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Philadelphia Freedom


Abigail Albright is the patriotic power armor wearing member of the hero team lead to the site of the battle by the pranks of Kilroy Killjoy, who was undoubtedly under the sway of The Sybll and The Sophia. She fought bravely, but ended up injured and then was involved with an ugly confrontation with Red Crescent and had to be calmed down by her teammates. This incident plus some comments that many viewed as ultra nationalist in nature led her to gaining the nickname Abigail Alt-right on social media and her image never recovered. She gave up her place on the team and disappeared from the public view just a few short months following the Battle of Philadelphia.

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The hero called Nightwatch is one that passes from person to person so that the mission to protect the innocent is ongoing. Nightwatch had been tailing several suspicious characters when he stumbled on some sort of attack aimed at Jackson Industries. The villains comprised several lesser known but formidable opponents who were trying to destroy the trucks and the loading bays at the plant. As they took up position and started their attack complete mayhem broke out. Meggido was also attacking the plant but not the transport and the villains, that Nightwatch had tailed, were taken by surprise by his appearance and those of his cohorts. Then a hero group dropped right out of the sky on top of them. Shortly thereafter the police turned up en masse. Not just a patrol car but several SWAT units and cops in power armour who waded straight into the action.

Nightwatch began trying to get people away from the loading bay area and to police safety while also trying to thwart the attack on the loading bay. While doing this he was shot by Hawkesmythe who hit him in the shoulder. Despite this Nightwatch continued to usher people around until someone finished him off. The power then left the dying body and entered someone else who was at the scene. This new Nightwatch does not know who killed their predecessor and nor do the police as the body was incinerated at the scene.

The new Nightwatch does know that someone else was attempting a kidnapping from sieving through the memories of the attack and is also working out who set up the original loading bay attack.

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The minor hero Cartune arrived in his music mobile to try to help out. He provided a distraction as his loud swing band standards drew the attention of every villian on the scene who all acted to blow his car and him up. That was enough to allow other heroes and police on the scene to drive a wedge in the fighting and start taking prisoners.


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One of Philadelphia Freedom's colleagues in the Scions of Liberty was Flechette who launches small projectiles at opponents. The security expert of the team, she usually kept her enemies at bay with multiple barrages of flechettes. This time was different. The pranks that brought the team to Jackson Industries had sent her over the edge so when she saw people being injured or lying dead she operated without restraint. While many of the other heroes and the police were attempting to lead people away from harm and danger, Flechette was shooting at the villains. Her colleagues and the police did not notice that she was not using suppressing fire or shooting to wound. Any of the villains who came within sight and range was fired on. She managed to drop several people but it was only after the battle that it became clear that she had killed some of the villains. It was assumed by those observing that it was 'just the way things happened' and that was what went into the report. She was singled out for the ongoing duel that she engaged in with Hawkesmythe that prevented him from killing any more people.

Since the battle Flechette has been troubled by what occurred. She is sure that the team was manipulated and that she was manipulated into the killings. She is also sure the police presence close by was no accident.

She is also getting counselling about the killing. Because when she recalls it, she feels immense satisfaction and she knows that that is not normal.


We have now exceeded the minimum so the next one who posts an entry can post a new team if they wish.

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Let's see if we can do the max.


The hero known as The Great Dan joined in the battle, trying to keep casualities down with his giant dog powers. It is believed that he was killed by his old enemy, Animal Controller, but no one knows where he fell, or what happened to his body afterwards since it was never recovered.


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If others do not want to be bound by this, post a hero and then a new team.

Meantime please note that the villain section is now open in the Create Villain thread. And so tie in with that where you can.

We have yet (at time of posting) to identify the person who was the target of the Sophia and the Sybll's attention so bear that in mind.


The Red Bolt


People ask what changed The Red Bolt from the happy go lucky guy into the more serious individual that he became and the answer is The Battle of Philadelphia. He was attempting to rendezvous with the Scions when Meggido and his gang launched their attack. Quickly he attempted to draw the fire of the villains or get them out of the way but it was no use. He tried to help the civilians but then he witnessed Hawkesmythe casually shooting people. What sent him over the edge was when he saw a nurse shot in the chest by Hawkesmythe as she was trying to save the life of another wounded civilian. The Red Bolt was prevented from attacking the gunman by Meggido who blinded him. The Bolt flew up and went around in circles until his eyes cleared. Then he increased height and dove down at speed knocking one of the villains to the ground. He regained speed and began trying to collide with the villains who were flying and causing the most carnage. What most people remember however is one of the villains flying straight at him in a game of chicken which The Bolt won battering the villain out of the sky.

The Red Bolt was unsure afterwards if he actually killed anyone and in the official reports he was credited with occupying the flying villains so that for part of the battle they could not accurately fire on the complex and the civilians.

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This was the robot member of the team and humanoid though not a cyborg. More like a robot with a soul. The US Government could not get it to work and has never revealed just where it came from. Dr Silvius Branovitch, one of the chief advisers to the Pentagon, got it to work and was instrumental in getting it assigned to a hero group. Previous work with the military had failed utterly but work with the Military Police had surprising positive results which was one of the factors behind its assignment. The robot has become more human in its outlook during its tenure despite the fact it does not have a face and you cannot tell what its emotions are.

Richtor-1 queried the logic behind what appeared to be Kilroy Killjoy pranks. The logic and the modus operandi failed to add up with the previous data on the villain. Then the battle broke out and the heroes dispersed to draw the villains away and save the lives of civilians. The robot was quite effective passing information on to the arriving police and identifying three separate groups of villains. That should have spelt its doom as the villains were also listening. Meggido and Hawkesmythe combined attacks and blasted the robot and down it went. The damage was severe and should have destroyed it. Somehow the robot clung on to existence and it became aware that there was something in the air. Something was affecting Flechette and something was affecting some of the villains and some of the other heroes and police who were there, it was able to observe all of this. It also felt Invisibelle's death. While Red Crescent was unable to aid the robot one of the police officers detected that it was still operational and Jackson Industries personnel were only to happy to help it.

Richtor-1 has worked with his colleagues and the police since in trying to work out just what happened. It has also accompanied Flechette to counselling to make sure she attended. It has not returned to action as it needs new legs and replacements have yet to work.

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Walter Washington created a masked identity for himself when he became a flying brick. Adopting a patriotic suit, he became known as the Burning Eagle for his aura of flames.  He joined the Scions of Liberty and took part in the massive battle, his tremendous strength and natural armor allowing him to put down villain after villain as he protected the civilians fleeing from the scene.


Walter had to use deadly force for the first time in his career, and after the battle he retired for the most part. Every once in a while, someone would report a burning trail of energy heading to a natural disaster. no could claim that was the Burning Eagle back on the job


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Officer Scott Daniels was another one of the policemen wearing Teasdale Armstrong Tactical Armour. He felt that it had a nice day wasted. The exercise that the police had tried out that day had been a damp squib. As he and the others were embarking in vehicles to return to base they saw and heard the explosions and raced over to Jackson Industries.

The police were lucky as no-one was able to meddle with their communications and they were able to co-ordinate efforts. Daniels flanked Sgt Williams as the armour wearers strode into the middle of the complex. It became apparent very quickly that one set of villains were trying to destroy the back of factory where the warehouse and loading bay was located and another set trying to kill people and damage everything. Daniels version of the armour had solid projectile launchers which meant not only bullets but impact rounds designed to knock people out or down. The armour wearers separated as they were all easily identifiable as police units. This had also been transmitted to the hero group The Scions of Liberty who surprisingly had been the first on the scene.

It was Scott who also discovered another wrinkle as he stumbled on a kidnapping in progress by a third set of villains. This caused the trio to make a break for it with their intended victim. Daniels engaged Hawkesmythe and The Giggler in shooting matches mainly to draw the villains away from the fleeing civilians.

Scott was one of those who helped try to restrain Philadelphia Freedom when The Red Crescent appeared. For reasons he has not been able to explain, before or since, he directed the latter to a victim saying 'I think you had better take a look at her, I think she's still alive'. This was a nurse with a chest wound who should have perished but lived thanks to The Red Crescent.

Since then Daniels has been the mainstay of the armour wearers and is known as TATA_1.


That makes 12

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Lt Phil Smith was not looking forward to writing up the exercise. It had not gelled and delays, comms failures and equipment failures made the whole thing a bust. How they were ever going to cope with fighting real supervillains (which had been the object of the exercise) he'd never know. Or so he thought. As the police were climbing aboard their trucks and buses, explosions erupted nearby and they all raced to the scene. It was a madhouse as supervillains were attacking Jackson Industries. Lt Smith marshalled the SWAT teams to engage the supervillains and force them out towards the perimeter of the complex rather than force them inside where they might take hostages. Taking a tactical view of the situation several squads were assigned to engage the villains who were on the ground whilst others were tasked with shooting at the fliers. Care was taken not to shoot at the Scions of Liberty hero group who were also present and The Red Bolt who turned up to help. When a large dog also joined the fray, Lt Smith guaged it was on the side of the angels and advised colleagues not to shoot at it.

The fighting was difficult as several of the villains could bounce bullets although shooting at their legs did force them away. Several of the villains also were of a homicidal bent and cared little for what happened to police or civilians resulting in several deaths.

After the shooting stopped Lt Smith was surprised that several of the villains had actually been killed but testimony at the inquest exonerated the police and the heroes for their actions in light of the circumstances.Lt Smith's write up of the incident inspired several lessons learned documents which influence how SWAT units across the States cope with villain attacks.


If anyone wants to do a specific SWAT member who had or acquired powers, go right ahead.


4 heroes and 4 villains dead so far. And an unknown number of of police and Jackson Industries staff.

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Paul Crockett was one of the people who used the name Constitution as their hero name. But he became an alcoholic and that led to him being booted from several teams. This was exploited by his enemies who had his identity publicised and prevented him from holding anything but menial jobs. An attempt to become a PI had provoked hysteria in the local media. Tim passed. And it looked like Paul would be someone who would be forgotten or vilified forever until The Battle of Philadelphia

Why he happened to be in the area he could never say. But as the fighting started he walked into harms way trying to help people escape. He was shot by Kill Coil, Dogfighter and The Giggler to little effect. Hawkesmythe changed ammunition and Paul moved to his side so that the bullet missed. He threw debris back to make the villain flee. The police also fired at him and the bullets bounced. Paul paused 'to tun to the cops and say 'I'm on your side' before continuing on.He witnessed the kidnap group get away but there was nothing he could do about it. Meggido threw a last blast at him before fleeing only to see him look unscathed. That was caught on camera.

Obviously Meggido has vowed revenge. But it has been some years and nothing has happened yet. Paul is wary though.

Paul's enemies were furious at his appearance and fatally miscalculated the public's mood. They tried to imply he was responsible for the attack and it led to them losing their positions, money and influence.

Paul now operates under the name of The Philadelphian


That makes 16

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Sergeant Judy Montgomery was a special operations officer with the Philadelphia police. She and her team were on watch at Jackson Industries because of a reported likely attack by supervillains that came from Police Intelligence (not that she knew this, but this was the tip-off from Rumbler). She and her team were equipped with anti-material rifles and other heavy ordinance, and might have been capable of blunting the efforts of the wrecking crew. Against Meggido's team they were severely outclassed.

Cosmik crushed one of her heavy weapons teams, and Giggler tore apart the missile support squad. Her second in command's head just vanished in a spray of arterial blood, and most of the rest were gunned down by Hawkesmythe. She suddenly found herself alone - against Meggido himself. 

Judy drew her handgun - Desert Eagle .50, with home-made hot loads. Meggido actually felt that - and was offended. His response was to grab Judy by the neck, and, quite delicately, pluck out both of her eyes.

Judy's next memory was being healed by Red Crescent. His healing touch stopped the bleeding and the agony, but regenerating lost parts is beyond his ability. 

Judy got a full disability pension, of course, but no one was surprised when she vanished a few months later. What WAS surprising was that early the next year, a new vigilante started stalking the villains of Philadelphia - a woman with tremendous tactical acumen, no mercy, looking just like the Sergeant - except for her sparkling blue eyes, and the lethal laser blasts she can project from them. She now goes by the name Judy Blue-Eyes.

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Whispering Wind


This member of the Scions comes from the Cheyenne people and is skilled at martial arts He served in the American Armed Forces and was based in Japan where he learned the ways of Karate. On his return to America he was kidnapped and experimented on by an unknown group. He managed to escape and after recovery joined the Scions.

The Battle of Philadelphia was one of those occasions where Whispering Wind could do very little indeed as the fliers kept everyone ducking for cover and the gunmen functioned likewise. He managed to help tend the wounded and keep several of the villains away from the civilians. When the dust settled he remained on the team with Flechette as they had to rebuild a new team.

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A member of the Scions former astronaut Taara Pashdar bonded with an alien entity while on a mission and gained empathic and energy manipulation powers. She used her energy blasts and shields to combat the villains and protect the civilians. She also attempted to project calm into everyone around her. However she found herself overwhelmed by all the chaos, insanity, bloodlust, fear and panic around her. It has been theorized that her empathic powers may have even caused more harm than good by boosting negative emotions in those involved in the battle. Regardless she was in this weakened state when Meggido was able to deal a deathblow. While Taara perished the alien force survived and left her body and may have moved to another or possibly been captured by interested parties.

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The mercenary desert of death Flan worked security for the building. When everything went down, he was the first to try to move things outside away from the building. This Cube of Custard used his powers to try to push the villains away from the building as much as possible, and to rally the normal security guards on duty to help save the day.


If you need an amazing amorphous arm of justice, you know who to hire.


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If you want any info on specific South American bird life see this



Scarlet Macaw


This member of the team is a brick with a flight suit. He can speak Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish and English. The  costume mimics the look and colour of the parrot. He does the heavy lifting for the group. He can also take a beating. 


As I recall Birds of Paradise comes from Astro City

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Andean Condor


Explorer and mountaineer Carlos Velez was inspired by the condors he witnessed while climbing the Andes. He worked with his inventor friend Nestor to create a functional wing suit with steel talon boots and gloves to aid with his climbing as well. Initially he merely planned to use the suit to explore and reach high peaks, but he ran afoul of smugglers and poachers in his travels and could not resist fighting them. Seeing that fate was pushing him towards heroics he modified the suit to look more like the bird it was inspired by and became a crimefighter. When the Birds of Paradise were being formed he was a natural choice for membership and happily accepted.

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On 3/19/2020 at 5:06 PM, death tribble said:


As I recall Birds of Paradise comes from Astro City

BOP is just the name for the family of birds that live in that part of the world so it's no surprise when Busiek needed heroes for that part of the world he would use flying carnival dancers and name them after the prevalent birds.


For my own part, I offer the Steamer Duck. This hero is capable of flying and speeding through water with the ability to blow hot steam on a target.


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Scarlet Tanager


This woman was first encountered operating in the North and West of the continent.  She came to the aid of several of the other Birds of Paradise before formally joining the group. She can use a song to distract opponents letting the others land blows. She serves as a reconnaissance expert for the team. She knows Spanish and English.

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