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Advice needed on building a half-Atlantean

Nuclear Fridge

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I’m trying to build a Champions character in 5th Edition, and I’m hitting a major creative wall. She’s half-human, half-Atlantean, and has the (undiscovered) ability to breathe underwater…


My problem is that the character can only breathe water for a limited period of time; five minutes, ten minutes, whatever, before she has to return to an air environment. I’m not sure how to build it. Life Support with a Continuing Charge? Extended Breathing that Costs Endurance? For some reason, neither of these approaches strikes me as quite ‘right’.

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Re: Advice needed on building a half-Atlantean


Extended Breathing already 'costs' END, in that you lose one point of END every X amount of time; normally, I believe it's every time your Phase comes around. In addition, remember also that a character cannot RECOVER END until they can breathe normally. So if it's a physical thing, just build them with Extended Breathing at whatever level you need it to be.

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Re: Advice needed on building a half-Atlantean


People often look for the most complicated build. :) What you have is a character that can breathe underwater. We all know how to do that and how much it costs. The twist is that there is a limited period of time in which it works - from the description that is going to be a fixed period of time - not dependent on anything else. What you have to decide is, if the underwater breathing only lasts ten minutes, how often will that matter in gameplay?


If it will be rare that, when the character needs to be able to breathe underwater, she will have to do so for longer than ten minutes then it is probably a +1/4 limitation on your life support "Only for ten minutes without breathing oxygen".




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Re: Advice needed on building a half-Atlantean


Thanks, guys. You've given me a lot to think about. I didn't even consider the END reserve angle...

It probably will feature a fair bit; the character's based in an Eastern Seaboard city and I have a few 'water theme' bad guys in place...

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