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So along with American Protector, Captain Zeo, Diablo, and Pscanner, we have...


The Foementor. Arising from one of the CIA's numerous experiments into psychic phenomena, The Foementor's powers are very subtle, but very wide-reaching. This makes him extremely useful from a plausible deniability standpoint, but his effects tend to be very wide ranging and nonspecific. Cultured and well-dressed, The Foementor will set himself up in the target city, coolly sipping expensive coffees in hotel cafes while allowing his power to work. Over the next few weeks, the populace will rise up in rebellion, explode into pointless street violence, fanatically support a puppet dictator's declaration of war, or passively submit to his abuses and purges, depending on the desired outcome. Once his assignment is complete, he will fold up his newspaper, accept a fat envelope full of cash, and move on to the next city. So gradual are his powers that they are nearly undetectable by any means, making it next to impossible for anyone to know he is working a particular city until it's too late.


While The Foementor continues to work for the CIA, he also insists on being paid quite handsomely for his services. Of greater concern is that he is starting to freelance more. So far his "side jobs" have not worked directly in opposition to the government's policies, his handlers are getting increasingly worried that that day is coming sooner rather than later.


(Someone else please jump in with the next team concept, please.)

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Ever since her college boyfriend's physics experiment exploded, Rose Connelly has been able to summon versions of herself from different points in her timeline to assist her in her studies and, eventually, with her crimefighting career. (She also gained the ability to project some of her trans-temporal energy, causing damaged items and people she touches to heal or break down, albeit temporarily). As the 1960s heroine Threesome, she could summon a middle-aged experienced superheroine and a wizened senior citizen retired heroine. By the time she changed her name to Tribond in the late 1980s, Rose was summoning a brash younger self and a wise older self. And now that she's the retiree, the versions she summons are her young and middle-aged selves. She's a lot more careful about summoning them now, since she fears something happening to one of her younger selves and the effects causing a temporal paradox. (She needn't worry, since she's actually tapping into alternate dimensions that happen to be incredibly similar to her own.) She calls herself Trifecta now and fancies herself the "grand dame" of the Golden Agers.

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Kid Comet- When Howard Franklin first gained his powers as a 12 year old from the odd alien artifact, he found he could turn into an adult bodied superhero in his late thirties. By saying "Comet time!" (Actually just one alien word that sounds like that) he gained the powers of super strength, flight, and nigh invulnerability plus the fabulous "Comet Corona" but only for an hour. He had a long hero career indeed. He didn't notice at first that with every decade that passed for his hero form got younger and younger. Now, when the 90 year old man changes into a superhuman, his alter ego appears to be 8 years old! It's embarrassing, but he's still a powerhouse.

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Kyra Dumfrey became known as the Unicorn Shield in her youth. It granted her the ability to age any attack out of existence while granting her more time. Now with the appearance of middle age coming on, and really in her nineties, her power still grants her borrowed time. It's just not as much as it used to be.


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No one knows exactly how old Master Zhong really is. He appears to be a slow-moving man of about eighty, but he has clearly been practicing kung fu and tai chi for many decades, and on occasion he seems to talk about events from past Chinese dynasties as though he were there. Despite his slow appearance, when someone attacks him they always seem to miss, and he has a habit of appearing and disappearing when you take your eyes off him, literally even if you just blink. And he knows a lot about acupressure. It's not exactly clear why he hangs out at Tranquility Acres, but he enjoys leading the other residents in tai chi every other morning.

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Dream Queen - Minerva Dickens seems to sleep all the time, and that's not unusual for a woman her age. Meanwhile, criminals in the area are having a hard time getting any sleep at all as their bedeviled in their dreams by images of a beautiful young woman who seems to know all their secrets. Depending on the severity of their crimes, she can send just warnings, or plunge them into nightmares that feel so real they wake up screaming and eager to go to jail. This woman calls herself the Dream Queen, and of course, she is Minerva's psychic self still going strong. But while the mind is strong, the flesh is failing. Minerva is wrestling with the idea of trying to take over another body and 'move there'. Maybe it would be okay if the person REALLY deserved it? But she also realizes that once she makes that excuse once...


(I think that's the five so)


The Nar Neo-Knights!

"Nar Cola! It's Super!" That has been the marketing cry of Nar Cola for over a decade now, and it has paid off well for them. Actors dressed up in superhero costumes soon gave way to actual superhumans giving endorsements for the soda brand (Perhaps to pay for upkeep on the base or a new super cycle). Nar Classic, Diet Nar, Nar Clear, and, of course, Nar EXXXXTREEEME! have all been big hits.But with the new "Super Nar" rolling forward, the marketeers have hit on a brand new plan. Nar Cola has announced its OWN full time super team, the "Nar Neo-Knights!" Fully insured, the Nar Neo-Knights have colorful names and costumes and yes, real superpowers. While marketing has created their images and fabricated an 'origin story' for each, their true backgrounds and reasons for doing this are unknown by most (And for you to concoct). Their duties are simple, they're to fight bad guys, save citizens, and promote Nar Cola! (Not necessarily in that order)


(4 members)

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The Fizz is gaseous and capable of going wherever gas can go. He is almost invisible and capable of flight. The only drawback to his ability is the hissing noise he makes.


Norman Fitzhugh used to be a normal man before he fell into a villain's fuel converter. His solidity was reduced to bubbles bonding together. He was rescued by Battlestar Galactica. He was at a loss before Narcola contacted him to be one of their supers.


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Hardstone is a brick and just stands there daring the villains to do their best. He will leap in front of bullets to save civilians and also also pull bystanders away from the path of errant vehicles. He appears in the stereotypical quasi Batman TV show outfit which means cape and cowl and just says 'Drink Nar Cola !' One of the reasons for this is that even before he got his powers Hardstone suffered from acute stage fright. He can't talk villains out of things so he just stares at them attempting to intimidate them which actually works. He is happiest in action where he thinks first and does not have to talk at all. Nar Cola did not change his name as he already had a presence

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"Mitt? Cherry Bomb on line 2."


Mitt Fielding sighed and picked up the phone. "Hey, CB! How's it going?" The talent agent doodled on a pad of paper as he listened for a bit. "Cher, we've gone over this a dozen times. You wanted to be a superheroine, but you wanted it to be a paying gig. Well, THIS is a paying gig. Nar-Cola..."


Mitt held the phone away from his ear. He was pretty sure Tanya could hear the shouting in the outer office. "Hey, Nar-Cola's marketing people came up with the costume, not me. And no, I have no idea what is so 'magical' about a cleavage window. Maybe it magically increases their market share a few percent every time you light off a fireball." He chuckled, but it was obvious no laughter was coming from the other end of the phone line. "Hey, at least we got them to ditch the short skirt. Seriously, what kind of genius gives a flying lady a short skirt to wear?" The voice on the other end of the phone was strident, and Mitt sighed. "Okay, fine, I'll have another talk with the PR guys at Nar-Cola."


He sat up and opened a file on his computer. "Say, Cher, while I've got you on the line, how are you with the origin story?" He nodded. "Yeah, I agree, getting your powers from falling into a vat of radioactive Nar-Cola is pretty far on the ridiculous side, but they were insistent that Nar-Cola be directly involved in you gaining your powers. Say, you never told me -- how did you get your powers?" He listened, nodding unconsciously. "Uh-huh. Yeah. Oh, geez, kidnapped by that psycho?! Hey, maybe we can work that into the Nar-Cola origin! So, how did you get out..." He wrote "DR. NYMAX" in block letters on the paper, then drew flames atop each letter. "Yeah. Heh, that was pretty clever."


Mitt sat back, twirling his pen between his fingers. "So, cleavage issues aside, the new costume's okay? Holds up to your fire shield like it's supposed to? We don't want another costume malfunction like at the mall opening." He doodled some more, nodding and saying "Yeah" and "Uh-huh" every now and then. "Good, great. YES, I will talk to the PR guys. Hey, how about we get them to move their logo from your back to your front, replace the cleavage window entirely? Add a fuse to the 'C' and make it look like a stylized cherry bomb. Okay, sounds like a plan. Well, Cherry, I've gotta run. Let's get together Thursday, I'll have a sketch of the revised Cherry Bomb / Nar-Cola logo. Ciao, babe!"

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"Mitt? Cherry Bomb on line 2."


Mitt Fielding sighed and picked up the phone. "Hey, CB! How's it going?" The talent agent doodled on a pad of paper as he listened for a bit. "Cher, we've gone over this a dozen times. You wanted to be a superheroine, but you wanted it to be a paying gig. Well, THIS is a paying gig. Nar-Cola..."


Mitt held the phone away from his ear. He was pretty sure Tanya could hear the shouting in the outer office. "Hey, Nar-Cola's marketing people came up with the costume, not me. And no, I have no idea what is so 'magical' about a cleavage window. Maybe it magically increases their market share a few percent every time you light off a fireball." He chuckled, but it was obvious no laughter was coming from the other end of the phone line. "Hey, at least we got them to ditch the short skirt. Seriously, what kind of genius gives a flying lady a short skirt to wear?" The voice on the other end of the phone was strident, and Mitt sighed. "Okay, fine, I'll have another talk with the PR guys at Nar-Cola."


He sat up and opened a file on his computer. "Say, Cher, while I've got you on the line, how are you with the origin story?" He nodded. "Yeah, I agree, getting your powers from falling into a vat of radioactive Nar-Cola is pretty far on the ridiculous side, but they were insistent that Nar-Cola be directly involved in you gaining your powers. Say, you never told me -- how did you get your powers?" He listened, nodding unconsciously. "Uh-huh. Yeah. Oh, geez, kidnapped by that psycho?! Hey, maybe we can work that into the Nar-Cola origin! So, how did you get out..." He wrote "DR. NYMAX" in block letters on the paper, then drew flames atop each letter. "Yeah. Heh, that was pretty clever."


Mitt sat back, twirling his pen between his fingers. "So, cleavage issues aside, the new costume's okay? Holds up to your fire shield like it's supposed to? We don't want another costume malfunction like at the mall opening." He doodled some more, nodding and saying "Yeah" and "Uh-huh" every now and then. "Good, great. YES, I will talk to the PR guys. Hey, how about we get them to move their logo from your back to your front, replace the cleavage window entirely? Add a fuse to the 'C' and make it look like a stylized cherry bomb. Okay, sounds like a plan. Well, Cherry, I've gotta run. Let's get together Thursday, I'll have a sketch of the revised Cherry Bomb / Nar-Cola logo. Ciao, babe!"

Mr Fielding will shortly get a visit from a fairy (think Tinker Bell on acid) who will visiut bad luck on him. He forgot the ! after Nymax. For some things there is no forgiveness.. But I liked the write up.
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Speedster The Rush was a natural fit for the Narcolas, given his energetic, high-speed power set. What the public (and even Narcola) don't know is that The Rush must constantly consume caffeine and high fructose corn syrup. Without them, not only will he lose his powers of super speed and limitless endurance--he'll also die.

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Okay, new superteam...


Team name: The Street Beat

Members: 5

Description: Not everyone who gets a superpower gets to lift cars, fly, or be bulletproof. Members of The Street Beat have powers that, while clearly outside the realm of possibility for mundanes, are not powerful enough to let them go toe-to-toe with full powered supervillains and superheroes either. Still, they make up for their lack of raw power with teamwork, tight relationships with the inner city community, and a positive attitude.

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(Even though the initial description doesn't specify it, to me the name Street Beat suggests the members have a musical theme. So that's what I'm going with.)


The street hero known as Wrapper (although often mis-named Rapper by the press) is a low-grade telekinetic who specializes in grabbing up whatever materials are at hand and using them to "wrap up" foes. Levon Jackson is currently in his third year of college, pursuing a degree in music (with a concentration in classical music -- he's quite the accomplished pianist), but he knows enough about rap music to convincingly fake a gangsta rapper persona in his hero ID.

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Methinks the team needs another woman.


Asha Ramirez is the spicy young Latina of Street Beat. As Salsa, she often dances around the battlefield, a racier counterpoint to the more demure Ballerina, enticing opponents to stop fighting and dance with her. The public story is that Salsa exudes pheromones as she dances, but the truth is, she is a low-powered but highly skilled mentalist. Considering the distrust most people have for mentalists, she goes to great lengths to keep her mental powers hidden. Since most of her powers have IPE (Invisible Power Effects), she mainly uses Veil and other mental skills to keep targets from realizing the truth of her powers.



Salsa appears to have long, wavy black hair, but this is a wig. Asha is actually bald due to chemotherapy -- she is battling leukemia, and her future isn't looking too promising. She would normally be too weak to carry out the energetic dancing for which Salsa is famous, but she found she is able to tap into the energy of people to whom she mentally connects, giving her short-term recharges of Endurance. She has not yet shared her predicament with her teammates, but it's probably just a matter of time before she has no choice in the matter.



- - - - - - - -


New team to follow as soon as I can.

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Well, it's about lunchtime where I am. The Nar Neo-Knights covered out drinking needs, but how about some munchies?


The irreverent teens known as Snak Attak! (yes, I know that's spelled wrong -- it's part of the team's "charm") are a group of starving college students who patrol their campus in pairs or trios to help keep it safe. Each one's name and/or powers must be related to a snack or fast food. Team members are not all necessarily super-powered, but then again, most of their foes are normal muggers and what-not, so being non-powered isn't usually a major problem (When facing off against super-powered foes, the non-powered Snak Attakers usually fall back, help bystanders to safety, and that sort of thing.)


You may post as many Snak Attakers as you wish. The team will be complete when the fourth contributor to the team says he/she is done. If a fifth (or sixth, etc.) contributor wants to join in before the "final bell" rings, hey, the more, the merrier -- that contributor becomes the one that calls a halt when he/she doesn't have anyone else to add.


The only other rule is: NO HEALTHY SNACKS! If I see a lettuce wrap, or a tofu burger, or some nice crunchy veggie chips, there will be BLOOD TONIGHT!

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I'll start off with Big Mac. Jimmy MacDonald is a physics student who was involved in a lab experiment gone awry. He now has the ability to grow to four times his normal height (with the associated increase in strength). Mac is not known for subtlety... or self-control, for that matter. He is very likely to charge any group of foes, making him also the likeliest Snak Attaker to fall unconscious in battle.



It's not at all well known that Big Mac can also shrink himself, down to about 6" tall. He will rarely do this, however, because it makes him feel uncomfortable and vulnerable. Some of his fellow Snak Attakers don't even know of his shrinking ability.


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Jenni Connor is Pop Tart. Dressed in a very naughty schoolgirl outfit, chewing and popping bubble gum, and playing pop tunes on her mini-boombox, she uses her karate and tai chi training to good effect. And woe to anybody that gets too grabby -- Pop Tart has been known to go postal on pervs, breaking quite a few hands along the way. Many people criticize her for projecting the wrong image for women, but she doesn't seem to care.


Beyond her martial arts skills (which are moderately advanced, but nothing exceptional), Pop Tart is a normal (non-powered) person.

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The Whopper got his nickname as the school's star slugger on the baseball field. His latent superstrength caused him to have to give up the sport (accusations of steroids resulted from his power activation) he carries his Louisville Slugger into battle "swinging for the fences" (only now the "baseball" are hapless villains)


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