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Fantasy City-Ship?


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My usual sources are failing me. I'm trying to find a graphic to represent the city-ship(s) of an ocean-going culture in my fantasy setting. Unfortunately, my sources are betraying me. Google finds lots of Stargate: Atlantis stuff, Voth city-(star)ships from Star Trek, and the Freedom city-ship. Elfwood is dry. ConceptArt.org has lots of sci-fi stuff.


I'm looking for something at least 90% fantasy. I could explain away or conceal smaller bits, but most of the images have rocket engines, or high-tech stuff. It's kind of depressing, actually.

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Re: Fantasy City-Ship?


The Scar by China Miéville is set on a pirate city - the captured ships of generations lashed together.

The city is called Armada, you can find images of it on the covers of the books (see the wikipedia entry I linked to).

I have a map someone submitted to me here- http://www.curufea.com/images/Armada.jpg which I posted on my New Crobuzon Hero thread here- http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/25023-New-Crobuzon-to-HERO


Google image search URI-


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Re: Fantasy City-Ship?


I poked around on images.google.com' date=' but you may be kind of screwed. Best I can suggest is taking an aerial city image and 'shopping it.[/quote']It would probably help if I could think of any iconic city-ships I've seen in fantasy stuff, and search on those names. But the only fantasy city-ships I can think of, that have actually been drawn, were some from one of the old, old, OLD OLD OLD Star Wars comic books that came out between (I think) Episodes 4 and 5. Han and Leia are on a relatively primitive planet while on the run from the Empire, and they take shelter with some city-ship dwellers. I've got to find those old comic books, I guess.
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Re: Fantasy City-Ship?


Interesting stuff there! I came across this one: The Steampunk Tribune. Steampunk'd be okay, but there's no city-ship there. I just found it cool and bookmarked it for later. Thanks!


Oh, and it also led me to this: Project Indigo. That one is worthy of more rep than I can possibly provide!

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Re: Fantasy City-Ship?


And I agree with it, except right now it's killing me. I find it difficult to believe I won't have a visual reference of this for the players. I'll have to rely on my *gasp* eloquence?!? My players will be so screwed.





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Re: Fantasy City-Ship?


If you have patience, you can try searching for images under "Chroniques de la Lune Noire". It's a french fantasy comic - very D&D, over-the-top - which features a very D&D, over-the-top fantasy city ship. There's a squillion images from it on line, which is why I can't point you at any specific one, but if you have the patience to sift them ...


cheers, Mark

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Re: Fantasy City-Ship?


I'm actually collecting the series, but in Danish (I have the newer ones in French, just .... cos. I'll replace 'em with Danish as the latter come out). The comic itself is apparently based on a D&D game in which the writer played with Gary Gygax. It's epic, epic, fantasy - gods, demons, elves, dwarves, giants, armies of millions with divisions of dragon-riders, opening the gate to hell, dimensional portals, you name it.


It blows me away that nobody has tried to get the rights to many of these series for English language publication, because the French put out some of the coolest comics on the planet - and not just the Gore n' Sex ones that end up in Heavy Metal. Right now the bestest comic series in the entire world :) - "Cloak and Blade"* isn't available in English. If you imagine a full colour, painted version of Usagi Yojimbo set in late renaissance Europe, crossed with Jules Verne, but much, much funnier, you've pretty much got it.


But don't take my word for it - watch this:


cheers, Mark


*Edit: without thinking, I translated the Danish title. The original title translates as "cloak and fang" - a play on "cloak and dagger" since our two main heroes are an anthropomorphic fox and wolf.

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Re: Fantasy City-Ship?


First you said this:

It blows me away that nobody has tried to get the rights to many of these series for English language publication' date=' because the French put out some of the coolest comics on the planet - and not just the Gore n' Sex ones that end up in Heavy Metal.[/quote']And I agree with that, absolutely. They also do some of the best roleplaying stuff, very stylish, though not as stylish as the best German stuff. The German Call of Cthulhu stuff is unspeakably good.


Anyway, then you said:

Right now the bestest comic series in the entire world :) - "Cloak and Blade"* isn't available in English.
And I was like' date=' Shut the Front Door! The best comic series in the whole world is [i']Astro City[/i], which pretty much distills the best of all of superhero comic book elements into one series. If you're talking just fantasy, then I'd have to go with Bone. It may not be the most original story, and you may not click with all the art, but taken one with another I've never seen a series manage to be so consistently excellent.



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Re: Fantasy City-Ship?


Anyway' date=' then you said:And I was like, Shut the Front Door! The best comic series in the whole world is [i']Astro City[/i], which pretty much distills the best of all of superhero comic book elements into one series. If you're talking just fantasy, then I'd have to go with Bone. It may not be the most original story, and you may not click with all the art, but taken one with another I've never seen a series manage to be so consistently excellent.




Bone's good, no question, but in the fantasy genre, it has to line up behind Cloak and Fang, Sandman and maybe wrestle Stardust for 3rd spot.

In the superhero genre, I loves me some Busiek - and own all of Astro City so far, but it lags behind Watchmen, and - just barely - Planetary. It probably has to wrestle for 3rd spot, too, only this time with The Dark Knight. That's still pretty good company to be in, though!


Not that I'm being dogmatic or anything! :D


cheers, Mark

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Re: Fantasy City-Ship?


We'll just have to agree to disagree. then. I'll have to heck out Cloak and Fang, and haven't read all of Sandman, but I think Bone's far superior to Stardust.


As far as supers go, I liked Dark Knight and Watchmen more than Astro City until Tarnished Angel and Confession, when the collective power of it infused my fanboy heart with the power of 1,000 creative suns. :)

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