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Create a Villain Theme Team!


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Well, I've got a (half)non-human , though not an alien infiltrator.




Sometimes, in history, people have mistaken aliens for demons, and vice versa.  Sunburst's mother was one who did so, she was always convinced she was abducted by aliens, and was impregnated by them.  Although, seemingly human, his hair was always a weird mix flame red, and bright golden.  On his 16th birthday, upon being in the middle of an alien attack, the Star Smashers fought most of them back.  But, an alien force cut off, tried to take him.  His father appeared and killed them.  He explained his true origins, then activated the powers of his son.  That of a powerful pyrokinetic.


The ensuing coverup by the government, convinced him to unite with the Star Smashers, and offer his services.   (it s unknown if his demon father had a rare-for-a demon-moment of kindness for his offspring, or an actual agenda to stop "competition" for the conquest of Earth)

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Name: Crazy Eight War.

Numbers: 8 members, but not exactly. 4 on team a and 4 on team b.

Premises: The current version of the Crazy Eight super villain team of professional hirelings is challenged by another team of professional hirelings using the same name. To make matters worse, team b (the imposters) are composed of killers. That was something Tempmaster tried to avoid in his team.

Note: There is exactly 8 members in both teams, but 4 of them in team a (the original) are old members from old versions of the group. There are also 8 members of team b (the imposters), but 4 of them are established villains. Please state if your selection goes to team a or b.

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Is their theme "insanity" (from Crazy) or "card games" (from "Crazy Eight") or something else?

Crazy 8 is a blanket name for a team of super villains who are part of a temp service of sorts.Tempmaster provides jobs for a cut of the take. Except he is no longer the only one in town. Someone else has taken the name and concept, but applied it to the more violent villains who were refused membership or kicked out of the old group.

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"Somnia, aka The Dream" Seductive con artist with sleep, and dream controll powers. Team A. Values the "no killers" rule, and works to maintain it.


Recently was almost captured when she drove a security guard to the hospital, when he hit his head while passing out.


Psych lim: Ego tag, likes to leave "In Somnia we trust" written in magic marker...somewhere, sometimes in multiple locations. Ex teamates will know this, and might use it for a frame job.

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Xanthippe:  An expert of covert infiltration.

Xanthippe has no innate power other than her ability to fit into any social circumstance. She also wears the Xanthippe Stone.

Rumored to have been worn by Xanthippe, the wife of Socrates, it is an artifact of great power.  The stone allows its wearer to overcome the effects of exhaustion, lack of food and drink as well as being an antidote for the damaging effects of poisons and drugs (including alcohol). The stone's only drawback is that, when used, it greatly shortens the temper of the wearer causing her to suffer outrageous outbursts and anger accompanied with incredible strength.

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Team A, Burnout, super speedster that is dependant on a Viper super drug. He claims it gives him his powers, but all it does is keep him able to use them effectively. "Zoom" is a street drug version of Beta Cybeline, that was developed by Viper, originally for agent use, but abandoned because it causes total loss of inhibition with regular use.


It is notoriously adictive, but Viper considered that a benefit, addicted agents are Loyal agents.....


Burnout's powers are the usual, but unlike most Speedsters he gets tired very quickly, and takes a while to recover.

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Lockpick has a natural way with any locking mechanism. He can open any door he can get to. This has made him valuable to any batch of sneak thieves.


Which team is Lockpick on? I'm assuming team a, because of the nonviolent nature if his powers.

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It takes a certain type of man to go out into the wilderness for months at a time and cut timber Toby Fourier was that type of man self-reliant tough and antisocial while working at a remote camp in Alaska Toby found a strange looking tree he knew the unique looking wood would earn him a fortune.


he set to work cutting it down but as his chain saw bit home the tree spit thick hot blood and a blood curdling scream rose up scaring a thick cloud of crow's from the surrounding area.


Toby was drenched in the blood. He kept cutting despite the blood thinking it was just Some unusual type of sap.


Completely covered in gore he felt the tree only for it to turn into vile black goo as it fell.


He struggled back to the camp pissed off at the loss of his prize he rinsed off the crud and joined the chow line.


Then he collided with one of the other lumberjacks spilling his dinner seeing it was the more successful and popular Jack Smith an old enemy and after his disastrous day he was furious and threw a punch.


The punch connected and it was a lot harder than even a strong man should manage Jack's face shattered and he dropped dead where he stood.


Ten men tried to tackle Toby but he threw them off and ran out into the forest living off the land several attempts where made to capture him but after several US marshals where killed super heroes where called in and finally caught Toby. He would have spent the rest of his life in Stronghold if his prisoner transport hadn't been hit by the Kill Crazy Eights.


Now as Twobyfour he is part of the team. His body was changed by that mysterious trees life blood his body is like solid oak able to stand up to extreme punishment. His strength is enhanced considerably as well. he heals fast if he stands on bare ground under sunlight.


His most unusual power is his control over wood any wood he holds becomes harder than steel. He takes advantage of this by carrying a length of two by four which he swings like a felling axe he can also cause floorboards to grow into sharp spikes either harming or trapping his targets.


he can also cause wood to explode into razor-sharp splinters either directly or in an area effect blast. Toby is a simple man he likes beer babes and beating the tar out of people. He likes to get away from people between jobs disappearing into the wilderness.


As twobyfour he wears a flannel shirt jeans with a thick work belt and bare feet so he can contact any bare earth he can find. His shirts tend to get shredded showing a very hairy chest covered in old scars.

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Agent IX and Hkunhait the Devourer


The circle of nine was a minor if powerful cult of black magicians.


A rival cult hired Temp master and one of the earlier incarnations of the crazy eights to steal certain rare grimoirs from the cults hidden temple beneath Jakarta.


Little did the crazy eights know that they would be saving the world.


Breaking in to the temple compound proved easier than the team expected with far fewer cultists on guard than they had planned for.


It was not until the team had penetrated the inner Sanctum sanctorum that they discovered why the majority of the cult where engaged in a ritual summoning nine circles of nine cultists orbited the central circle.


At the rituala core, reality was tearing and a churning oily black and barely visible red shimmering wrongness was oozing free drop after drop falling upwards from that rip in the fabric of our world to form a compact sphere.


As the team watched some element of the ritual went wrong and the the sphere burst through one protective circle after another it seemed to forever but that was a trick of the mind as the inner circles of lesser initiates barely had time to scream before they where consumed utterly by the sphere the outer ring the cults masters tried to run but only to be consumed also. Only the first of nine master of the cult made it to the chamber doors and collided with one of the temp masters Henchmen. Pavel Dziewięć was one of temp masters mid level Agents a former polish soldier he had been discharged over some black market ordinance spent time in the stockade and as a mercenary before joining Temp masters operation as Agent IX.


The cult master collided with pavel just as the unearthly sphere reached him and began to devour him. Pavel didn't think he just grabbed the cultist's hand and tried to pull him free he failed succeeding only in pulling off the strange silver gauntlet the cult master wore.


Pavel still has nightmares of the piteous screams as the cult master was slowly devoured until nothing remained.


still clutching the gauntlet Pavel ran.


The expansion had slowed as the sphere grew and grew with more and more if the temple vanishing into the unrelenting void.


Pavel tried to get out but knowing deep down at a visceral level that this hideous hungry emptiness would consume everything. Pavel took a wrong turn and found him self blocked into a corner by the expanding sphere.


Terrified of the end he had already witnessed. Pavel cowered back, thrusting out his hands as if they could stop the relentless eater of everything.


Only it did stop the moment it contacted the metal gauntlet he still clutched in his terror the instant the tarnished silver fingers brushed the sphere it began to contract shrinking down until the size of a golf ball the gauntlet closed around it.


The sphere is now bound to the gauntlet and the gauntlet is in turn bound to Pavel.


Pavel is the only one that can control the sphere(the temp master has experimented but it just starts growing slowly but relentlessly when overs try)


The Devourer whispers promises and threats to him so that he can understand it's greatness and it's unending hunger it gets louder and more insistent when ever it goes unfed for any length of time.


Pavel greatest fear is that he will break and release Hkunhait the Devourer and allow it to consume the world.


Pavel is a minion at heart he does what he is told usually just following the orders of the rest of the team. Pavel isn't a killer and is terrified of the Devourer getting free he uses a large percentage of his earnings to find a way to banish it back to it's own reality.


Pavel has control over the Devourer via the gauntlet he can alter it's size from a golf ball to 2 meters wide(any bigger and it tends to keep expanding on its own until he can force it back down.


The Devourer consumes everything it touches making it ideal for getting

Through Security it can eat through any security from eating through a pad lock to a bank vault or tunneling through granite. pavel has trained extensively in security systems and can use the Devourer to disable cameras alarms and other traps with pinpoint accuracy.



Pavel would never feed another person to it not after watching the cult master die but he is more than happy to use the Devourer as a shield to block attacks and to eat weapons from targets hands and he considers robots and the like fair game.


Pavel him self usually wears either black tactical gear with a silver embroidered IX on the shoulders or a black bespoke suit with subtle IX detailing

(e. g. cufflinks, monogrammed pocket square, lapel and tie pins etc)


He still carries a Firearm but has told no one that he always saves the last round for himself incase the Devourer ever slips it's leash. He also has a utility belt containing a variety of devices so he doesn't have to rely on the Devourer.


The kill crazy eights would love to aquire the gauntlet


(I appologise that this is all based on a terrible pun as Hkunhait means seven in Indonesian so Seven Eight Nine)

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Angelicus Nox


Angelicus Nox is androgynous so no-one is really sure if Angelicus is a man or a woman. Nox specialises in robbing people through emotional blackmail or blackmail reducing them into wrecks who they then kill or cause to commit suicide or are left so desolate that they perish in accidents. Angelicus is so attractive that men and women want to possess them and this causes them to lose their minds as Nox plays with them.


New Team: Six Pack


The despair of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferringo. Six Pack are villainous bodybuilders.

Each one should be different i.e. at least one woman, at least three ethnicities and one could be a dwarf. After the first one whose ethnicity should be specified, the ones that follow should list the differences.

Six members

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After a traumatic childhood in the roughest slums of Islamabad, Little Latifa didn't want to be little any more.  Her overriding mantra was: Bigger.  She borrowed her brother's weights.  Bigger.  She found her way into a decent gym. Bigger.  She got hold of steroids and HGH.  Bigger.  She got noticed by a pharmaceutical company with many dollars and few ethics.  Bigger.  She willingly subjected herself to extremely experimental drug and gene splicing treatments.  Bigger.


Now Little Latifa is a nearly unrecognizable eight-foot-tall freak of science who is incomprehensibly strong and hard to injure.  She is dependent on a regimen of rather illegal drugs, hormones, and stimulants to keep her that way, which makes it easy for unsavory elements to get her to do odd jobs.  But she doesn't mind, as long as she's bigger than you.

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Amar Singh hails from Bengal and was well known in the bodybuilder circuit. Of all the group he is the one with the most normal physique. As he passes for normal, he does all the reconnaisance when the others need their presence kept quiet. He is not as strong as some of his colleagues but that really i not saying much. Why he is a villain is something of a mystery but he is loyal to his comrades and as he depends on them, they depend on him.

He is known as The Bey of Bengal

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Muscle Mary


Mary Magnificent was a highly successful competitor in the Mr Universe competition as Marcus Magnificent.


That was until She came to terms with the conflict between her biological and true Gender and under went gender reassignment.


some combination of the hormone treatments some blackmarket steroids she took during her Mr Universe days and her own genetics gave her incredible powers.


now she is mearly as strong as a normal body builder but can generate photonic blasts and surround her body with a twinkling energy field.


for some reason the field gets stronger when she flexs so she can be often seen in mid battle posing to strengthen her field and draw fire with the ensuing light show.

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Born in Greece Adonis Emfanísimos was the most beautiful baby anyone had seen he had a successful career as a model literally from birth.


as he grew older people tended to do things for him because of his good looks girls did his homework friends mothers doted on him even guys wanted to hang out with him as they looked better by his side.


Adonis never really studied he had plenty of money from his modelling but needing a challenge he decided to join the world of bodybuilding he barely had to train his physique was perfect but when he entered his first major competition and won he was disqualified because of his previously unknown Mutant genes.


Angry at literally the only time in his life that he had been denied what he wanted he joined the six pack.


Adonis is physically perfect and always will be his living cells generate an internal field that keeps them in perfect condition he is completely invulnerable to damage he can be stunned knocked out or trapped but nothing will actually hurt him.


His hair is less protected he actually has to be active in protecting it as it is dead cells and he will go into a berserk rage if someone damages his hair-do. Beyond his total invulnerability Adonis is much stronger and has more endurance than a normal person even of his impressive physique as he doesn't have to worry about damaging him self.


Finally he is incredibly persuasive not just to people who are attracted to him but most people are easily seduced by his charm charisma and good looks.


Personality wise Adonis is vain self serving and believes totally in his own superiority his total lack of challenges 8n his early life has left him cocky and quick to anger when thwarted. The jury is out on whether he should be classed as a psychopath sociopath or both he certainly does not consider other people to be real like him and doesn't understand why people won't just give him what he wants as is his right.

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Frank Choy was a small man, and the hated that. So he took up body building, but he was still too small to win the major competitions. He was however an expert chemist. So he soon found a sort of steroid that drug testing wouldn't find. With this edge he was soon winning most competions. unfortunately he became complacent. A new type of drug testing found his edge,and he was banned from competing. Outraged he refined the formula. And too his surprise not only got bigger and stronger, but became able to emit bioelectric shocks. Now he strikes as the Electric Constrictor.



New Team the Dimension Destroyers


Five people who in our dimension are heroes, but in theirs are great villains.


After Poland invaded Germny starting WW II the Democractic States of America decided to sit it out. South America was complaining about their compassionate protectorate again, and besides the D. S. hadn't gotten any real territory in Eurpoe after the last war. But as it became clear the war had turned in Germany's favor and the sneak attack of Japan's fleet failed America decided to get into the war.


America's leading hope in the struggle was General America the red, black, and blue terror. Who's pwered armor proved invincible on the battlefield. But Germany had his match in the UberNazi. And while the Ubernazi kept General America from having any real gains on the battlefield, the regular german troops were willing. Then General America heard that the President was going to sign a peace treaty so America could focus on Japan he was enraged. General America dose not lose.


So e constructed the reality bomb. A device that was beleieved capable of punching a hole in reality. The American scientists believed it would destroy the universe, so they never built it. General America hoped it would, and was just about to set it off. Then once again Ubernazi interfiered, and in the ensuing battle forces were released that sucked the two into a new dimension.


Hating the weak America he found himself in he decided to try and destroy reality again, but this time he didn't have the recourse of the most powerful nation on earth. He did have four evil people from other dimensions who also got pulled along.

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There was an island where a tribe of women, who revered the gods, lived. They kept to the old ways and were a martial people. However their queen longed for a child as she was childless. She prayed to her patrons and her wish was granted by the gods who found the worship of one god to be threat to them. So Athenica was born, formed from clay and sent forth into the world to bring warfare and the worship of the gods back due to its due prominence.

Immensely strong and able to fly, Athenica is also able to discern when anyone lies to her although she has to physically restrain someone in order to make them tell the truth to her. Her arm bracers enable her to deflect missiles so that they have no effect on her.

Where it not for the Reality Bomb. Athenica might have succeeded. She now works with General America but would happily strangle him if he tried to push a men over women agenda.

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His patents killed by a criminal when he was young, Robert Bricehelm swore vengeance upon the underworld. His incredable intelligence allowed him to create gadgets like the deader Blackgun (which is able to shoot bullets of vareous capabilities and callabers), and the shatter glove (which alowes him to punch through walls). He called himself Gotham and made a violent splash against crime. He is only margenly loyal to General America. He respects Athenica (having worked with her in the past). When he is waiting for the next Reality Bomb, he spends him time becoming the citys next crime lord, in order to destroy crime from within

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The last Aristocrat


Lord Percy Von Bourbon-Basset is the last hold out of the former capitalist regime.


most Western monarchs had passed their land and property to the people In exchange for a life long job as a figurehead representative of their people and custodians of historical items and a share in the glorious utopia.


The oligarchs and corrupt had been bankrupted and broken by the power of the communist post scarcity economy.


Only Lord Percy is left sickened by his loss of power prestige and wealth he has embarked on a campaign of terror against symbols of the people and stealing wealth and treasure.


Lord Percy von Bourbon-Basset is a classic snide upper-class Cad. Oiled hair perfect handlebar moustache.


He is dressed in a version of a cavalry officers uniform from around the napoleonic period his left arm is covered by an beautifully embossed gilt braced that contains a rope launcher and energy shield at his left hip rides an antique cavalry saber modified with a generator that can generate electric stun bolts or an energy blade that will cut through just about anything at his neck he wears a gorget that gives him a low level forcefield that protects both from damage and environmental dangers. On his right hip is a pistol that looks like a flintlock bit fires either energy blasts or canisters of a variety of devices.


In his own universe He has an army of the disenchanted selfish and former rich. Now he is on his own but retains his skills as a theif terrorist and counter revolutionary.


He fights to return to a world where the rich are wealthy and the poor do as they are told he is opposed by the supertech agents of the international committee for disaster recovery.

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