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How to run a Running battle?


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Not really a rules question, more looking for advice. In tonights game the pcs are on the run from alarger force. Any advice on running a 'running fight'? Its heroic 'sci-fantasy'. The party has some casters and is on the ground. Their opponents are on the ground (with hunting beasts) and a few mounted soldiers and casters.


I hope the pcs do not stand and fight, but I'm curious how to handle something like this best, because i imagine they'll fire back.


I don't want to have to keep laying map down over and over, i'd rather have a punchy, high octane encounter with a sense of urgency rather than a board game.



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Re: How to run a Running battle?


What I'd do - what I've done in fact - for this sort of thing is set up a few locations in advance and then move the players through location by location. Start off by throwing a small force at them. Let the players try to deal with it. If anyone gets away, then the hunt will be more directed. Forces they meet will be reinforced, forces on their tail will get closer. Let the players know (via tactics rolls, or simply evidence) that the longer they take the closer the pursuing force gets, and the more roadblocks will be put in their way.


So - to take an example - one such evening's play involved a map showing the terrain the players had to cross to reach "safety" with certain set-piece points like (for example):

Forest path - roving patrol. 2 samurai, 10 ashigaru, mounted. D6 encounters. Plenty of cover: can move cross country at half speed, reduce encounters by D3

River - crossable by bridge (4 samurai +1 leader, 20 ashigaru, with signal beacon in tower) river is icemelt, causes X damage, requires swimming roll at -2 to bypass

Paddy fields - roving patrol. 2 samurai, 10 ashigaru mounted. Little or no cover, can move cross country at half speed, reduce encounters by 1.

Mountain gateway - cliff road. (2 samurai, 10 ashigaru, with gated fort and signal beacon in tower), requires stealth and climbing rolls to bypass.

Mountain path - 2 samurai, 10 ashigaru, on foot. D3 encounters. Plenty of cover, can move cross country at half speed, reduce encounters by D3.


Each escapee from an encounter will add d2 encounters to next stage of the escape, or double size of next encounter. Every 5 turns that an encounter lasts will also d2 encounters to next stage of the escape, or allow another patrol to enter the fray.


Basically the pursuing force should be large enough that a "stand and fight" approach will inevitably lead to more and more enemies until the PCs are overwhelmed. Their goal should be to bypass enemies or deal swiftly and completely with any enemy they come across: any delays will be punished! :) Encounters can be varied to fit the general sort of locations - they can be simple "walk into each other" affairs, or one side can perceive the other first and set up an ambush, or try to evade, etc.


cheers, Mark

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