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Does Adjusting Body Affect Point of Death?



The FAQ answers this question for Suppress, but what about Adjustment Powers?


If Aid, Absorption, Drain, or Transfer is currently affecting a character's Body, is it the new (adjusted) Characteristic which determines the negative Body at which the character dies, or the old (unadjusted) value?


Example 1: My charater's normal max Body is 10. I use my Aid to increase it to 15. Assuming the Aid doesn't fade first, do I die from wounds at -10 Body, or -15 Body?


Example 2: My character's normal max Body is 10. An opponent uses Drain or Transfer to take away 5 Body. Do I now die when my current Body reaches -10 or -5?

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1 answer to this question

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Adjustment Powers never affect the point of a character’s “negative BODY.” If a character normally has 10 BODY, then he dies at -10 BODY, even if Aided to 15 BODY or Drained to 5 BODY.


A character who has positive BODY, and is Drained into negative BODY, loses more BODY in Post-Segment 12, but the loss of BODY stops if the effects of the Drain fade and the fading at any time returns him to positive BODY.


If reduced to negative his BODY solely due to Drain, a character dies.


If a character is in negative BODY numbers due to a wound, and a Drain adds to that effect, he keeps bleeding from the wound on Post-Segment 12 and eventually dies (or dies immediately if the Drain takes him to negative his starting BODY).


If a character is in negative BODY numbers due to a wound, and an Aid takes him to positive BODY, he stops Post-Segment 12 bleeding from the wound as long as the Aid keeps his BODY score positive; when the fading of the Aid returns him to negative BODY, he starts bleeding again in Post-Segment 12.

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