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Create a Hero Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!

Boom, chakka, chakka, chakka, boom, chakka, chakka, chakka

Micron Man ! Micron Man ! Goes wherever a Micron can !

Can he really shrink your head ?

And what's more also your bed

Hey there ! There goes the Micron Man !

A self publicist and narcissist Micron Man is the most well known and obnoxious individual of the team. Surprisingly he wil reign it in when it comes to teamwork but he is a pain to everyone but a publicist. He is really a jack of all trades with detective work and science skills but his real forte is security systems and computers. This means he is useful to the team (translation INVALUABLE) and can be relied on (translation THEY FOLLOW ME AS I AM A NATURAL LEADER)

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


A psychic warning has gone out to some unknown danger. Heroes are on watch around the world. Unity and Unit are mobilized to respond anywhere in the world.


The problem is an invasion sponsored by DEMON. Only one team is position to hold the ground until help arrives at their position the South Pacific.


This six member team are EXPENDABLES


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


What happens when a summoned infernal being from hell (courtesy of DEMON) named Bloodwing gets into a fight with Mechanon's new state of the art warrior drone the XO-207?


Ok, in this case mutual annihilation.


But, what happens when that crazy Dr. Nymax character tries to put the pieces together?


Well, you get Demorg.


Well, if you want to know how this fusion of magic and technology works, dont ask me, ask the doctor. But, the 2 entities have seemed to have taken on some wacky symbiotic relationship. The left side is mainly that of the demon, the right the robot.


However, it didnt take to listening to the doctor and went off on its own. It really doesnt seem to take orders from anyone except maybe each other.


While it seems the creature as it were, has most of the orignal abilities of the seperate entities (albeit on their respective sides). They have one unusual ability developed from their current relationship. A complete inability to be stunned in any way.


Apparently, one can take over completely at will when needed. Hit the XO-207 with a restraining bolt, and Bloodwing takes over the right half's abilities. Hit Bloodwing with a dose of holy binding, the robot takes over the left side. (Note: I suppose you can hit both sides at the same time)


They voluntarily joined so Bloodwing can settle his score with DEMON.


Possible quote (in a combo metallic/demonic voice: We are.....Demorg!"

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Sea Change is a renegade Atlantean noble turned pirate and joined up to earn his way back into Atlantean aristocracy. As a pirate he went by the name Scuttle


I think that is the number. New team?


The Caribou Lodge

8 members, based off of Santa's 8 reindeer. (9 if someone just has to do Rudolph)

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Mike Jones was minding his own business when colleagues decided to play a trick on him and dosed his coffee with laxative. He rushed to the loo but has since found that either the laxative or the adrenaline rush that got him to the toilet activated his superpowers. He is now Dasher. He can run very fast and is all but impossible to hit. However he cannot hit anyone and fiolds like a nine pin if hit himself.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Syvia Guillerm was an average student and mediocre ballroom amateur until the day she was bitten by a radioactive ballet teacher. How the latter got that way is classified. So there. I don't care what they say on the internet. It just did not happen. Alright ? She acquired the ability to move like Fonteyn, Nureyev and Nijinsky.

Dazzling the foes of culture with her quick footwork and her profound en pointe, she became Dancer

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


I didn't quite got an idea, but thought it might help to list the names as taken from Wikipedia:

Dasher - Mike Jones aka Dasher (death tribble)

Dancer - Syvia Guillerm aka Dancer (death tribble)





Dunder/Donder/Donner - Richard Donner aka Thunder (csyphrett)

Blixem/Bliksem/Blitzen - Ralph Blitzen aka Lightning (csyphrett)


Rudolph is not officiall part of the original group.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Alison Reynard had her family lineage awoken in high school when some cheerleader bullies thought they could push her around. Of course, said lineage involved a heritage of lycanthropy, specifically werefoxes. The youngest member of the Caribou Lodge, the others are trying to keep her on the straight and narrow, but well, Vixen always did have a taste for venison...

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Alison Reynard had her family lineage awoken in high school when some cheerleader bullies thought they could push her around. Of course' date=' said lineage involved a heritage of lycanthropy, specifically werefoxes. The youngest member of the Caribou Lodge, the others are trying to keep her on the straight and narrow, but well, [b']Vixen[/b] always did have a taste for venison...

I was just about to write down a Vixen myself, but I guess I was too late...

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Jessica Riggs knew a lot about Santa and his Reeindeer and when she found a hurt reindeer in the forrest, she though it was one of Santas and tried to rescue it. Unforunately it was actually a "Trandotroph" (reindeer version of Lycantroph) and once she freed him, he bit her -bestowing her with the power to become a reeindeer - before escaping.


She later found out he was a villain that got stuck while escaping the heroes. She vowed to take him down and they had several clashes so far - ususally antler vs. antler. In the meantime she joined the Caribou Lodge as Prancer.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Alicia Smart was an unpopular high school girl until the day a magic-using fortune teller gave her some "special" perfume. It awakened a latent power of pheremonal manipulation. Alicia suddenly had the power to manipulate human emotions on a grand scale. What the fortune teller didn't expect was her strong sense of ethics: rather than turn all her fellow students into love slaves she set to work helping them sort out all their problems and channeling her energy into productive ways. Soon becoming a superhero became inevitable as her power developed to the point she could pacify murderous mobs and induce fear in bank robbers and other criminals. In keeping with her intital experiences with her power, she became Cupid -- a love goddess you don't want to mess with....

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Thomas Braden's family line in New England can be traced to colonial times -- fighting for freedom and American independence. Thomas' ancestors were men (and women in a few cases) of foresight and uncanny strategy and tactics when it came to battle. They inspired their troops and were natural leaders, blessed with enhanced agility and strength (In game terms, Braden's ancestors and Braden himself have phenomenal AID powers). Now, as the captain of the NLS, Thomas Braden is...The Revolutionary!

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