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Create a Villain Theme Team!


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From Paraguay comes Halcon (Spanish for Falcon). Some say that the popular show NCIS is responsible in that it portrayed Paraguay as lawless or infested with rebels and one of the people rose up and vowed revenge.  She swoops in using her bird suit and rakes people with talons on her feet. Observers had noted the similarity between her costume and that of Bald Eagle who is one of Visgoth's Enforcers. What is known is that the bird suit has been treated to prevent it being entangled. It is thought that her real name is Marisol Fernandes but why she really hates the USA is unknown

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Nataya is a member of an indigenous Asháninka tribe in Peru. Her people's land has been exploited and ruined by logging and it's resources stolen for years. When she was 15 her mutant shape shifting abilities activated in a moment of anger and her mind chose the form of a legendary giant serpant Yacumama the "mother of water". She went on to attack loggers, rubber harvesters, cartel plantations and anyone else who she saw as perpetrators against her people's land. This led to her going against US interests and causing a conglomerate to call on the US government to okay an unsanctioned incursion using military contractors. Nataya fought hard against the group of super powered mercenaries the Kill Corps, but was nearly defeated until La Araña intervened. She was then recruited to the team. She is still very young, naive and full of anger and the other members of the team manipulate her somewhat to act as a weapon against their common enemies.

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Rainha da Amazonia


According to the authorities a radical student activist calling herself the Amazon Princess has attacked various American interests in Brazil in the major Brazilian cities and ports. The truth is that several American businessmen who were exploiting the Amazon and the people of Brazil drugged and assaulted a student before throwing her into the Amazon to be eaten by piranha or something else. To their dismay not only did she survive but somehow she came back with superpowers. Now she has bulletproof skin and can rip someone's arm off and beat them to death with it. She hunted down those who abused her and killed all of them. Then she went after the companies and now anything from America is up for grabs as far as she is concerned.

She serves as the team's brick and can quite cheerfully toss cars, lorries and military vehicles around.

She has vowed revenge on CSI Miami for the ill will that its programmes did to the country (at least in her view) 

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Mente de la Gente


The leader of the group is the mentalist called Mind of the People in Spanish but called Mind Witch by the American authorities. She is one of the few mentalists who can use her abilities to kill by destroying an opponent's brain. She has telepathy, mind control and can make people believe they are seeing things that are not there.' She has managed to wipe out any record of her existence but it is believed that she is from Venezuela. She is Mente to her friends and allies. Although she manipulates all the group she is very subtle about it. She can pacify those of her colleagues who are bloodthirsty and is wise enough to leave an escape route for any attack.

She operates the team from Uruguay as the team are not hunted there and she is on the look out for other members in other countries in the Americas. Much to the disgust of the FBI she has identified undercover operatives and returned them to the US. However she has aided the DEA against the drug cartels and bolstered their credentials. Why she has done this is unknown.


New Team: The Seven Savages

Actions have consequences as Wentworth Prescott and The Seven Savages found out to their cost. Prescott was the President of Perrelium Industries and he employed the Seven Savages to kill Lady Sunshine and The Mid West Crusaders. After disposing of the heroine and her colleagues the villains were surprised to find that the locals, law enforcement authorities and others were so outraged that they rose up and killed them all.

Your mission should you choose to accept it is to tell the thread about a member of the Savages with the following constraints;

Each member was willing to kill;

None of them escaped to live and fight another day;

None of them were as bulletproof or immune to damage as say Iron Man, The Hulk, Dr Destroyer and Grond are.

They do not necessarily need to have anything to do with any American Indian nation like the Apache or Cheyenne but they easily could have dressed like them for effect;

Their opponents apart from locals with a variety of weapons like pitchforks and shotguns are the police, FBI, PRIMUS and other villain groups who do not wantonly kill. Maybe even a vigilante hero.


Prescott was killed by a mob a he started to give a speech pointing out that the heroes could no longer help them. The Savages watched helplessly as their paymaster, his bodyguards and his advisors were brought down and slaughtered. Bonus points for saying what happened to Lady Sunshine, The Mid West Crusaders and how they were thwarting Prescott in the first place.   


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Master Macobe protrayed himself as an undead assassin, which is far from the truth. All he could do is to go through solid walls, and carried weapons to do the job. He could only go through non-moving objects and also can't go through anything with a positive life force. He killed Cowhand of the Mid West Crusaders, and retreated after Lady Sunshine was killed. He was killed by being beaten to death by the mob, his Desolification powers unable to protect him, as he never used his powers for defense before and this didn't know his powers were I'll suited for defense, only movement.

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The Comanche's real name was never determined, though his membership in any native American tribe has been denied repeatedly by their various authorities. The difficulty lies in his death, which was one of the most brutal of the Savages.

The Comanche wore what can only be called a parody of traditional plains tribe garb, and fought with a repeating carbine and a steel hatchet. His sole victim was the Crusader Lamplady, and it was this that roused the ire of his own killers - Lamplady's powers were purely healing and succour based, and she had a reputation for aiding and supporting others. Comanche caught her healing a group of innocent bystanders from the fight, and sadistically beat the young woman to death with his enhanced strength (which was his sole actual super-power).

His end came when a couple of road workers, alerted to the situation, arrived on the scene with shotguns. They blew out the man's knees with buckshot, disarmed him, and then used their road repair tools to coat him in boiling pitch - which they then used a blowtorch to ignite. By the time the fires died down, nothing but scorched bone remained.

Sean Lerrier and Peter MacGuire were charged with manslaughter for the act, but the Jury refused to convict them.

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6 hours ago, death tribble said:

Prescott was the President of Perrelium Industries


6 hours ago, death tribble said:

Lady Sunshine, The Mid West Crusaders

Are these from this or the Hero Theme Team thread?  Or do we make up details on them as we go, too?

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We make them up as we go




Jack Craigsmith was a martial artist who adopted quasi Indian garb but not to the extent of The Commanche. He was also the group's security specialist. He would scalp victims of the group which added to the notoriety of the Seven. During their employment by Prescott, Scalphunter had terrorised the locals and scalped several of them. He also stabbed Lady Sunshine but she was killed by one of his colleagues. Jack was as shocked as anyone when the people instead of being cowed attacked en masse bringing down Prescott and his bodyguards and then the lawyers. He fled when he noticed not only armed response units but also a couple of paranormals amongst the crowd.

However the activities of the Savages had brought other opponents after them and Jack ran right into the Rogue's Battalion. Not only had Jack and his colleagues tipped off law enforcement to jobs that the Rogues were working on, they had also been responsible for the disappearance of members of the team. The Silver Claw and the Colonel killed him and left his body for the law.

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An inventor and gadgeteer who used the guise of the Native American trickster spirit as the theme of his gimmicks and overly complicated death traps. He was on the losing end of a long rivalry with the Mid West Crusaders resident speedster Rundown for years. He got the last laugh by ditching his oft times faulty tech and used a combination of an oil slick and high tension wire to decapitate the hero. He was shocked by the response of the various groups that began to decimate his associates. He managed to escape the initial wrath and was planning on escaping overseas when the vigilante Grim Gallows caught up with him. The authorities found his body hanging from a noose over a fan made memorial to Lady Sunshine and the Crusaders.



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Indian Princess 


Trafficked at a young age from no one is sure where, possibly eastern Europe or the Middle East, her resemblance to the Disney take on Pocahontas led to her being pimped out as said 'indian' princess, to customers into that sort of RP.  After years of misery, she snapped, and, in a dissociative state, killed several people with her bare hands, before disappearing into the urban underworld of homeless encampments and drug dens, where, after many suicidal risks and several actual suicide attempts, she finally realized that she was had some sort of mutant power.  No matter how badly she was beaten or wounded, or how severely she ODd, she'd wake up the next day with no ill effects.  She was discovered by Perrillium scientists on a routine human guinea pig round-up, and while she lacked any offensive powers, recruited into the Six Savages - seven's a cooler number, anyway - trained in martial arts by Scalphunter, given a pair of vibronic tomahawks by Coyōtl,  and ironically took her politically incorrect code name.  While happy enough to be hurting others instead of being hurt for a change, she was still prone to periods of dissociation in which she couldn't differentiate friend from foe, let alone stay on mission.   The attack on The Midwest Crusaders was not one of those times, she killed three of the Combine octuplets and wounded a fourth before they could merge into their giant-size form, weakening him proportionately.   Unfortunately, she lost one of her weapons which was stuck in the wounded brother when he merged.  After the heroes were dead, she lost the second when it stuck in a man's ribcage - after that the mob quickly overpowered her. 


 They wanted to punish her, make her regret what she'd done, but she'd dissociated already, and no amount of haranguing, beating or torture seemed to make an impression - in the extremity of the moment one of them resorted to raping her. 

She laughed at him.

He pressed a shotgun to her throat and pulled both triggers, messily decapitating her.

She did not wake up the next day.

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Christi Corpse


The resident gunman of the group and de-facto second in command Christi Corpse specialised in killing Law Enforcement Officials. It was debateable whether he had the most killings in the group but his speciality made him a must get target for the Justice Department. Not only had he killed a Sheriff but also a Deputy, a State Trooper, a Texas Ranger, an FBI agent, an ATF agent, a Treasury agent, an undercover DEA agent, several Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, US Marshalls, Metropolitan police officers and Californian Highway Patrol. He even went into Canada to kill a Mountie and Mexico to kill a Federale.

With the group he ran herd to make sure they did what they were supposed to do and not go off script. One member had stolen from the group, betrayed them to the law and tried to flee. It was Christi who took Mister Macobe to kill him. He kept an eye on Indian Princess to kill her if she became too unstable. During the work with Mr Prescott he shot various members of the Crusaders and Lady Sunshine leaving the others to finish them off. He was more concerned on making sure that the team was together and doing what was needed.

Like the others he was caught completely off guard when the people rose up and delivered payback. Like Scalphunter he noticed paranormals with the crowd and armed police as well. He tried to rally and get a co-ordinated escape but he was separated from the boss as they witnessed Prescott fall. He was going to do something about Coyōtl for saving his own neck. He almost ran into the Rogues like Scalphunter did but he managed to avoid them and had to head back to the crowd.

It was perhaps only fitting that he ran into a SWAT unit. While he casually dropped anyone foolish enough to get close to him, the SWAT used tactics and artillery designed to take down paranormals and to the great satisfaction of the crowd died like a member of the Wild Bunch film only without being able to kill a policeman.


That leaves the leader of the Savage Seven 

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Huitzilopochtli, taking his name from the Aztec god of war, led the Savage Seven in their brutal attack. He was perhaps the sole member of the team to come by his name and image honestly - Julio Amacaebie actually was of Mexica descent, though whether he was actually Aztec is questionable.

Julio was a man consumed by hate. Hate for the entire human race, all their doing and all that they held dear. He saw himself as a cleansing fire that would eradicate the stain of mankind rom the face of the earth, and he would do it with their own perverted "science". A gifted engineer, he snuck onto a Mexican Army base and stole an experimental power suit, being careful to snatch the blueprints and data pack as well. The basic suit was fine, but he then upgraded it with a high-powered flame-thrower, anti-personnel rockets and machine guns, while altering it's bland appearance to be that of the traditional depictions of the Aztec god of war and the sun.

Huitzilopochtli opened the attack by confronting Quick-Draw. The pistolero's various types of shot bounced off, but Huitzilopochtli's MGs carved the young man into hamburger. Next he managed to find Sand Rat, and the shrinker's diminutive size gave him no protection against area-effect flamethrowers. He expended the last of his anti-personnel rockets on the weakened Combine before finding the badly injured Lady Sunshine being helped to safety by the also injured Batwing and Silver Spur. Batwing, having one wing crippled by Christi Corpse, could not escape his flamethrowers, and Silver Spur overstrained his ability to deflect bullets trying to protect them from Huitzilopochtli's bursts of MG fire. Out of ammo, Huitzilopochtli broke his neck.

Then Huitzilopochtli pulled out an obsidian knife and carved out Lady Sunshine's heart.

Still covered in blood from this brutal act, Julio was distracted by the sound of a crowd. He got to the scene just in time to see Wentworth Prescott torn apart by the mob, and Prescott's building go up in flames. Out of ammo, almost out of fuel, Huitzilopochtli realised it was only a matter of time before they would pry him out of his suit. So he enacted his emergency escape system and the suit rocketed into the sky.

The g-forces rendered Julio unconscious, but he woke to discover the system had worked, dropping him hundreds of miles away. His suit was out of power, but he had a survival pack on the outside and he was sure he could find his way out of this desert. Yes, his team was dead, but he could make another. It wasn't like he'd ever intended them to survive.

But the rear hatch was warped by the escape rockets. It wouldn't open.

Julio was locked in a steel coffin in the middle of Death Valley, and the sun was coming up. It took him many hours to die.

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The Savior


Though she doesn't deign to claim the title, the Savior is a primeval goddess from the dawn of humanity.  She taught man (she may work with terribly progressive animal rights terrorists, but she is binary AF) to hunt and to kill or die in defense of the tribe, and woman to do basically everything else.  But, after many millennia of living in bloody harmony with nature, there came a time when the herds vanished and the trees did not set fruit, and, in desperation she taught man the plough...


...it's been sheer chaos ever since - war, overpopulation, tyranny, the wheel, science...

It. Must. Stop.


For a long time she was a forgotten shadow of divinity, but ever since the New Age types started worshipping "the Goddess," she's been regaining power and awareness.  She wields magical powers over human emotion, animals, and can heal or kill.


She appears as a woman of indiscernible age and indeterminate race in a bone-white hooded robe carrying a sickle in one hand and an apple in the other.  The former is no deadlier than a normal implement of its type - except that it passes through armor and other non-magical defenses as if they weren't there.  The latter is far more powerful:  a single bite can heal, kill, enslave, empower, or transform a willing subject - in a variety of "poetic" ways, depending upon their deepest subconscious needs - she often offers it without explanation, especially when a mortal surrenders or begs for mercy.  It's been the origin of several villains, many monsters, various minions in her service, and perhaps a hero...


Too laconic and mysterious to be a proper leader, she none the less occasionally vetoes a plan, offers a cryptic suggestion, or just takes the team into some dangerous situation without explanation.

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The Wereleopard


There are not many of them about with Werelions and Weretigers being more numerous. She is vicious and enjoys inflicting pain. She likes stalking people and killing opponents in the same way that a leopard kills prey. She is Caucasian when not in were-form and is attractive. But people are wary of her because.....there is something that is just not quite right about her. Her manners and language seem just a little off and that has saved more than a few people.

She uses the name Julie Martin usually or some variation of Jul and M. She was the one who came because the Savior called. She works as the scout and assassin of the group. She is more of a martial artist than anything else fight related. 

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The Hippie


Where did the Hippie come from? The '60s, man! If he ever had an identity beyond his supranym, he lost it long ago in his haze of acid and other drugs. By rights he should be well and truly dead - at any one time he has far more then a lethal dose of multiple drugs in his system. But he just keeps on going, year after year - what year is it, anyway?

The Hippie's only real power is his regeneration, which may be the most powerful on record. He's literally been flattened by a falling wall, and when the wall was pulled back up, out he popped, good as new. Burning, acid, radiation, cold - they all affect him normally, for about a second. Then he shrugs them off and keeps doing whatever it was he was doing.

He's not usually all that much use in a fight, but he can't stand seeing his "little animal comrades, man" threatened or hurt. He'll even get uncool about it and pull out his .44 Magnum revolver. And sometimes he even remembered to load it.

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This member of the group is a hunter. He takes the name from the story and film The Most Dangerous Game. While he can use a variety of weapons like bows and guns, he can set things up so that his prey falls victim to animals. He is responsible for disarming hunters and leaving them to the bears or wolves in America and disarming poachers and smugglers and leaving them to the tender mercies of Rhinos, Elephants and Lions. Zaroff has a particular hatred for anyone who hunts and kills animals and is known to be stalking that dentist who killed a lion and similar others who have become notorious.

He has a padded costume to reduce damage from all attacks. And he is working on improved weapons to take on superheroes and villains who he deems might have harmed animals. 

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Pet A is a chimera created in a lab with the thought that combining various genes could enable animals to be built to do certain work like flying monkey messengers, dolphin tugboats, big red retrievers. Pet A was created in hopes of demonstrating countermeasures against super powers in a living organism.


And then the Hippie freed it.


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Tactica hates it here.

That's not her real name, of course, but it's about as close as the monkey-boys of this benighted world can manage, and the meaning matches pretty well. She (again, an approximation) is a high ranking member of the military nobility of her homeworld, and is used to the finer things in life. Like slaves, wealth, the finest craftsthings competing for her favour in the making of her weapons and armour, fine foods...yes, she pays for it by subjugating the enemies of the Tetrarchy, but that's hardly difficult most of the time. Can even be enjoyable.

Now she's stuck on this miserable mudball. The atmospheric pressure is too high, gravity is too low, it's far too humid - and since she was travelling to a conference, she has to do with the off the shelf weapons and gear their ship had! Worse, this mass produced garbage is wearing out - soon she may have to use some of the pulson-based garbage the hideous locals produce. Oh, well, at least she can get a work out by beating the local "elite warriors" into paste...

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Machriah was the captain of Tactica's spaceship. She has four eyes and a rugged frame, weighing about 500 Earth pounds and is 8 Earth feet tall. Besides being large and tall, she is an expert fencer and a fair brawler. She insists that on the crash of her ship that she is the captain and leader. Out of the ship she allows Tactica to lead 

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This looks like a humanoid African elephant. It has tusks, big ears  and a trunk. The law enforcement authorities can't tell if it is male or female. And use of personal pronouns has caused it to attack. Apart from goring people with the tusks, it can strangle people with the trunk. The team mates can understand what it is saying from what passes for elephant trumpeting etc but no-one else can. It is strong and can knock people out with its 'hands'.  It also has some sort of blast cannon built for its frame that is solar powered.

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