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How would YOU apply this attack?


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Re: How would YOU apply this attack?


I thought dungeons and dragons often include multiple attacks


claw. claw, bite


It does.


How difficult those are to pull off and how much time they take up depends a bit on the edition in question. For example, while in 3.X making multiple attacks usually required the Full Attack maneuver (precluding movement save for a single five-foot-step in the same round), in D&D4 it's decided by the precise power you're using to make the attack and is usually a standard action either way, though the number of times you can pull it off in a single fight or even in a day may vary. Older editions did it differently yet again, but it's been long enough that I can't coax the precise differences between "multiple attacks for player characters" and "multiple attacks for monsters" out of my tired brain anymore. :o

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Re: How would YOU apply this attack?


Oh it does. But their justification is A) 1 round is 6 seconds and B) Mr. Dragon's Claw/Claw/Bite/Wing/Wing/Tail Slap is all happening at once because he is Mr. Super Co-ordination.


Just like a 20th LV Fighter gets four attacks in 6 Seconds because he his supposively hitting more than one foe with a single swing. Even if he takes a five foot step between attacks 2 and 3.


As I said. Love/Hate relationship. It's cool as all get out, but seems like a bit much as I seem to recall 1 Segment is 1 Second in combat time. Hitting someone 3 times in one segment with one arm... Even a D20 Monk's Flurry of Blows isn't THAT insane.


Now I can see it being justifiable in someone who's special powers were speed (ie, The Flash) or if in a fantasy setting someone where magically Hasted. But even with top training and experience, being able to hit someone 3 or more times in one second in real life and be able to cause them grevious harm... dunno. Sounds a hair bit far fetched.


I know this thread is old and I'm performing Thread Necromancy, but I think this requires some revisiting and clarification for many of the newbies.


A segment in Hero is 1 second, this is true. There are 12 segments in 1 Turn in Hero. Your Speed characteristic determines your characters Phase. Your characters Phase can often consist of multiple segments. For example, for someone who is Speed 3, Their Phase begins on segment 12 and also spans segment 1, 2 and 3. Their actions are happening on those segments. That's 4 seconds of time. Their next Phase begins on segment 4 and continues through segments 5, 6 and 7. Another 4 seconds of time. Their last Phase begins at segment 8 and continues through segments 9, 10 and 11.


During the phase that the character initiates an action and that action either spans the time allotted to the Phase (in the case of speed 3, that's 4 seconds/segments) or that action happens (effectively) instantly, and the next few seconds/segments are the time it takes for the character to recover from performing the action (regain balance etc) and re-evaluate their situation and decide upon their next course of action. If the character is blocking, they can continue to block attacks launched at them during the entire phase (all 4 seconds at SPD 3), if the character dodges, they continue to dodge for the entire phase (all 4 seconds at SPD 3). If they decide to perform multiple attacks, those attacks are technically spread through the entire Phase. They are not all launched simultaneously/instantly, even though most game groups will probably resolve them all simultaneously.


Now consider a Speed 2 characters. This character is the exact same reaction speed as a low level Dungeons and Dragons character, considering that they get an Action/Phase/Turn every 6 seconds. Also look at Palladium/Rifts. Characters in that game get an average of 4 attacks/actions every 15 seconds. This breaks down to just under 4 seconds per action. Palladium also allows for multiple hits per action in its martial arts system and makes use of Two Weapon Fighting (called Paired Weapons) effectively doubling the number of actions a character can get. Hero isn't at all out of sorts for how many actions a character can get compared to other RPG's. In fact, Hero is better at handling super fast characters than other RPG's because of the Speed system.


Also, I know it probably doesn't matter anymore as this thread is 1.5 years old. But the character in question couldn't use Two Weapon Fighting with the initial writeup unless he purchases Rapid Autofire (5pts) first. At which point, each attack would be able to apply Autofire 3 to the equation. Just make sure the character has the END to pull all that off!

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Re: How would YOU apply this attack?


don't the martial maneuvers get 1/2ed when applied to a killing attack


for me it would be base

2d6hka pen auto fire 3

you then have 3DC for str and 2DC from the martial maneuver for 25 active point to buy an hka pen auto fire 3 to add on (25/1.75= 14.2857)call it +1d6 hka

the 2 weapon fighting for me would be 2 x3d6 auto fire 3 pen attacks

in this case the the 2 weapon fighting is well worth the points paid for it

end cost will be 8 points per shot or 48 end for the attack


this is how I see it

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Re: How would YOU apply this attack?


A segment in Hero is 1 second' date=' this is true. There are 12 segments in 1 Turn in Hero. Your Speed characteristic determines your characters [b']Phase[/b]. Your characters Phase can often consist of multiple segments. For example, for someone who is Speed 3, Their Phase begins on segment 12 and also spans segment 1, 2 and 3. Their actions are happening on those segments. That's 4 seconds of time. Their next Phase begins on segment 4 and continues through segments 5, 6 and 7. Another 4 seconds of time. Their last Phase begins at segment 8 and continues through segments 9, 10 and 11.

This is an missunderstandign I often hear and notice even by people way longer on the forums. Especially when people are trying to model Comicbook/Game/Cartoon/Animated Series/Real Live Martial Arts Action in the HERO Rulesystem.


During the phase that the character initiates an action and that action either spans the time allotted to the Phase (in the case of speed 3' date=' that's 4 seconds/segments) or that action happens (effectively) instantly, and the next few seconds/segments are the time it takes for the character to recover from performing the action (regain balance etc)...[/quote']

I wanted to add an example for "aborting to Defensive Action":

The character makes his attack. During his attack (segment) he is "open". He cannot abort to anything defensive. Let's hope he didn't lower his defense too far...

He can abort in the folowing segments, but he didn't had the time to regain his balance and his enemy "forces him to the defense". He can't defend against different forms of attacks (area of effect, even AOE Accurate).

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