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Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?


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I've just been reading some of the 'Bounty Hunter' books from the SW Extended Universe, and it's making me wonder -- does anyone think there'd be any interest in a campaign in which the supers are bounty hunters? You know, track down various supervillains and bring them in for the reward?


Aside from (of course) the PC heroes and a supply of villains, any idea on what sort of NPCs would be most useful/likely to show up in such a campaign? I figure on at least one super of the boy scout variety, very powerful, who gives the hunters grief over being 'mercenaries'.


For that matter, can anyone give me any reasons why normal, real-world cops dislike bounty hunters so much?


Thanks all.

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Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?


At first glance, the main thing that gives me a little pause is that I think of bounty hunters as primarily getting their business bringing back bail jumpers, and I wouldn't imagine that too many dangerous supervillains would be released on bail in the first place...

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Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?


Hmm. The powers involved would be important: a half-way decent telepath (on either side) could mess things up in a real hurry.

NPCs - off the top of my head, a decent medic is a must. Not just for treating combat injuries - them villains ain't going down quietly - but what happens when your bounty's Dependence kicks in and they go into systemic shock while they're in your custody? Suddenly having a corpse on your hands will make you popular with State Police/PRIMUS/whoever very quickly! :sneaky:

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Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?


Could be interesting but when you start talking about money I'm not sure hero is the right term. Seems like a decent set up for a darker game where the characters tactics and morals might be questionable. They've got power, they want money, but they aren't willing to go on the run so they work around the system.

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Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?


Could be interesting but when you start talking about money I'm not sure hero is the right term. Seems like a decent set up for a darker game where the characters tactics and morals might be questionable. They've got power' date=' they want money, but they aren't willing to go on the run so they work around the system.[/quote']


I view them more as law-abiding metahumans who just want to get paid for busting the bad guys.

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Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?


I always liked the idea of a PRIMUS campaign. It would be kind of similar to what you are talking about, but a bit lower powered.

Thinking about what you are pitching sounds a lot like would happen after a meta-human registration act (or something similar) passed.

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Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?


I've just been reading some of the 'Bounty Hunter' books from the SW Extended Universe' date=' and it's making me wonder -- does anyone think there'd be any interest in a campaign in which the supers are bounty hunters? You know, track down various supervillains and bring them in for the reward?[/quote']


I'd find that quite appealing for a change of pace from more altruistic heroics, provided the PCs aren't completely mercernary, and have some ethics and scruples as to who they go after, who they work for and the methods they use. Let's face it, very few people in our society work hard at any profession without expecting fair compensation.


Aside from (of course) the PC heroes and a supply of villains' date=' any idea on what sort of NPCs would be most useful/likely to show up in such a campaign? I figure on at least one super of the boy scout variety, very powerful, who gives the hunters grief over being 'mercenaries'.[/quote']


Don't overlook the support personnel who could provide the hunters with information and resources: connections within national law enforcement and the media; legal representation if they get in trouble; suppliers of weapons, vehicles, and surveillance equipment. The hunters might even have a sponsor, or hire an agent to pick up contracts for them.

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Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?


At first glance' date=' the main thing that gives me a little pause is that I think of bounty hunters as primarily getting their business bringing back bail jumpers, and I wouldn't imagine that too many dangerous supervillains would be released on bail in the first place...[/quote']


Maybe not, but not all supervillains would be considered more dangerous than, say, armed bank robbers, assuming they committed robberies while never seriously hurting anyone. Victims of super crimes might also offer rewards for their capture. The PCs could also sell the stories behind the capture of notorious villains to newspapers or magazines.

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Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?


I'd find that quite appealing for a change of pace from more altruistic heroics' date=' provided the PCs aren't completely mercernary, and have some ethics and scruples as to who they go after, who they work for and the methods they use. Let's face it, very few people in our society work hard at any profession without expecting fair compensation.[/quote']


Yes, this is what I'm thinking of. Like the old Marvel title Heroes for Hire. Though they might run the gamut from "traditional hero, but my beloved DNPC needs the money for the operation!" to "I'm getting paid to beat people up AND I stay out of jail -- what's not to like?


Don't overlook the support personnel who could provide the hunters with information and resources: connections within national law enforcement and the media; legal representation if they get in trouble; suppliers of weapons' date=' vehicles, and surveillance equipment. The hunters might even have a sponsor, or hire an agent to pick up contracts for them.[/quote']


These are all good ideas, thanks!


Maybe not' date=' but not all supervillains would be considered more dangerous than, say, armed bank robbers, assuming they committed robberies while never seriously hurting anyone. Victims of super crimes might also offer rewards for their capture. The PCs could also sell the stories behind the capture of notorious villains to newspapers or magazines.[/quote']


More good ideas, thanks a lot. Rep is coming your way!

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Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?



For that matter, can anyone give me any reasons why normal, real-world cops dislike bounty hunters so much?


Thanks all.


The best answer is to ask a cop. If you've got a community police station nearby, drop in, tell them you're a writer (technically you are, and it will take less explaining), and see if any officers of any rank have a few minutes they can spare to answer a few questions. Then ask them what they think of bounty hunters, and why they think that popular media portrays cops as disliking bounty hunters.

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Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?


I don't know that in the real world police and bounty hunters always have an antagonistic relationship. A friend of mine used to do that for a living, and I recall him saying that police had him help in certain situations where he could bring evidence to light that they didn't have probable cause to go searching for.

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Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?


I've just been reading some of the 'Bounty Hunter' books from the SW Extended Universe, and it's making me wonder -- does anyone think there'd be any interest in a campaign in which the supers are bounty hunters? You know, track down various supervillains and bring them in for the reward?


Aside from (of course) the PC heroes and a supply of villains, any idea on what sort of NPCs would be most useful/likely to show up in such a campaign? I figure on at least one super of the boy scout variety, very powerful, who gives the hunters grief over being 'mercenaries'.


For that matter, can anyone give me any reasons why normal, real-world cops dislike bounty hunters so much?


Thanks all.


Sounds fine...or they could be US Marshalls...going after wanted folks is part of their "schtik"...

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Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?


You could probably set up a sort of mini-organization for this, since bounty hunters would usually be working to collect a fee from a bail bondsman company. Why not have one division of a bail bond company handle the finances portion, and then you have the muscle in another division who picks up any runaways?


Since supercriminals of the 'smash and grab' thug type would more likely be the ones to be out on bail, you can get a recurring cast going from the bounty targets that are of a moderate power level. You certainly shouldn't be running into Doctor Destroyer or Grond, but more likely Green Dragon or Ogre.


Support staff for such an organization would also make for great NPCs: a doctor on call for any injuries, the cute cashier who pays their vouchers, and if the organization is big enough, why not other bounty hunters?

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Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?


You could probably set up a sort of mini-organization for this, since bounty hunters would usually be working to collect a fee from a bail bondsman company. Why not have one division of a bail bond company handle the finances portion, and then you have the muscle in another division who picks up any runaways?


Since supercriminals of the 'smash and grab' thug type would more likely be the ones to be out on bail, you can get a recurring cast going from the bounty targets that are of a moderate power level. You certainly shouldn't be running into Doctor Destroyer or Grond, but more likely Green Dragon or Ogre.


Support staff for such an organization would also make for great NPCs: a doctor on call for any injuries, the cute cashier who pays their vouchers, and if the organization is big enough, why not other bounty hunters?


Well you can even go with old fashion "Bountys" like in the wild west. That way you can hunt heros "Dude duchess enterprises put 100k on your head, deal..."

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Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?


Well you can even go with old fashion "Bountys" like in the wild west. That way you can hunt heros "Dude duchess enterprises put 100k on your head' date=' deal..."[/quote']


Part of my inspiration for this comes from an idea listed in the recent Canada sourcebook for Champs in which we're told that someone put a bounty on the undead mad scientist who hides out in Canada, and several superhumans crossed the border to hunt him down. And there was an issue of Batman Adventures in which a businessman puts a bounty on the Joker's head after Mister J kills his entire family. In a moment that makes Bats look like a total fool, he then captures the Joker to keep him safe! (And then the Joker escapes afterwards -- so Batman doesn't even send him to jail!)


I can't help but to imagine that people like Doctor Destroyer and Teleios must have people willing to pay millions to see them hunted down and put away. Of course, it shouldn't be easy to accomplish such a goal.

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Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?



Part of my inspiration for this comes from an idea listed in the recent Canada sourcebook for Champs in which we're told that someone put a bounty on the undead mad scientist who hides out in Canada' date=' and several superhumans crossed the border to hunt him down. And there was an issue of [i']Batman Adventures[/i] in which a businessman puts a bounty on the Joker's head after Mister J kills his entire family. In a moment that makes Bats look like a total fool, he then captures the Joker to keep him safe! (And then the Joker escapes afterwards -- so Batman doesn't even send him to jail!)


I can't help but to imagine that people like Doctor Destroyer and Teleios must have people willing to pay millions to see them hunted down and put away. Of course, it shouldn't be easy to accomplish such a goal.


Bleaagh. Don't start me off on the whole Batman/Joker thing. Arkham Asylum should have a revolving door installed...


Intellectual properties is a possible angle. The Destruction Company or Cy-Force from High-Tech Enemies frack off a big firm like Harmon Industries once too often. Bad enough there's people like ARGENT out there, they have to put up with these maniacs as well...

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Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?


An optional idea could be a group of superheroes coming to the conclusion that, since the villain always seem to be escaping, the heroes could make the most permanent impact on crime by focusing on keeping said villains in jail? That way, other groups in the nation/world could focus on crime prevention more.


By nominally operating as bounty hunters, they can officially make it their business to hunt down escaped villains and put them back behind bars before they have a chance to plan some new crime spree or supervillainous scheme. Hopefully. ;)

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Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?


It would be a mistake to assume that law enforcement officials necessarily dislike bounty hunters. For example when a bounty hunter went into Canada and kidnapped a Canadian citizen to face charges in Florida, the RCMP who noticed what he was doing just waved him on as a professional courtesy. When LEOs do dislike bounty hunters it could be because bounty hunters can do things that would be crimes like housebreaking and kidnapping if done to anyone who had rights. Thus there's the potential for misunderstanding, not to mention just annoyance at people who are often dubiously qualified and not as constrained as police usually are. But really, I've never heard much of anything in real life stories to suggest that law enforcement much care what bounty hunters do as long as they stay out of the way of the cops when they are working.

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Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?


Fenerisulf- If you can get access to Normals Unbound (4th), it has a character, Eric Allen a bailbondsman. He owns Power Plus bailbonds. In the description, it mentions that he hired four supers. They only give names, no writ-ups. Also for competition, don't forget Bullet and his Raiders! They can be found in Classic Enemies. Bullets kid brother is written up in Normals Unbound too.


And don't forget to watch Dog the Bounty Hunter for research. He seems to get along with law enforcement. Probally because he has all the paperwork ready if the Police come. And if the Police come, they let them takeover until the Police let them go. You know respect will get you farther than being a prick. :)

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