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Create a Hero Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


You can. But it might not be fair to give you the choice of the next team then. But that's only my opinion' date=' no idea how it was handeled so far.[/quote']


No written rules as far as I know. But, we've been following an "etiquette" of a sort, and not doing 2 in a row.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


I think Jack has the choice since Opale posted in her own team.


ooops ! I did't know I shouldn't have posted.


You can. But it might not be fair to give you the choice of the next team then. But that's only my opinion' date=' no idea how it was handeled so far.[/quote']


No written rules as far as I know. But' date=' we've been following an "etiquette" of a sort, and not doing 2 in a row.[/quote']


Not strictly true. A number of people have had multiple goes at teams including me, Enforcer84 and csyphrett. Part of the problem can be finishing a team or not having an idea and letting it go on. So it depends. The rule is not hard and fast. To make things a little easier I am adding potential teams to the Hero/Villain link thread.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Alright, let's see how this goes....


You remember the Ettesil invasion last year? No? Or how about those three meteors that destroyed the earth in May? No, not that either? That's because they didn't happen. That's because of the Near-Earth Orbit, a team of five heroes who patrol space near our lovely little blue planet. Their original goal was to keep Dr. Destroyer from building any more orbital death cannon space stations, but most often they serve as the first line of defense against alien invaders and other threats from space. Sure, there's other space-based hero groups, but it seems like they're always galivanting off to save planets full of alien princesses, or attacking galactic threats in some other cluster. But, between the Moon and the Earth, there is always these five brave, patient souls who make sure extinction does not fall out of the skies.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The Fang


A sentient, self repairing battleship of unknown design. The team found him on the dark side of phobos during a Qular reconisance flight. It sacrificed it's interstellar engines to stop a small Gadroon fleet shortly after his detection and reactivation by N-EO.

It's incompatible with all other technology found so far, so it could not get a replacement. But it still has FTL drive that only works inside the solar system (it needs the specific magnetic a gravitic background of a star) making it ideal for intercepting whatever enters earths system.

It carries the team wherever it is needed and uses it's regeneration, shields and mighty energy weapons in battle. Considering all the factions that are highly interested in the technology/design it never get's to near to earth.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Michael Collins always had one dream: To set foot on the moon are any other solar object that is not earth. So he learned engineerign and built a suite that could theoretically bring him into orbit. During one of the later alien invasions he first noticed that his build in asteroid defenses effective made it a power armor. So he donned it and helped repelling the invasion (more or less) as Parsek but he didn't dare to leave the atmosphere back then.

He never gave up his dream and finally set foot on the moon and later other places. He had the original idea to found Near-Earth Orbit and was happy to find 4 companions. He is sometimes odd in his interest to visit a new solar place (and if it is just the 400th asteroid he "never set foot on before") and tends to gives his "A small step for humanity..." speech.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


I shamelessly recycle materiel.


If anyone wants to see a character sheet for Goliath (who first appeared as Captain Nebula, and I still think maybe I should go back to that name...) it's in this thread:




Lucius Alexander


Sometimes I recycle palindromedary taglines.


In fact it's so recycled I don't care if no one thinks it should count. But it fits so perfectly with this:


You remember the Ettesil invasion last year? No? Or how about those three meteors that destroyed the earth in May? No, not that either? That's because they didn't happen. That's because of the Near-Earth Orbit, a team of five heroes who patrol space near our lovely little blue planet. Their original goal was to keep Dr. Destroyer from building any more orbital death cannon space stations, but most often they serve as the first line of defense against alien invaders and other threats from space. Sure, there's other space-based hero groups, but it seems like they're always galivanting off to save planets full of alien princesses, or attacking galactic threats in some other cluster. But, between the Moon and the Earth, there is always these five brave, patient souls who make sure extinction does not fall out of the skies.


That I can't resist throwing it in.


It began as a dimness, a shadow obscuring certain stars, and only astronomers noticed. It seemed to vanish, only to be found occluding a slightly different patch of sky. The Occlusion, as they dubbed it, was moving. And growing. No, not growing - growing closer. Moving in a helix, spiralling down towards the heart of the Solar System. Tacking, they realized eventually, against the solar wind. It was not just astronomers who took notice now.

Probes were sent, from NASA, JSA, ESA. The images were awe inspiring, the data intriguing and baffling. When telemetry from the first probe abruptly stopped, the course of the great cloud of dust and gas changed - taking it straight towards the next two. A course it continued after it did whatever it did to the next two probes. Whatever it was, it was heading towards Earth. Not towards where the Earth had been when the probes were launched; but on a course to intercept. It was insubstantial as smoke, but it moved as if with intelligence and purpose. And indications were that it had destroyed the probes.

But then came broadcasts; snippets of everything from popular television to the coded transmissions that had been directed at the probes. As if it meant to communicate.

The experimental vehicle named Goliath (after Arthur C. Clarke's fictional space vehicle) was sent next, under the command of Captain Mercedes MacCleod. Goliath was manned - and armed. The mission was to try to persuade this intruder to the solar system to change it's threatening course or, if it were not intelligent or could not communicate or would not be persuaded, to attempt to destroy it with nuclear weapons.

No one was prepared for how fast it could move. When they began trying radio transmissions at two light minutes away, the entity changed course and speed yet again - and the astronauts and their ship were engulfed.

Stunned and helpless listeners at Mission Control heard one of the crew scream "The Captain! She's GONE!" Then nearly ten minutes of radio silence, punctuated by explosions. The spacecraft Goliath was no longer visible on instruments.



"I was fascinated by these objects. Even taking them apart molecule by molecule, I could not determine what they were. I looked for the source. That is when I first heard your people...perhaps I began to suspect that the probes had been made, and to some purpose. I thought Goliath was another probe. I had taken apart one of the most fascinating pieces when I realized, all at once - this thing, although made of solid matter, incredibly, it was alive, it was a thinking being. I can't explain what I did when I realized I was killing someone, but the only way I saw to save me in that instant of my disintegration was to become me. I...We...fused. And I realized somehow I had become this thing we came out to talk to or to stop, and I saw that I had already disassembled too much of Goliath and the crew were on their suit oxygen, we had to get to Earth. But that took energy, and I was heading towards a star to replenish - but there was plenty of energy right there! All I had to do was put myself between the solid people and those little stars-on-demand, and trigger them, and I could reach Earth before their oxygen ran out!"



"This is...Captain...uh..." Both staticky and hesitant, confused sounding, the voice was still recognizable, and cries of "She's ALIVE!" mingled with cheers, quickly silenced as all wanted to listen, intently. "The crew are in shock, may have radiation poisoning, we're coming back as fast as possible." In response to questions from Ground Control."The Goliath...the ship is destroyed. We're coming back without it."


Following the announcement that the astronauts were returning without their spacecraft, there was a moment of stunned silence. Then someone said "The lag is wrong. They are almost 7 light minutes out, but that last response took less than one minute. How!?"


"I come in peace for all mankind." Those words, so familiar to everyone present, riveted their attention. "I come in peace for all mankind." Later it would be realized that the broadcast had been on every radio frequency in use, and in several languages. "I come in peace for all mankind." Every channel used for visual images bore an image of the Earth, growing rapidly larger.


Mission Control - and much of Houston - was enveloped in a pearly, radiant mist. Fortunately, before too many accidents occurred on the streets of Houston, the unnatural fog withdrew, shrank.....in the infirmary the babbling crew appeared as the obscuring light vanished....and finally became a swirling tornado of light right right in the heart of Mission Control. And then finally resolved into the familiar form of Captain Mercedes MacLeod.


But this was not the same person they knew. And she would never be the same again.



I remember being Mercedes MacLeod. I remember growing up in New Mexico and spending time with my mother's family in Old Mexico...I remember, the first time I made the trip, wondering how the place I had always known could be “newer” than this strange place I was going to. I remember playing with the way stars look and sound.....if I was full of energy I could shift speed and direction just to distort the colors and....the radio waves sound so funny if I do that. I remember my father's gray eyes so light in his dark face. I remember when I told him I wanted to go to the stars – I'd been reading Heinlein, and Norton, and Asimov - he said “Maybe you will. Remember, folks gonna try to hold you down, just 'cause a my color, just 'cause your ma wasn't even born in this country, just 'cause you're a girl...but really, just 'cause they's jealous or ignorant.” I remember, he put his hands on my shoulders and looked so serious “Misty – don't ever believe 'em when they say 'you can't do that!'” I remember daring myself to go to planets, much bigger worlds than this...feeling the awful weight, the pull on every part of my body, not nearly as great as the draw of a star, but without that glorious counterthrust of energy pouring out in the other direction. The stories I loved were First Contact stories....where aliens meet for the first time. I joined the Air Force and learned to fly, I joined the Navy and saw the world, I learned about languages and cultures, I learned about space. I remember the taste of that first strange object....the metal so pure, the shapes so regular and logical, the weird ways electricity flowed in it. And there were more like it! I noticed this world was singing to them. I didn't understand your transmissions, I don't think I really knew it was even meaningful...but I sang back, as I sing back to stars sometimes, as I would sing back to one of my own kind. I'd written papers, I'd been the main author of a report for NASA on the theoretical situation of a First Contact. Sometimes people said things like “Here comes Captain Kirk. Excuse me, Captain MacLeod.” or “First Contact Protocol – Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure!” but I just remembered what my father said. Then, when they began to think the Occlusion might actually be an alien or a vessel or something of the sort, I was the first choice to command the mission. I had never felt such pride and happiness. I had barely started to take apart this new object when I realized there were things inside very different...I burned with curiosity, I took one apart eager to know what it was, and then the answer came like a nova inside me – it was alive! And I was killing it! I had never felt such shame and sorrow. I don't think my kind usually put together physical objects we've taken apart....I don't know how I did what I did next. But everything that had been Mercedes MacCloud, down to the energy state of every neuron on her brain, was part of me now – and I saw a way to make it so, to keep it so, to....fuse with her. But I don't remember everything. I speak fluent German, I was stationed there, I have a map of the country in my head – I don't remember the name of a single person I met in Germany. And...I feel differently about things. I remember that I have known other beings like me, made of stardust and vapors and patterns of force – but I don't remember them clearly. I think I am less than I was. I feel differently about things. I remember the oath I swore, becoming an officer. But the United States seems like such a small thing now; I remember what it feels like to let a world bigger than Neptune pass through my body.And is an oath sworn by a human, binding on...something else? My name was Mercedes MacLeod. My name was something that cannot even be spoken in sound waves, only in pulses of energy in wavelengths your kind have never measured.I will need a name, for I mean to stay in this system for a long time. Matter in your world comes in such complex, intricate forms! I am sorry I destroyed the shield you meant to use to protect your world. I will take its place for you. Anything smaller than your moon, I can deflect or destroy! Because I could not bear to let some disaster befall a world full of things like you solid people and slugs and volvox and the songs of whales and the Moody Blues.... Call me after what I destroyed unthinkingly, so I never forget and become careless again. Call me Goliath.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary notes that we're not completely happy with this name.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




Tentacles is a renegade alien. (shh, dont tell but he is a criminal on his home planet). He is staying on Earth for he has nowhere else to go. So, he joined the group to have something to do. Not only does he have a dozen tentacles but he also has TK abilities, not to mention telepathy. He was also a pilot in his past, and has refined the ship he came to Earth on, to help fight. Due to the configuration, only he or a member of his species can pilot it. He tends to rolls his 5 eyes that surround what can be described as a head whenever he has to listen to a Parsek speech.


Although, it confuses him to no end, he has a cult following in Japan.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




Some people should propably choose another team because it won't work out. Not being able to survive or fight in vacuum is propably a good sign you are not qualified for a space based team. The hero known as Gooey still joined with N-E O. He is bascially a humaniod blob of acid. Anything weaker than a ships floor or concrete (including all materials used in normal/superpowered spacesuits) simply disolves on touch. In addtion he needs air and presure ever more than a human. And the lack of hand means he can't fly a ship (they try to get one with mental interface).

He still has his worth, either in defending the team ship/base in chase of boarders or when boarding an enemy vessel. Here he makes more than up for his limited abilities.


That should be Nr. 5 or 6 dependign on counting. I ahve no team so I say Badger has the choice.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




Some people should propably choose another team because it won't work out. Not being able to survive or fight in vacuum is propably a good sign you are not qualified for a space based team. The hero known as Gooey still joined with N-E O. He is bascially a humaniod blob of acid. Anything weaker than a ships floor or concrete (including all materials used in normal/superpowered spacesuits) simply disolves on touch. In addtion he needs air and presure ever more than a human. And the lack of hand means he can't fly a ship (they try to get one with mental interface).

He still has his worth, either in defending the team ship/base in chase of boarders or when boarding an enemy vessel. Here he makes more than up for his limited abilities.


That should be Nr. 5 or 6 dependign on counting. I ahve no team so I say Badger has the choice.


Ok, give me a minute to think.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Team Crayola


A class of elementary school kids gained superpowers one day on the playground (havent thought of what caused it). They decided to fight crime (unbeknownst to the adults in their life). Each takes on the costume color (possibly aspects but I am not good at knowing that)of a Crayola box crayon (8 in all)




Note: Just in case colors would be brown, black, red, yellow, blue, green, purple, orange.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Black Sun is potentially the most powerful of the group, capable of emitting destructive blasts of ebon fire and surrounding herself with a shield of black flame as well. The fact that she's suffering from a bad case of low self-esteem could be a problem. She desperately hopes that if she's a successful hero her aloof and critical parents will finally pay attention to her and say that they're proud of her and that they love her. But if they don't...

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Red Rover is the mentalist of the group, able to command nearly anybody -- as long as he prefaces his command with "Red Rover, Red Rover". He used to also try to rhyme his command with "Rover" but eventually discovered he didn't really *need* to. (Actually, the preface part is just a mental block that little Freddie Jackson has and will likely grow out of with age.)


Just brown and green to go.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Black Sun is potentially the most powerful of the group' date=' capable of emitting destructive blasts of ebon fire and surrounding herself with a shield of black flame as well. The fact that she's suffering from a bad case of low self-esteem could be a problem. She desperately hopes that if she's a successful hero her aloof and critical parents will finally pay attention to her and say that they're proud of her and that they love her. But if they don't...[/quote']


Reminds me of a story I heard (supposedly true) of a kindergartener who always used the black crayon.


This disturbed the teacher, the principal, the school counseler, etc. and they eventually sat down with the child to ask why she always used black.


It turned out, the child's only problem was being the littlest in the class. When it was coloring time the bigger kids crowded around the crayons and picked first, and she picked last and usually black was all that was left.


The teacher started handing out crayons in rotation, making sure everyone got a chance to use their favorites sometimes.


Back on topic


Green Slime is probably the most disgusting and can create sticky slime, slippery slime, slime that falls on your face and blinds you temporarily, slimeballs he can throw for damage, and slimes that heal injuries, amazingly enough.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary thinks that sounds suitably childish

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Brown doesn't have much imagination. Everything is just what it is. Maybe that's why Chuck is completely unaffected by outside forces. mentalists and magicians can't break his mind, physical danger is shrugged off without a second glance.


Just don't touch his dog. That makes Brown mad.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Thad Jenkins had a habit of vanishing off the radar. He found this hard to believe since he was a big guy, but people just didn't see him sometimes. This developed into a full fledged power that Thad decided to use to help others.


He became the invisible elephant.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Brown doesn't have much imagination. Everything is just what it is. Maybe that's why Chuck is completely unaffected by outside forces. mentalists and magicians can't break his mind, physical danger is shrugged off without a second glance.


Just don't touch his dog. That makes Brown mad.



Weapon Brown! (NSFW and childhood-breaking)

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Reminds me of a story I heard (supposedly true) of a kindergartener who always used the black crayon.


This disturbed the teacher, the principal, the school counseler, etc. and they eventually sat down with the child to ask why she always used black.


It turned out, the child's only problem was being the littlest in the class. When it was coloring time the bigger kids crowded around the crayons and picked first, and she picked last and usually black was all that was left.


The teacher started handing out crayons in rotation, making sure everyone got a chance to use their favorites sometime


THat is stupid. What would be wrong with liking the color black in the first place?

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