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Create a Hero Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Jeff Katzenbach underwent a forcible merging with a test subject cat. He was horrified at becoming an anthromorphic cat. Struggling to find his place in a world dangerous loonies, commanding a horde of cats across the city, Jeff has become known as Cats to his horror.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Okay I monopolized the team. Sorry about that. Let's try another one for adapting characters from other media.


Jack Kirby was one of the most prolific writer/artists of comics ever. He worked in every genre. Take a Kirby character and turn him into a hero for a team. We'll call the team the 4th World. Let's see if we can get seven members. I'll even lead off.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Okay I monopolized the team. Sorry about that. Let's try another one for adapting characters from other media.


Jack Kirby was one of the most prolific writer/artists of comics ever. He worked in every genre. Take a Kirby character and turn him into a hero for a team. We'll call the team the 4th World. Let's see if we can get seven members. I'll even lead off.


I had no idea what to write. And frankly I don't know who Jack Kirby is and if I ever watched or something directed or written by him.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


I had no idea what to write. And frankly I don't know who Jack Kirby is and if I ever watched or something directed or written by him.


Thank you. I have now officially been promoted from the spot "That guy on the Hero boards who knows the least about comic books."


So you know:


Jack Kirby is one of the biggest names in comic book art history. Even I know who he is, which should tell you something. It would be hard to find an artist who was more influential in creating the classic look of American comics of what they call the "golden age" and "silver age." If I'm not mistaken, he was the original artist for Captain America, Fantastic Four and X-Men, among others. In the course of a long career he worked for Marvel, he worked for DC, he worked independently and for others, and he single handedly created many classic poses, visual motifs, and conventions such as "Kirby dots" that are used in comics to indicate fields of energy.


He was also a writer and editor and as I understand it some characters, such as Darkseid, were not just his creations visually but in conception and dialogue as well.


All of the above subject to correction by anyone who comes along who does know what they're talking about.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says that without Kirby, no one would have ever heard of Stan Lee

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Thank you. I have now officially been promoted from the spot "That guy on the Hero boards who knows the least about comic books."


So you know:


Jack Kirby is one of the biggest names in comic book art history. Even I know who he is, which should tell you something.

Yes, it tells me that I do not know of him, until I asked.

Like most of you will not know who Konrad Zuse was.

Or Edwin Aldrin*

Or Michael Collins*

Or who the these years Nobel Prize Carriers in Physic are.


*These two are directly linked.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Or Edwin Aldrin*


Most Americans would know him as "Buzz" Aldrin.


Or Michael Collins*


*These two are directly linked.


Not as well known as he deserves to be. Without the context of linking him to Aldrin I might have been stumped.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary ruminates

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


List of characters that Jack Kirby worked on, partially created, wholly created.


Captain America and Bucky

The Boy Commandos

Boy's Ranch

Newsboy Legion with the Guardian (Dan Turpin from Superman supporting cast was in this group when he was a kid)

The Fly

Lancelot Strong, The Shield

Fighting American

Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers

Sandman (worked on the original, created the seventies version)

Early Fantastic Four and their rogues

Early Thor, his rogues, and Asgardians

Early Hulk.

Early X-Men, and some of their Rogues

All of the new gods

Kamandi and his after the bomb world


The Eternals

The Inhumans

The Challengers of the Unknown

Silver Star

Project Cadmus, who had the Newsboy Legion and a clone of the Guardian working there.

He worked on Jimmy Olsen's Solo title in the 70's

The Demon and Klarion

The Avengers

Support characters for the Avengers like the Black Panther and Klaw

Machine Man


The Two Gun Kid

The Rawhide Kid


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Darkside knows what evil dwells in the shadows, the temptations it offers mortals -- and the twisted price it's eager to take. He was once mortal too, his original name long forgotten. Once he reveled in in evil, feeding on misery like a hog at the trough. Then, for one brief, shining moment he found love -- true love, not the mindless devotion of slave. But evil takes what it wants, even from its most loyal practioners. Now Darkside fights what he once encouraged to flourish and hopes one day he will find love again and with it redemption...

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Thank you. I have now officially been promoted from the spot "That guy on the Hero boards who knows the least about comic books."


So you know:


Jack Kirby is one of the biggest names in comic book art history. Even I know who he is, which should tell you something. It would be hard to find an artist who was more influential in creating the classic look of American comics of what they call the "golden age" and "silver age." If I'm not mistaken, he was the original artist for Captain America, Fantastic Four and X-Men, among others. In the course of a long career he worked for Marvel, he worked for DC, he worked independently and for others, and he single handedly created many classic poses, visual motifs, and conventions such as "Kirby dots" that are used in comics to indicate fields of energy.


He was also a writer and editor and as I understand it some characters, such as Darkseid, were not just his creations visually but in conception and dialogue as well.


All of the above subject to correction by anyone who comes along who does know what they're talking about.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says that without Kirby, no one would have ever heard of Stan Lee


So I'm just #3 now?

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The White Zero is secretly Vinnie Lodge, a sanitation engineer for the Campaign City Waste Disposal Department. Exposure to an alien artifact (a black rectangle) that someone had carelessly tossed in the trash gave him near super-human reflexes and endurance as well as an ability to connect to the Cosmic All and gain useful knowledge...sometimes. Unfortunately, it didn't give him a good sense of costume design, and the press dubbed him White Zero after the pale circle on his chest.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


We ought to have a poll.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says it doesn't have a pole, will a closet rod do?


Heh, well I know things here and there about comics. But, I do know very little about the writers admittedly. Unless they are very good or very bad, I might not recognize their name. Though Kirby and Lee would probably be the first 2 to remember (and of course on the bad side Liefeld and Millar)

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The position of the GDR on the "first front against capitalism" during the cold war produced (among other things) a supersoldier programm. Officially the Sanction Villianess know as Elfride was the only successfull result of this programm.

What was hidden even from Elfriede, was that tehre was an earlier sucessfull experiment with a young girl. Allied Spies managed to extract her before her powers fully manifested. To keep her save, she was raised and later trained for superheroic work in Turkey. She was not allowed to show herself to the public, because they feared an assasination atempt by the Stasi/KGB. That changed with the end of the UDSSR and later the GDR.

She donned her West Germany inspiered Flag-suite with and her shield. But when asked for her name after her first act of heroism she fluked, and said her turkish nickname: Leydi Almanya (Lady Germany). Since the press caught on to that name before she could intervene, she went for the simple Almanya instead of her original idea.


She is a peak human capacity, but she does not have this unwomanly over-sized muscles her "sister in origin" has. Naturally they don't get well with one another (wich si a blatant understatement).



If you didn't caught it, she is a interpretion of Captain America. Wich is ironicall, since Elfriede is a spoof of Captain America.


I seriously need to make more east german superheroes/villians and think of a few more origins.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


here's number five of our group.


In the advent of invaders from across the universe happening on Earth, a space ranger was assigned to keep watch on the sector. His duty is to protect the Earth from outside forces, but often also has to calm internal forces so they don't brew into interstellar threats.


He took on the name Victory because he never loses.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


What is better than having two guns? Having two selfes with two guns each. Or half a dozen. Blessed with a sharp eye, the ability duplicate five times and a faible to western is the 7th member of the team NOT the "Two Gun Kid". He instead go by the name "The Avenger(s)*", because he sees himself as a sort of sheriff for the world.

Of course his guns fire comic-code friendly energy blasts or trick bullets or only disarm the enemy.


*when at least one duplicate is around, he always uses the plural of the name and all his "selfs" speak the name in unsion. Even when half the duplicates try to be sneaky, he can only say his hero name that way.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


New Team: Second chance


Theme: Sometimes it fells like you have the perfect theme or power for the a team that is recruiting, but them time you finally get there someone else has already taken up that shtick or the team is full.

What goes into the Second Chance? Any character idea you had for any of the teams so far, but where not able to write down in time. Either because you got to late and the team was full, the token-mentalist/stetchy guy/mystic job was already filled or because it would not have worked out with another member. Please specify what team they were intended for (with link if possible) and why they didn't make it into the team.


Members: 6 minimum, 12 maximum. Not inlcuding the "founder" I will show in my next post (he is not nessesarily the leader and you can of course take somebody that goe agaisnt his shtick).

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


"I am mighty mentalist, created by gloroius Mother Russia. When I heard of "Dogs of war", I tried to join but they did not took me, njet. Told me already enough wolfes in their pack, da. I know they right and I know others with similar problems, that's why I founded second chance. Now I, Pavlow, welcome you in our glorious team. As long as you do not ever bite in my squeaky-toy you are allowed to sniff everywhere, DA!"


Pavlov is a dog, german shephard to be specific. And he is also a mentalist. Luckly, he knows telepathy since he no enhanched ability to articulate ("beyond bark once for yes, two for no"). For some reason every time he mind controlls someone, a the ringing of bell is heard...

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Dot is an energy projector so endowed with phenomenal cosmic power that she is perpetually surrounded by a field of force. She is also capable of interdimensional travel and was moving from what she calls Fifth World to what she calls Fourth World when she appeared in this place formerly unknown to her. She is teaming up with Second Chance until she can determine what caused her to go off course, and is afraid to attempt further travel until she understands how she came to be in this plane.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary spotted that one coming

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Joan Kirkwood Hallsey is better known as Indiana Joan. She might have joined the University Challengers except that they already had representatives from her fields of expertise, archeology and anthropology. When not uncovering one of a kind relics of mysterious power or artifacts of impossibly advanced technology from ancient sites, she teaches archeology at Indiana University at Bloomington, and has for almost a hundred years. Apart from failure to age (which she attributes to "an active lifestyle and plenty of regrets-free sex, the wilder the better") and an ability to make a bullwhip do things that should not be possible, she has no known superhuman powers but most people think she could never survive her extraordinary adventures unless she possesses equally extraordinary abilities she has so far managed to conceal from the general public.


Lucius Alexander


I knew her before I met my first palindromedary.

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