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Create a Villain Theme Team!


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Before the war the criminal known as Deathspike ran a protection racket. He would pepper the front of a millionaire's house with dozen of metal shards, and leave a note. It read pay me or your next. After the war started and he was captured, he was given a choice. Spend the rest of his life in prison or fight the Nazi's. At some point during the Battle of the bluge he got separated from his unit, and was killed in a bomb blast. Apparently. There were so many metal shards they assumed it was what remained of his body, but he was always able to release metal shards.



And now in honor of the Kennel Club the new team.



The Pack


Theodore Wetherton liked to call himself a hunter. Several African authorities preferred to call him a poacher. After disappearing into the African jungle for a few months he returned with an odd claim. He had found a means of accessing the dog dimension. At first such a claim got him laughed at. But after a few instances of him opening a portal over the laughers head and a hundred dogs of different breeds savaged them, people stopped laughing. Now they call him Dog Summoner and he has assembled four more dog themed villains.

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Cross Breed


Theodore isn't the only one who summons dogs. Cross Breed does as well. Only the ones he summons are always angry or Cross. So he often brings pit bulls, alsatians or dobermen into the fight. And if they aren't angry he makes them so and then they obey and attack. Theodore is more versatile and more stable.

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This villain gets their name from the creepy way they sneak up on people. He can take an enormous amount of punishment without any visible effect. However a mismatched costume, the wrong make up or a hairstyle that just does not work reduces him to an incoherent wreck. 


Wait till they meet Power Crusher.  That costume..... SHUDDER!!!!

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Sgt. Steven Chow was disfigured by a land mine while separated from his army unit and found by the one and only, Dr. Nymax!   While the evil doctor did save Sgt. Chow's life, he also altered him with canine DNA (just for fun) before turning him loose.



Don't even mention the word "neuter" to Sgt. Chow, either.  Needless to say, he's not at all happy with Dr. Numax!



Now known as Dogface, Chow is the Pack's resident sniper and all around gun-bunny.

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Auric Golden has metalokinetic abilities able of pulling any of a specific metal to his hands unfortunately for Auric the only metal his power works on is gold.



For a while he was a small timer who specialized in smash and grab raids on jeweler's.


His lack of offensive abilities made him limited as a super villain Originally his only option was pulling gold fillings and jewelery from peoples bodies which was extremely painful but not usually effective against superheroes.


but since being recruited into the Pack he has worked to develop and expand his skills. starting with throwing daggers which he can recall due to their gold plated handles.


He also carries a bag of gold coins that he can throw behind opponents and then pull back to himself with great force. A favorite tactic is to pre position coins so he can attack from any angle.


He has also learned to use prepositioned coins as anchors to travel at high speed by pulling on the gold as long as it can't move he will be pulled towards it instead. Using this technique he can pull him self up buildings or even fly given appropriate anchors.



Another trick he uses is spreading extremely fine gold dust around a space due to his ability to sense gold within a large sphere he is able to detect movement and track even invisible foes.

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Pop Gunn


The elder patriarch of the family Pop Gunn started out in the 40s as the Six gun bandit a western stuntman turned bank robber.


He was a regular henchman for a variety of villains over the years.


During a time working for a mad scientist he was accidentally exposed to a radioactive chemical solution and developed super powers.


Pops power is the ability to create small plasma explosions he uses them two ways he can fire them directly he does this using finger guns they detonate on contact generating stunning concussions. Or he can generate them in a confined space turning any tube filled with a projectile into a Canon. He carries custom pistols that are little more than empty barrels with hand grips and a selection of speciality ammo he can drop inside.


Eventually he got married had kids and they eventually joined the family business.


Pops is in his 90s and looks it but the accident that gave him his power has left him just as agile and strong as he was at 30

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Janey 'Gatling' Gunn


Sometimes a girl can overcompensate to prove she can make it in a man's world. Janey is the great granddaughter of Pops and wanted t prove that anything that a male member of the family could do, she could do better. That's why she went out and got a gun. Not just any gun, a machine gun. And no, I'm not talking about an assault rifle or a sub machine gun, I'm talking a machine gun like the one Jessie Ventura uses in the film Predator. Janey typically goes for overkill blasting away with a large gun that she carries in both hands. Usually when she opens fire everyone ducks as Janey can get more than a little carried away.


I make no apologies to Aerosmith fans for their dismay at the choice of pun.

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Pop's son and Janey's grandfather is officially 'dead' but unofficially, well how can I put it ? He's a robot. Following a less than stellar career he contracted a flesh eating virus and his body began to deteriorate. So the family managed to put his brain into a robot. And now he serves as a backup carrying arms for the rest of the family and also heavy lifting. He's slow but very tough. And that is why he is called machine.

Machine Gunn 

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He makes 'things' for other people usually.




Velicoropter is a fast moving cyborg dinosaur who sprouts lasers apart from using claws to deal out damage. And when he wants to make a getaway he sprouts a set of helicopter blades and flies away.He can understand a variety of languages but does not speak any just roaring. The others can understand him making them possibly the subjects of one creator.


The Mad Intellectual Think Tank has been asked to create dinosaurs and cyborgs but there is no definitive evidence that any of them were responsible for the Dinosoars.

(of MITT, Dr Nymax!, The Assistant, Professor Maximinian or BB could have done the dinosoar and had added help from Sychosis or Steraica)

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Stratochelys is a Stegochelys that can fly using its shell as a spinning flying disc. Moving from ground movement to powered flight takes time.  The cyber-bot's big tank like weapon system cant be used in flight, good thing it's heavy armored and has a set lighter weapons.  The stratochelys is a mid weight blaster/tank.

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Trisoaratops is a creature with rocket feet that allow it to "fly" (really, to leap far, hover, and make controlled landings).  The three horns and bony frill have been massively reinforced, allowing it to head-butt its way through most obstacles.  The Trisoaratops' rocket-powered move through is truly a frighteningly amazing thing to behold.

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This is the reason that people think Dr Nymax! is behind the Dinosoars. Brutosaurus is a Brontosaurus with big, metallic dragon wings attached. It can also sport cannons on its back or a variety of ordnance in pods on the wings. It can also breathe fire or something else and cause all sorts of damage swinging its tail. You would have to be a lunatic to come up with such a creature. It does require a lot of space to operate and is easy to spot so how it sometimes vanishes with everyone and their aunt in full pursuit is a mystery.

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Tornado-Saurus Rex


The good doctor never actually completed work on Tornado-Saurus. The preliminary neural upgrades where contaminated with material from another experiment resulting in Rex gaining a significantly higher intelligence than his team mates and elemental weather control powers.


while he can create rain thunderstorms etc. He mostly uses wind powers he gets his name from his shock and Aww tactics of literally smashing into targets riding a tornado.


Rex is erudite well read and knowledgeable and acts as the team leader/tactician. He has the least visible cybernetic implants a metal skull cap and cybernetic eyes.


A neural port Jack's into a harness on his back featuring two extendable waldo arms he uses to compensate for the length of his limbs.

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