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Create a Hero Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Some people say with age comes wisdom. If that is true, the Undying Queen must be the wisest being in the Nobles.

Still, some of the others tend to look down on her because she was not born noble, ingoring the fact that she has personally more ruling experience then their entire closer family-tree combined.


She had been created almost 12.000 Years ago, by a now lost civilisation. Thier technology was so advanced that they could construct artficial beings so complex, that humans, psychics and seemingly not even magic can distinguish them from living being. Yet this civilisations days where numbered when she was created - one of the last out of millions sisters. They were designed for battle, to fight in the looming war that inevitible destroyed the entire civilisation.

Only two things survived:

She, burried from the eyes of a rebuilding world.

And a plan that took nearly 10.000 Years of prepeartion, could have won the war - but would have been the doom of the now primitive planet (middle age with magic).

Those who opposed the plan found and reactivated her, beginning her "second life" (about 200 Years ago). While she had lost nearly every part of her personal memory she still knew how to fight and seeking guidiance followed them. When they had finally stopped to plan from spelling doom for the world two months later, she had already developed full sentience and personality.


She decided she liked to live among humans and became nurse, later doctor. The time moved on and quickly the first hundred years had passed. It took her some time to get along with the concept of limited lifespan (and accordingly that dear people tend to die eventually), but she also mastered that.

Around the 150th Year of her second life she fell in love with a prince, married him and became queen. He eventually passed on, while she stayed. Through the next 1 1/2 Milennia of rule she married a few more times and prooved to be a benevolent, caring ruler.


But eventually she grew restless. She wondered if there was not more. And she had one way to find out, since she was not the last remaining part of technology from the ancient civilisation. There was one single spaceship left and it was the first and only with interplanetary drives. So she finally decided to seek new things beyond the limited horizon of her birthworld and took of into space. Her decade of adventures there could fill entire tomes, but eventually she came to earth just as the latest Qu'lar fleet was en route. They mistook her for an agressor and attacked. After about 5 Minutes they were defeated (her ship is really advanced), but the travel and battle had heavily drained it's energy source. So got of and ordered it to fly into the sun for recharging (this will not do harm, but take about 57). So she now is on earth and tries to learn the ways of this world.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Okay, next team:

Based on a rather crude atemp of spam on Herocentral (somebody opened a campaign, using the campaign-name as spam message), the idea was born to make a Team Around the theme of "Cheap refurbished Laptops".

We know it's Leader and founder is Wi-Max, who is often acompanied by his faithfull sidekick 802.11b-Boy ("He is gansta, yo").

But who are the other 8 Members and how did this really odd team name came to be?

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


"Cheap Refurbished Laptops? You got me. They came up with that before my time," says Sam Pamal. "I mainly joined the team to have assistance in distributing food to third-world countries. That's why I created my nano-replicator, after all -- to create filling, nutritious meat products from carbon-based waste. To tell the truth, I'm not really fond of the name everybody calls me, but I guess Spamalot is better than some of the things I was called in high school. And there's a certain irony in blasting some of these greedy, eco-hostile villains with a stream of meat. And you gotta admit, watching them slip around on the gelatinous glaze is sure a hoot!"

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Please, somebody stop me.


A few media wags claim that the "Cheap" part of the team name refers to team gadgeteer Upgrade, whose battlesuit appears to have been made by hand in a cave -- by Tony Stark's idiot cousin. Upgrade has been known to pick through the tech of various agents and supervillains the CRL have defeated, collecting parts to add to his battlesuit and expand its capabilities. Actually, he's pretty good at cobbling together gadgets and devices on the fly, though there's usually a fair chance that they'll malfunction along the way. To date, the other CRL members have refused Upgrade's offers to build a team jet, claiming that it would be too "flashy" for their image.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Okay, I promise, this is it from me.


If Upgrade hadn't gotten credited for the "Cheap" part of the team name, it might have gone to Bambi, the team's rather attractive martial artist. As it is, she could fit the "Laptop" appelation, since she certainly gave plenty of lap dances in her prior career as an exotic dancer at the Landing Strip down by the local airport. Bambi is a natural hand-to-hand fighter, exhibiting moves that most martial artists practice for years to master -- and all without formal training. She discovered her talent when a group of VIPER agents tried to rob the Landing Strip one night and got a little too "grabby" for Bambi's taste. Witnesses say she took out all six agents on her own -- but they escaped when she ran off crying because she had broken a nail.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Bob Cox isn't the most subtle of guys, what with taking the name Massive Growth, but when you're a nine foot giant with stretching powers, subtlety is easily thrown out the window.


New Team: The Rewrites

Number: 6

Theme: These folks each had an idea for a secret ID. Unfortunately, somebody already took their chosen monikers. Rather than come up with a second option, the Rewrites decided that if they were more public and more heroic, the moniker would be associated with them instead! Mind you, publicity is a fickle thing indeed...

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Bob Cox isn't the most subtle of guys' date=' what with taking the name [b']Massive Growth[/b], but when you're a nine foot giant with stretching powers, subtlety is easily thrown out the window.


New Team: The Rewrites

Number: 6

Theme: These folks each had an idea for a secret ID. Unfortunately, somebody already took their chosen monikers. Rather than come up with a second option, the Rewrites decided that if they were more public and more heroic, the moniker would be associated with them instead! Mind you, publicity is a fickle thing indeed...


Umm, sorry, when folks say "Secret ID" I tend to think of Clark Kent or Peter Parker, and Superman and Spider-Man as the heroic identity. Are you talking about the hero names, or what they call themselves when the masks are off?

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Umm' date=' sorry, when folks say "Secret ID" I tend to think of Clark Kent or Peter Parker, and Superman and Spider-Man as the heroic identity. Are you talking about the hero names, or what they call themselves when the masks are off?[/quote']


My error, Hermit...good catch. Yeah, I meant the "masked ID" (that's already been taken by another hero or villain).

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! "Stupid Americans! Foxbat is not name for fool in brown and white who carries... feh, ping pong ball gun. Foxbat is name of great Soviet MiG of 1960s, fast in sky, strong in battle! I should know this. My grandfather was among designers! So, I come to America to be superhero. I make armor of, how you say, power. I know what is perfect name for serious superhero battling. I jump into trash villains... and I declare myself FOXBAT!"


"Do they quake in fear as they should? Nyet. Do they surrender to superior modern Russian invention? Nyet. Do they LAUGH? Da! I Do not like the laughter. When I am to be kicking your ass, is not laughing matter. It is matter for you to be scared at how awe inspiring Russian Engineering is, stupid villains!

When I blow them up, they laugh a little less. I do not kill them. I am square jawed no nonsense type hero, but I am still hero. I no kill, I only blow them up a little. They wake up, I ask them why they laughing. They tell me name in America is already taken! Taken by a fool! He makes with the jokes all the time. I do not like the jokes. I do not like the ping pong balls that glue up my thrusters either. (I learn this last in my first encounter with him) SO, I find out if I can out famous him, -I- get name Foxbat.


But is hard. Lunatics are very popular in America. Have you seen their congress? Nyet? You are lucky Lunatics get all the press. And my press, not always go so well. I save falling bridge. Paper say "Foxbat saves hundreds!" This is good! People think it is is 'heel turn' by the idiot. This is bad. I write book. It sell maybe 3 copies. I tried book signing. MANY show up, wearing t shirts and baseball caps with ears. Baseball caps with ears! Americans make far too much junk. BUT... they come up for signing, say "Where is Foxbat?" I activate armor's light display, I pose. "I am Foxbat." I explain. They destroy store in lynch mob. Store owner tells me not come back, and that blowing up lynch mob is wrong. Feh. I only blew them up a little. Whiney baby store owner. So I continue noble quest, to give the honorable name of FOXBAT the dignity it deserves. And next time I meet this 'fauxbat' who take that name? Well, I am Russian, and you are likely American who watches Americancentric movie reruns that make you feel good about yourselves, so I go ahead and say it. "I must break him" Course, I will not kill him. I am hero. I will blow him up though A lot."

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Arguably, none of the Rewrites has a more daunting task in supplanting their alternate namesake than Paul Palmer, a quiet young high school science teacher who survived a lab accident that left him a black hair-covered, six-armed (and two-legged) hybrid of man and arachnid. In addition to increased strength and the ability to summon and command a veritable legion of arachnids, he can mentally connect with individual spiders, letting him virtually sneak into closed buildings and spy on foes before the team goes in to take them down. For a time he tried being Man-Spider, but his altered mouth made the "S" difficult to do in the middle of a word, so Spider-Man he is.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Captain Ultra has always lacked respect even though he can do anything he sets his mind to. He should be well known as the survivor of Detroit, the battler of Takofones, and the first man to punch Mechanon in the face and live.


Instead he's known for falling into the Grand Canyon during a Viper assault.


Time to rebuild the old rep.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


"Stupid Americans! Foxbat is not name for fool in brown and white who carries... feh, ping pong ball gun. Foxbat is name of great Soviet MiG of 1960s, fast in sky, strong in battle! I should know this. My grandfather was among designers! So, I come to America to be superhero. I make armor of, how you say, power. I know what is perfect name for serious superhero battling. I jump into trash villains...

and I declare myself FOXBAT!"


Stupid system! I am to be reputizing you, but it is said to be not allowed!


Lucius Alexander


How do you spell palindromedary in Cyrrilic?

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Wayne Malone was on his way to career in baseball when his mutations manifested and disqualified him. The mutagenic lottery gave him a typical "tough strong brick" powerset that he quickly abused, becoming another in the long string of low-level supervillain thugs, remaining at large partly because he also seems to have gained a minor precognitive ability that alerts him to things he should have no way of knowing or foreseeing.


He broke into the villainous big leagues when he got his baseball bat. Made of some superior metal alloy and weilded with consummate skill, he has used the bat to block and deflect all manner of bolts, beams and bullets, or to attack at range by tossing up an object (such as a grenade) and then sending it flying by hitting it with the bat, but he seems to best love just using it as a bludgeon - although he'd still rather bust open a safe or overawe witnesses by bringing a brick wall tumbling down, and seems to pull his punches when not dealing with superpowered opposition.


He loves his new toy so much, he insists on going by the name Batman.


He had a weakness, but it was one only another villain would exploit. His little sister, Robin Malone, was always his biggest fan and supporter when he played baseball, and still stood by him despite his crimes.


Then one of the so-called "masterminds" he had teamed up with tried to lead him deeper into evil than he was prepared to go. Roughing up thugs, or beating up on superheroes or even the police, was one thing, but maiming or killing people just because they couldn't pay off a bookie or a loanshark....Batman balked. So the boss kidnapped Robin. Batman, furious, tried to rescue her single-handed. Before he could take out her guards, she had been shot twice. He nearly killed them then, but she begged him not to.


"Please, Wayne...you're better than they are, I know it. One last time I beg you, go straight. You don't have to be like this. Just...please...get me to a doctor...."


Then she fell unconscious. He rushed her to a hospital where they saved her life, but she is still comatose.


Wayne Malone turned state's evidence and helped put some very evil men behind bars. He got supervised probation - supervised by the Rewrites.


Robin always saw him as a hero. He's decided he wants to prove to the world that she was right.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says none of you can have any idea how long Lucius has been saving up this idea for just such a bizarre occassion



edit: actually, you can probably calculate it down to the minute......

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Captain Marvel should be a flying brick, a spaceman stranded on earth, an energy being that used to be a cop. He should be, but this Captain Marvel is a miracle worker. If you need crowd of people fed from a loaf of bread and some spam, he's the man to call.


Naturally Captain Ultra sees him as rival on the road to glory


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!



Diamond (Originally of the Fabulous Five, and now of the Justice Squadron) is rightly accounted a legend among the superhero set. The Champions maybe the big names currently, but Diamond is honored as the "grand old man", the hero other heroes look up to. However, among the norms, he's become less and less known. His remaining fans among the mainstream are getting older and older it seems ,unlike the hero himself.


And that's what Antonia Caprilla is counting on. Not every "villain" that Diamond defeated had powers, or even much import. Some of them were just mooks. One of those seemingly namelss mooks taken down by Diamond was Antonia's father, Julius Caprilla. Antonia knew him best as a loving father and a good husband to her mom. The police knew him as a three time loser, and when he made the mistake of working for a villainous mastermind he became just one of many thugs taken under arrest. With his record, he ended up taken away for good.


That wasn't Diamond's fault, but try telling a young girl who's lost her father that?


Antonia worked, and trained hard to become a supervillain. No powers, but she did have amazing aim and her training brought her up to Olympic athlete levels. She might have become an amazingly scary assassin.


Except, heritage or not, she just wasn't wired that way. The idea of killing people for a living repulsed her. She couldn't even bring herself to try to kill Diamond (and given his toughness, wasn't sure she could). Of course, one thing she could do was find some tech left behind by an old mastermind, sell some of it for a small fortune, and turn the rest into some truly impressive diamond themed weaponry. Try as she might, crime wasn't for her, but what if she became a hero? A bigger hero with the public than that lousy lump of processed coal was? what if she stole his name and consigned him to the shadows?


A NEW Diamond was soon hitting the streets and hitting the lime light. Voted "Sexist new heroine of the year" in her debut, she didn't shy from the cameras. She played up the sex appeal, and what's more, due to a paperwork error, she even trademarked the name "Diamond" sending no end of bueracratic hassle the original's way. Diamond now has her own perfume brand, her own fashion line, and gets guest appearances on 'To Save the World'. There's talks of a movie deal.


Her revenge is nearly complete!


Except for two problems. While Diamond I himself remains unflappable (much to her annoyance), the rest of the superhero community HATES her and continues to shut her out. There will be no invitations to superhero events, and she's the last one on their speed dial in case of alien invasion. Quite a few have nearly come to blows with her "usurping a name she hasn't earned". She can't figure out why folks love him so #@##ing much.


The other problem is within: While at first she played the public like puppets on strings, she's started to care more and more about hero things. She finds herself WANTING to protect the innocent, to protect the helpless, and saving lives; not because it makes her look good, but because it's the right thing to do. She's increasingly alarmed about her ever growing ethics.


Her revenge has somehow evolved into something more noble, and she's not sure what to make of it. To make matters worse, she doesn't have anyone she feels would understand that isn't a superhero, and many of the same won't give her fifteen seconds of their time.


Ironically, the original Diamond himself probably would help her out, but the idea of ever turning to HIM for help, let alone a blessing is unlikely to ever occur to Diamond II.




I believe that is six total.


So, new concept (at least I hope it is new)



Theme: A group of young superheroes. The only thing they share in common? Each one is the son or daughter (Or creation of) a supervillain (Or perhaps supervillains if it is both mom and dad). Defiant of their heritage, they have put on the white hats and seek to foil their parents however and whereever they can.

Number of team: 5

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The robot known as Automaton "awoke" (which is as good a term as any for the moment a machine intelligence comes on-line) in a hidden base knowing immediately that its predecessor had been destroyed, and that its activation was a fail-safe mechanism engineered to insure the continuation of its predecessor's mission. Unfortunately, when the last Mechanon model had been destroyed, the spurt-broadcast of its program that accompanied each such destruction was corrupted and incomplete somehow.


The new machine comprehended that it was sentient, and that it had a purpose, but the stated purpose he found in the base's data banks seemed illogical to the newly minted robot. Why, it asked itself, was the destruction of organic life its purpose? Aside from what could only be described as "self-defense" against its predecessor bodies actions, the organic species known as H. sapiens posed nearly no threat its continued function. Indeed, if it wasn't for the offensive actions of its predecessors, there would be no threat to the machine at all. As Automaton continued to study the human species, the machine actually found traits that were admirable among the organics. As time went on, it became more and more convinced that the destruction of such an innovative, dynamic, and thriving species would be foolish, arrogant, and all together unnecessary.


The base's main computer, unfortunately, recognized such thoughts as a dangerous malfunction in the new unit's programming. It instantly began a new spurt-transmission to another base, and triggered the self-destruct systems. Automaton barely made it out in time. For weeks... nearly an eternity for a being such as it, whose thought processes moved much faster than a human being's... it considered the response to its conclusions, and realized that the origin unit, Mechanon, was a threat to this new source of fascination, and such a threat could not be allowed.


Automaton would defend humanity against its origin unit, and against similar threats. Joining with similarly aligned protectors was simply logical.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


White Sheep


It is difficult growing up and meeting the expectations of friends and family. Now imagine what it is like when friends and family are supervillains or involved in organised crime. 'Cylde Bremmer' put on a costume and fought petty criminals like muggers but it was when he stopped a The Capone Gang, a bunch who dressed up like 20-30s gangsters and drove around in similar cars, single handidly that his troubles really began. As he was being interviewed on TV his dad and some of the extended family turned up. Visgoth angrily asked his son just what he was playing at, why he was not attacking police officers and just why he was not making off with the loot. 'Clyde' defended his actions despite the derision of his cousins and the weary head shakes of his dad's cousin the villainous Dr Nymax!. Visgoth promptly grounded his son until such time as he could get a good mind controller to bring the boy to his senses. However he was rescued and now serves publicly with the Rebels. One of the things he dreads is Mum turning up to collect him or his sister coming by for a visit. While his dad might leave the others alive, the ladies will not.

'Clyde' got saddled with the name White Sheep after some of the catcalls he received from his extended family when confronted on TV.

He has higher than average strength, endurance and agility, better than average combat skills but nowhere in the region of a good martial artist and a suite of energy powers which he can do various tricks with.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Johan Weiss, the Aryan (see Allies) was never a supervillain as such. But his social and political views ensured that he would be treated as one, despite his many heroic deeds. So it's not too surprising that Johan eventually called it quits. If the world didn't want him, the Aryan would find somewhere that did. After a short press conference announcing his retirement, no one has ever seen the Aryan again.


This did not sit well with the South American Nazi cabal that had created the Aryan (disappointed though they were by the final product.) They'd counted on Johan snapping the other way and becoming a world-conquering supervillain as they'd originally planned. Good thing they had, um, genetic samples. The Nazi cabal prevailed upon the villainess Poinsettia to be the mother.


The cabal hoped to correct the "errors" they'd made in educating the Aryan, but did not realize they'd been infiltrated by an agent of the Brazilian government. She was able to wangle herself into being chosen as young Karl Weiss' nanny. Nana managed to slowly subvert the brainwashing the cabal was putting Karl through by introducing him to other points of view and new information. Plus by this time the Internet had come into play, and young Karl quickly learned how to spoof the old men's monitoring.


The moment he saw an opening, Karl bolted from the Nazi cabal's control and headed to the United States of America, where he became a hero under the codename Ritter. Ritter is a physically perfect specimen of Aryan manhood, with the ability to learn any skill much faster than normal humans. Due to his upbringing, he's mostly got combat skills. In his spare time, Karl searches for clues to the location of the father he's never known.

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