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Brownie Points


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Re: Brownie Points


Here's an old text file of mine that was a modified version for a WWII supers game I did:


Pretty sure it wasn't a complete system and needed a whack from the GM occasionally.


Service roll was for acquiring special equipment, promotions, getting info via the service. I'm pretty sure I modified it using Robot Warriors version as a base.


Brownie points

Important Enemy captured +2
Major Objective completed +2
Capture of Enemy prisoner +1
Good Review by Team Leader +1
Minor objective completed +1
Overcame unexpected resistance +1
Secret Info found +1
Secret Mission kept secret +1
Unauthorized action that worked +1
Failure of Minor Objective 0
Property Damage -1 to -3
Secret Info in enemy hands -1
Death of Team members -2
Failure of Main Objective -2
Team members captured -2
Damaged Famous/Important Property -3
Death of civilians -3
Unauthorized actions that failed -3
Death of many civilians -4
Death of prominent civilians -5

Team Leader +1/x2, Important mission +1/x2 +1 positive, x2 if negative

Service roll = 8- plus Brownie point Mod + 1/2 Rank rounded down

Service Roll Mod
Brownies Mod
-4 -3
-2 -2
-1 -1
0 0
1 1
2 2
4 3
8 4

1 Private
2 Private 1st Class
3 Corporal
4 Sergeant
5 Sergeant-Major

6 2nd Lieutenant
7 Lieutenant
8 Captain
9 Major
10 Lt. Colonel
11 General
+1 Per Star

For promotion roll every Rankth mission.
Service roll - Current Rank (Don't add 1/2 rank)
Additional -3 if Jumping from NCO to Officer

Meritorious Service: ? If Brownies awarded > 6
Conspicuous Bravery: ? Remarkable Action
Purple Heart: If 1/4 Body Taken
Qualification Badges: Make appropriate skill roll
For Each Badge: +1 Brownie

To get Medal: 3-
+ Team Leader BPM
+ Rank of Nominating Officer
- Char BPM (if negative)
- 1/2 Opposing Officer

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Re: Brownie Points


Brownie points have essentially been replaced by resource points. You could use them in tandem with it as one time resource points they can blow, or attach a roll to resource points and have brownie points be one time modifiers to the roll. On the other hand, you could do away with them and have quartermaster be a base roll modified by brownie points. Or some such.

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Re: Brownie Points


Brownie points have essentially been replaced by resource points. You could use them in tandem with it as one time resource points they can blow' date=' or attach a roll to resource points and have brownie points be one time modifiers to the roll. On the other hand, you could do away with them and have quartermaster be a base roll modified by brownie points. Or some such.[/quote']


Brownie points were used for more than equipment, but I did mention the tie into the Resource Points possibility. Hmm, will work on it once I clear up today's home projects.

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Re: Brownie Points


Brownie points were used for more than equipment' date=' but I did mention the tie into the Resource Points possibility. Hmm, will work on it once I clear up today's home projects.[/quote']


Resource Pts can also be used for Followers and Contacts so It could be expanded to other Perks too.

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