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Create a Hero Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The GGPP's EDeisela is piloted by Lt SueLou. She is from a planet with high winds and the natives learn to sail the air as soon as they learn to grab the cables of their chute pods.


SueLou's innate ability to channel wind stream effects extends to solar winds allowing her to boost the EDeisela's speed below and above lightspeed.


Her life long training as an air sailor makes her the perfect helmsman.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The EDesiela's chief engineer is Mor Tox Ki. He is a set of particles floating in the air. His ability to transform one material into another, and to monitor the ED with his mind, and mastery of quantum mechanics makes him perfect to keep the ship running under less than optimum conditions.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The Planet Patrol has been formed to police sectors of the universe. Since Earth has become a hotbed for galactic and interdimensional action, a station was set up nearby for one ship to patrol the area.


This ship needs ten aliens to fill up the crew stations. Each should come from a different planet with different powers. Detailing the planet is optional.


So far we have Navigator and Engineer.

But what other 8 postions are there to fill? Not even Star Trek had 10 Crew postions.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


So far we have Navigator and Engineer.

But what other 8 postions are there to fill? Not even Star Trek had 10 Crew postions.


The original Star trek had six positions on the bridge, Chris. that's not counting grunts and stuff.


I have to go out for a while when I get home, I'll fill out the rest but before I go...


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Sometimes the GGPP has to board other vessels. They turn to marines for this. The detachment aboard the ED is commanded by Lt Commander Shlub. Shlub leads from the front because his ability allows him to create hundreds of firing points for energy beams.


They don't call him the Holer for nothing.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Let's just throw a few more positions out there for people to fill. We already have navigator, engineer, and marine commander.


How about: Captain, Communications, Tactical/Weapons, Science, Transporter officer, Medical, First Contact specialist, general-purpose Grunt. And I'll throw in one, too.


Lt. Han Slytov is what most people would call a "charming rogue." His race is known for their great ability in trading, so it came as no surprise when Slytov was assigned to the EDesiela as Supply Officer. (Hey, the ship can only hold so much, so they often have to resupply on various worlds they visit.) He claims to have no special ability, but he somehow manages to talk most anybody out of what the ship needs.



Slytov does have a very subtle telepathic ability, which even most psions seem to miss, and given time he can perform a few empathic tweaks to get what he wants. He also runs the ship's "black market," supplying crew members' needs beyond what the GGPP feels are necessary or appropriate. And you really, REALLY don't want to play poker with him. Even when he decides not to use his telepathy to give himself an edge, he's likely to stack the deck -- sometimes to make someone else win, just to mess with peoples' minds.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




The chief medical officer might be a sack of water. But for the ships A.I. all beings are just "Watersacks"* (unless some other chemical makes the majority of your body or your aren't properly described as "bag", then it finds some other fitting descriptor).

Many ask themself how was it selected for the EDesiela and especially: Why aren't they getting rid of him?


It's story begins almost 1,000 Years ago with the Dr'lunga and their warfare against all other living beings. They hated normal A.I. and instead insisted on digitizing or implating their peopels brains into their ships.

Their war went "well" for some time, but ultematively they were defeated and reduced to a mino race filled with hate on every other life form. During one of their retreating battles, the "Exterminator" (Krigals ship) was heavily damage. While Krigal would have been able to restore all system to operating condition, the drives would need parts. So the crew used to shuttles and promised "to come back within a year".

About 990 Years later the GGPP found and claimed the Exterminator and finally his people decided to show up (the chance to get a pre-war battleship was just too good). That was the time Krigal realised he now hated his own people even more than the other species, so he gave them highly foused energy instead of access. Command of the Exterminator was given to then young Stering and they had some adventures togehter. In the end the Exterminator was destroyed, but Stering saved the "Black Box" (a small Black Cube containing Krigal's Brain and some interface software) and he incorporated him into his new ship and crew.


He holds no specific postion and has normally only limited access to systems, but can take any postion on board** and could even run the ship with only a single engineer if the need arises.

He has repeatedly show that he is insanely difficulty to hack or subvert and can get out of most manipulations fast.



The turth is, that he is no longer evil. While he is still one of the people most likely to kill if need arises, he just got to soft over the millennium of solitude and his adventures with Stering. Those who know him since the "early days" know it, other "long term" crewmembers suspect it. But he would never say that. Or allow anybody to say it.



*He never considered the "traditional" term Meatbag. After all, Meat has uses (bioreactors) and a practical Density. Water hasn't and is also the most abundant material in the Universe.

**He realy likes to scare people with threaths about replacing them - or the fun should he ever have to replace the doctor.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




Morph is the former First Contact specialist but after a few wayward encounters with humans it was decided to make him the all purpose grunt. He/she does not see why I mean after all they modelled themselves after what other people thought an alien race was. (Can you see what's coming ?) They made a careful study of the earthlings and saw plenty of examples of alien races like large black insects made of silicon with acid for blood or a race of hunters with advanced weaponry and invisibility screens or a race of mechanical cyclops with energy weaponry. And that's what he/she made people see. The Captain soon came to the realisation that Morph cannot tell the difference between horror and happy and so they are now the general purpose grunt which means they can assume any form they want. Except the ones in John Carpenter's version of The Thing. This is banned outright.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


here's number nine. I'll let someone else take the last slot and call the next team.


Lt. Commander Oak is the ED's head of research and physical sciences department. If you have a question about space time wedges, inverted tachyon fields, or how to catch a particle, he's the pointy eared alien to ask.


His mastery of math is so great that he can calculate the correct angle to open doors in space.



That's because he's an elf and his command of science is supplemented by command of magic



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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Tk'oolrin is the ship's communications officer he/she/it (depending on the point in its reproductive cycle it's in this week) is a living Universal Translator, able to grow the organs necessary to understand and "speak" any sentient being's language. Tk'oolrin is also pretty good on the cultural side, but has a tendency towards mood swings whenever the "cycle" is about to change.


New group:


The Winter Wardens: Four heroes who only operate in cold weather, switching hemispheres on the equinox dates. Naturally, they have winter-related powers or themes.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




Sometimes your team is just right. The woman only known as Snowflower is such a chase. It isn't her personality that makes other teamups impossible, it's not that her powers are dangerous and it's not even that she literally can't stand heat (her "warm" begins at 10° Fahrenheit). It's just that she is wearing her birthday suite 24/7. Or at least what goes for it when your body is made of "Living Ice" (she was born in a "meat and bone" suite).

And it's not even her choice. It's just that her powers cause any clothing to freeze, get brittle and finally fall off. She shortly considered joing the "Buff Warriors", but unlike them she really does not like the attention. That is why she choose to join the Winter Wardens as they do not run into that many people (with cameras). If she needs to go where a lot of people are, Stormalong has a really weak fog abillity. Not enough to be of use normally, but just enough (when combined with her natural texture) that people need to get relatively close to get the "details".

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


"So, have you ever heard of a were-yeti. Well, I knew this Inuit who was one. They call him Wampa... yes, I know the guy who named him must have been a star Wars geek.....and no i dont know how an Inuit become a were version of a legendary creature who supposedly lives thousands of miles away. He just does, damn it"



So, new team?


The Nomadic Nine


9 superheroes, who for whatever reason never could find a true niche in super society. They teamed up and travel around being heroes wherever needed.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


When Charles Newmann's powers manifested, he was thrilled to be able to lift a car and fly. Unfortunately, a few days later his strength began to wane, as did his flight speed. However, he then found he could turn intangible as smoke and generate sleeping gas clouds. Like the strength and flying ability, that also faded after a few days, to be replaced with the ability to read and influence minds. Luckily for Charles, he seems to intuitively know what his new powers are, so there's not a lot of experimentation needed.


He tried to join the local superhero team, but was rejected because of the variability (and occasionally, unreliability) of his powers. So he joined the Nomadic Nine, eschewing the whole "secret identity" thing and going by his last name, Newmann.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Some Powers are so great, they endanger the bystanders. Some are so violent, they should only be used in nature for they would wreck a cities infrastructure. But even those pale against what 4th Dimension sheer existence does. He is a energy manipulator and the two powers he controlls are time and gravity (and thus space). He has some speedster potential when manipulating his personal time, can fire bolts of destructive temporal distortion and gravity or can become hard to injure, negating most attack power. However, not all of this at once.

And the problem is: His mere presence is "stressing" the space-time continuum. The more he uses his powers, the worser it get's. But even just being at one place could eventually produce open "time rifts". They seem to heal in his absence, but it is still better to only stay short times in any place (or he might not go back when needed).

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The Littlest Hero


The Fae are often looking for entertainment and so often victimise humanity. Robin Badfellow saw a particular TV programme and used this as the basis for his curse. A dwarf forced to wander the world doing good deeds and helping people but never able to settle down into a routine or have a life. The dwarf has a variety of powers but never knows exactly what it will be with the exception of growth. And if he evr gets a chance to get back at Robin Badfellow.....

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The Flying Dutchman


Sometimes even a hero or hero team can be laid low by an ally. Thus is the case with the Flying Dutchman and is a salient lesson in messing with the Sibyl. His team mates often used her as a way of telling the future and helping others and she asked for a favour in return to be granted without question when she asked. The team were trying to track down a paranormal with an unusual ability to kill using the body against itself when the Sibyl appeared and demanded her price. Drop the investigation now and forever. Well the team balked at the demand and so the Sibyl turned her powers against them as she knew she would have to do. 'No more will be be united, begone on your seperate ways.' and then she cursed them in turn

'You can never set foot in the United States again.' 'You can never leave the water for more than an hour.' 'You can never leave New York'. 'You can never use your powers again'. and lastly 'You can never set foot on the ground again'

Pieter Valk from Holland thus became the Flying Dutchman, always hovering, but never able to put his feet on the ground again. Or for that matter any part of his anatomy. Trying to twist the Sibyl's words does not work with her curses. Pieter has tried to find out why and who the Sibyl is protecting. But the Urban Spaceman is in Los Angeles and knows how to keep a low profile.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The destroyer doesn't want to destroy. He doesnt want to maim. He doesn't want to fold, spindle, or mutilate anyone.


But Arnie Pike has a bad temper and a fragment of Grond floating in his Dna, and sometimes dropping a monster that only gets stronger the angrier he gets is the only way to get things done.



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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The demon known as Hell on Wheels can always be seen riding a motorcycle. (dont compare him to that Ghost Rider comic unless you like extreme pain). Summoned to the dimension of the living, he is forced to help those in need for 99 years in order to become free. How he joined this group is a mystery.


Note: His cycle seems some sort of "modified" Indian (likely modified by infernal means), so it is likely he has already contributed many of the required years.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The Raz is a guy who likes to have fun. He joined the group after an unfortunate incident with Takofanes. Apparently the undead master of mayhem does not like whoopie cushions.


The Raz likes to use his ability to dodge to get in and drive villains crazy. He complements this with joke weapons like pies and joy buzzers. He also likes to talk a lot.


The nine keep him around to calm the Destroyer down after they have unleashed him. His talking confuses the giant into submission.


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