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Dave's Louisville Heroes Campaign


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Characters: Technomancher (magical Iron Man), Adam Celine (half-robotic Neo), Nick of Time (time-traveler sent to our time to... do something), Vinh Pham (martial artist extraordinaire), Amp (caffeinated speedster).


Episode 1: Starring Technomancer, Adam Celine, Nick of Time, Vinh Pham


The group came together when mutant manimals ran rampant at the zoo. After containing the situation, the cause was rooted out -- a leaky barrel of some weird chemical in the caverns beneath the zoo. The green goo-gas was mutating life, after melting through its containment. The barrels had no identification, and looked to have been there for many years.

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Re: Dave's Louisville Heroes Campaign


Episode 2: Starring Technomancer, Adam Celine


Technomancer and Adam Celene were out of their element today, fighting a hippo-mole monster underground. Things got even weirder when Technomancer was slammed into a cavern wall, and a rockified version of him peeled itself from the stone. Both heroes were knocked out during the battle, but managed to subdue the mutant animal. Technomancer got knocked into the green glowing puddle of ooze.


Hazmat teams cleaned up the heroes and the area, without other bureacratic involvement, thanks to some security clearance and string-pulling by Adam. Biomedical testing showed that there is some mutagen in the bloodstream of both heroes.


Our heroes discovered that the mutagen chemical in question is known as octa-hexa-glop, and was patented by Louisville Metropolitan Sewer District in 1974, filed by a Mr. Anderson.

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Re: Dave's Louisville Heroes Campaign


Episode 3: Starring Technomancer, Adam Celine, Nick of Time, Amp


Our heroes continues to investigate the octahexaglop. By looking into MSD, IRS, Social Security, Police, library, and property records, they uncovered that Thomas Anderson, who filed the pantent for this ptantly strange chemical, died in 1972, but is currently living in Crescent Hill. He has a "pennies into gold" machine in his basement, that was given to him by aliens for keeping quiet about the chemical. The chemical might have been responsible for the movie legends of Flubber, The Blob, and Return of the Living Dead. Anderson was actually brought back to life by the aliens, through use of the chemical, and set up with a comfortable life. The aliens all look like Elvis.


Adam Celine has offered to bring Anderson under his protection. Anderson is tired of spending his life in hiding, and is thankfl for the opportunity to rid himself of this cover identity, and resume living a real life. His home, the basement laboratory, and all his personal effects will be destroyed. Except, that is, for the two thermos-sized cannisters of octahexaglop (officially listed as a retrograde adaptive catalyst, whatever that means).

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Re: Dave's Louisville Heroes Campaign


Between the four main characters, they can control magic, technology, time, and speed. Powers include telepathy and mind scan, precog and retrocog, many enhanced senses, and a couple of VPPs. Plenty of ways to keep a GM on his toes...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Dave's Louisville Heroes Campaign


Episode 4: Starring Technomancer, Savage Shadow (pulp hero with a 'pain' gun), Blackout (blaster with dangerous side effects), Mercyshot (muscle-memory trickshooter), Tenshin (anime martial artist), The Dandy (martial ghost)


As Adam Celine and Technomancer were leaving Thomas Anderson's home, giant bugs began breaking through the roof. "Oh, no! The force field is down, and the ambient mutagenic effects are mutating the local insect population!" Adam got Anderson to safety, and Technomancer radioed to the local law enforcement and superheroic community for backup.


Giant bees, flies, rats, spiders, mantises, and other creatures got the best of Technomancer, who was happy to wake up to see several new heroes cleaning up, even though he was trapped in a giant spiderweb along with nearly a dozen other people.


The church was blown up and set on fire, and the trapped people were freed from the crazy webbing before they were burned alive.


Technomancer and Blackout stuck around to talk to the police and the media. The news copters were able to pick out video of some superhuman blasting the spider-covered church, setting it on fire, and later actively demolishing some of the walls with some sort of energy beam.


Today's soundtrack:



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  • 1 month later...

Re: Dave's Louisville Heroes Campaign


Episode 5: Starring Technomancer, Adam Celine, Nick of Time, Amp, Mercyshot, Tenshin, Cosmic Ray (unfrozen caveman lawyer hippie psychic)


In the aftermath of the giant bug attack, Anderson remembered that there was a frozen guy in his basement, who had been given to him by Elvis decades before, to keep safe. The heroes went back to retrieve him, only to find that he'd already begun to wake up with the technosuppressive force field down, and firehose sprays going in.


The transmogrifier in Anderson's basement began to emit menacing temporal waves. Realizing it was about to explode, or something worse, and probably take at least a block with it, the heroes decided to send it vertical, quickly.


Cosmic Ray lifted the huge workbench telekinetically, while Tenshin carried Ray upward just behind the dangerous contraption. Unbeknown to them, Mercyshot had hitched a ride on top, planting proximity mines. Thousands of feet into the air, Tenshin and Ray hurled it further skyward as Mercyshot leaped off, triggering his motion-sensor bombs just as Tenshin blasted it with anime ch'i energy.


It exploded in a fireball radiating a spectrum of colors, then sucked back in on itself into a vortex in time, dragging along the nearby heroes, disappearing them from the spacetime stream. Technomancer, Celine, and Nick worked up a detector to find them, in time for their appearance 14 miles west, hurtling down toward the ground at great speed, still trapped in stasis.


Amp rushed to the scene of their impending doom, and thanks to his command of speed, was able to attempt to rescue all three (at a -10 penalty). He succeeded only at catching Tenshin, leaving the others to a squishy fate.


Thankfully, when Tenshin came into contact with Amp, he caught up with time, instantly remembering the past and gaining his full action. He chose to attempt to save Cosmic Ray, knowing that Ray could try to telekinetically grab Mercyshot. And indeed, they both succeeded. (I hit three of the characters with a planet, and still nobody died. What am I doing wrong as a Killer GM here?)


Comparing notes with each other, and with Anderson (who claimed that Elvis gave him the time-frozen Cosmic Ray, the lead-to-gold transmogrifier, and instructions to wait for the time-traveling Nick, in exchange for his silence about the OctaHexaGlop), and cross-referencing Elvis with aliens, they discovered some facts:

  • Aliens crash-landed in western desert in the '50s
  • Elvis rose to fame in the '50s
  • Elvis changed American culture perhaps more than any man of his century
  • Elvis was known to work with the FBI
  • Thousands of Elvises are known to congregate in Las Vegas, a town in the western desert


This led the heroes on a private jet (courtesy of Adam Celine's Microft-Nexus company) ride to Albequerque, New Mexico, where they will begin an investigation of Area 51.

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Re: Dave's Louisville Heroes Campaign


In the aftermath of the giant bug attack, Anderson remembered that there was a frozen guy in his basement, who had been given to him by Elvis decades before, to keep safe.


This may be the greatest single sentence in the history of the universe.

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Re: Dave's Louisville Heroes Campaign


This may be the greatest single sentence in the history of the universe.


The in-game dialogue went something like:


Cosmic Ray: "How did I end up in your basement, anyway?"


Anderson: "Elvis told me to keep you there."


Cosmic Ray: "Can't argue with the King."


(There was a also a good bit when he first woke up in the basement of the completely destroyed house and looks around: "Man, that must've been one heck of a party, 'cause I don't remember anything!)

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Re: Dave's Louisville Heroes Campaign


In the aftermath of the giant bug attack' date=' Anderson remembered that there was a frozen guy in his basement, who had been given to him by Elvis decades before, to keep safe.[/quote']

This may be the greatest single sentence in the history of the universe.

And it pretty much sums up my whole GMing style.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Dave's Louisville Heroes Campaign


Episode 6: Starring Technomancer, Adam Celine, Nick of Time, Cosmic Ray, Vinh Pham


The heroes arrived in New Mexico, and rented a Hummer to take to Area 51. They spent some time investigating the small town, splitting up to cover more ground.

•Cosmic Ray went to a place called Conspiracy, met a man named Frank who was held captive at Area 51 for years, where they installed a metal plate named Elvis on his arm, that sometimes beeps at him to answer simple questions

•Technomancer scanned the town for signs of octohexaglop, but could only catch fleeting glimpses

•Adam Celine interviewed the local "Area 51 crash survivors" who had posted business hours

•Nick wandered the town, checking for security; he was tailed by some members of the town's visitors' bureau, who had found that many of the town's visitors feel more welcomed when they're surreptitiously followed


Gathering their clues, the heroes learned that the real crash site was not actually at the restricted site where the military base sprung up, but some miles west in the desert. Driving into the desert (with Frank), they arrived in the middle of nowhere. But it tests positive for octohexaglop. So they start digging.


After several feet (and some telekinetic scooping), they find a metal hatch. With some words engraved on it. "Hello, Nick. Hello, Adam. At the beep, it will be 11:17." Frank's arm beeped. Yes, it was 11:17. Vinh Pham, a trained archaeologist, determined that the egraving had been carved decades ago.


Opening the hatch, they found themselves at a junction of hallways. Adam mentally asked the ambient machine mind where to go. A hatchway opened.


Entering the hatchway, they found themselves in a huge room, filled with hundreds of giant vats of octahexaglop. Passing through another hatch at the other end, they went through a long glass-walled hallway with hundreds of unconscious naked Elvises floating in a green liquid.


The lights went out, Nick detected that space and time had changed. When the lights came back on a few moments later, the heroes found themselves facing a dozen giant Elvises, who did not appear happy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Dave's Louisville Heroes Campaign


Episode 7: Starring Technomancer, Adam Celine, Cosmic Ray, Mercyshot


Nick of Time teleported half the heroes to the far end of the giant "combat arena" to divide the Elvis alien forces (i.e. the PCs who weren't here split off), leaving six giant Elvises for Adam, Technomancer, Ray, and Mercyshot.


The heroes put up quite a fight. Some highlights:

- Mercyshot "kneecapping" a giant Elvis, then running up his prone body to land on another Elvis's shoulder and shoot him point-blank twice in the ear "Dodge this"

- Technomancer grabbing a giant Elvis by the ankles, swinging him around, and launching him at another Elvis

- Cosmic Ray calling a shot straight up from directly beneath a giant Elvis, then avoiding the return angry foot stomp by erecting a force barrier above his head like a giant ubmrella

- Adam controlling the configurable machinery in the room to take on the form of a prototype military-grade energy weapon "a giant freaking laser cannon"

- Mercyshot using the "Sucker Attack" rule to get one Elvis to punch another


And, of course, the highlight of the game:

Mercyshot had been pummelled into a bloody coma by some Elvises, and was waiting for his regeneration to heal his body although it would be a long time before he regained consciousness. A few episodes ago, Cosmic Ray and Mercyshot were sparring with their anime martial teammate Tenshin. Tenshin killed both of them! Ray revealed that he had aborted to Feign Death as a joke on Tenshin, but he had been present to see the dead Mercyshot's body reform itself and the reborn Mercyshot go on as if nothing had happened. So during the Elvis fight, Ray had the evil idea of killing his bleeding-to-death teammate in order to heal him. So Ray bequethed the GMO'ed negative bodied Mercyshot a mercykill by telekinesing him into the batch of the giant freaking laser cannon. And sure enough, it worked. In thirty seconds or so, Mercyshot reached positive body and was reborn with 0 stun.


After the giant Elvis fight, all the "octahexaglop tank" Elvises awoke and came out of their tanks. The frustrated Cosmic Ray asked, "Don't any of you speak English?" (They had been speaking some sort of alien click-pop language.) One of the Elvises twitched a bit and said, "We do now, boy." Adam recognized the effect as "skilljacking" just like he could do.


The human-sized glop-dripping Elvises marched the humans down a hallway, and ordered them to get into some "glop tanks" of their own -- their new homes.

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