arts, with the limitation 'Must Be On Solid Ground' .


[by the way, the "Rules Question" forum is restricted to responses from Steve Long - it is for technical interpretations of the rules, so only the guy who wrote them is able to post replies.]

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Re: Need helping making a power, and a small question


Couple of thoughts come to mind;


If the Character doesn't return to their initial position then +D6 Hand Attack; Only To Perform Move By/Through would work.


If the Character does return to their initial position then Blast works, possibly with or without the No Range Modifier Advantage.



As for Multiform;

A Fixed Slot always uses the maximum amount of Active Points in the Pool as the Power has at its highest level, even if you don't use it to full ability. A Variable Slot takes only as many Active Points in the Pool as you are using to the level of the Power.


Example: a 50 Points Pool with an 6D6 Blast (30 AP). If it's a Fixed Slot the Blast always takes 30 Points of the Pool to use, even if you use 1D6 worth of Power, only leaving 20 Points of the Pool to dedicate to other Slots to use at the same time. If it's a Variable Slot it only uses as many points out of the Pool as the current use of AP; in the above it uses 5 Points from the Pool leaving 45 Points in the Pool to use other Powers during the same Phase.

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Re: Need helping making a power, and a small question


Why would you want Line of Sight for a HTH attack? Line of sight only changes the manner in which maximum range and range modifiers are determined. If you want a HTH attack which can work at Line of Sight range' date=' you need to put the advantage "range" on the power first, and then add Line of Sight.[/quote']


My interpretation is that he really wants an Area of Effect - Line more than LoS. Building that is fairly simple, the only trick comes if he wants it to be based on movement (He turns into the boulder and rolls forward, hitting things in that line), then you have to account for the change in position caused by using the attack.


I'm not sure what you mean by "charge martial arts". You can limit any ability - skills, powers, whatever - so you could certainly buy your martial arts, or extra levels or damage classes with martial arts, with the limitation 'Must Be On Solid Ground.


I read this as a "Charge" (Full-Move or Move-Through) Martial Maneuver. and that can certainly be limited, as you say.

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Re: Need helping making a power, and a small question


Its hard to say what he wants, but assuming he'll take any and all suggestions, here's what I thought of/did for a supervillain's powers.


To create fists of stone which remote come up from the ground and grab people: TK usable only on ground (-1/2), physical manifestation (-1/2 allows the TK to be targeted by blasts and KA)


To become a living boulder:Naked advantage AoE 1 hex on dice of move through, move by or Naked advantage AoE trail on dice of move through/move by.


To Stone Up: Resistant Defenses and Density Increase/Growth.


To meld in to the earth and reappear in another spot: Teleport only along the ground or tunneling with invisible special effects.


The pull a boulder out of the ground and toss it at someone: EB only when in contact with ground (-1/2) with possible 1 hex AoE depending on the size of the boulder.


Create an earthen wall: barrier only along ground (-1/2)


Earthshot: RKA with Reduced Penetration and increased stun mod. Limited also with restrainable. (Hurling pebbles at an opponent)


Stone Prison: Entangle only along ground(-1/2)


I am Mountain: Clinging and KB resistance.


Earthen Fists (ala City of Heroes): HA (this broke ranks with multipower slots so its by itself).


Trembler: Change environment penalty to movement and dex rolls only along ground (-1/2)


Shockwave: Blast explosion two dimensional, double knockback, reduced penetration, only along ground (-1/2).

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Re: Need helping making a power, and a small question


Can you hit more than one person with it easily if they're in a straight line? Running and a Line HA linked to the movement.


Hits only one person? Extra running, defenses that only apply to damage done by your own movethroughs, and CSLs with movethrough. Or a v/6 and Fullmove martial art with some extra movement, but this forces you to buy a whole martial art which you might or might not want.

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