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Legal Questions: Pink Defense


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Re: Legal Questions: Pink Defense


At the very least, I would think that the company might become liable for coercion or extortion. You turn pink. The only way to turn back is to submit to the corporation's ministrations. If you are not an employee, they have no business instructing you what to do to return to your former color. The fact that they do so should weigh heavily against them when civil suits are filed on behalf of anyone who has been turned pink, regardless of whether they "got better". The example given above regarding IRS agents is a very good one. Federal agents, in the course of doing their legitimate duties, are rendered pink on the premises of Corporation X. Said agents can only be rendered unpink by submitting to demands of Corporation X ("Tell us exactly what you were doing that would harm Corporation X.") I don't think so, especially when undercover FBI agents start showing up for work sporting a shocking pink complexion.


Just how long would it be before Corporation X was under investigation for any number of reasons? At the very least, they would likely be given a cease-and-desist order preventing them from using their "pink defense". Just because "Nobody knows for certain it was us" doesn't mean that when the circumstantial evidence starts piling up nobody can do anything just because it's only "circumstantial evidence".

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Re: Legal Questions: Pink Defense


If this thing extends so far as to turn the mice in the break room pink, pretty much all the employees themselves are going to be pink by the end of the first week. Everyone that takes a personal call or a bathroom break or who zones out for a minute except on their own personal break time is costing the company wages and contributing no work in exchange. And that doesn't even get into those people who write a note to themselves on a company Post-It or use a company staple or paperclip on personal papers.

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Re: Legal Questions: Pink Defense


If this thing extends so far as to turn the mice in the break room pink' date=' pretty much all the employees themselves are going to be pink by the end of the first week. Everyone that takes a personal call or a bathroom break or who zones out for a minute except on their own personal break time is costing the company wages and contributing no work in exchange. And that doesn't even get into those people who write a note to themselves on a company Post-It or use a company staple or paperclip on personal papers.[/quote']


Heck' date=' any employee who ever gripes about the boss, or just finds parallels between 'Dilbert' and work, is probably for it.[/quote']

Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding! I think we have our winners! I gotta spread some before I can rep Captain Obvious, but I was able to swing the repstick for Ian Mackinder. Of course, since (presumably) this isn't the actual state of things, I suppose the GMhadn't thought of it.


Hi! As Logues Gm I would like to chime in here.




  1. It is limited to organics with brains on the property of the company and some of the residences they have provided to their employees.
  2. It Is reversable so long as the individual admits to exactly what they have done wrong to Warthaw. Mechanically speaking it is a Transform but does not have Sticky (+1/2) Attached....
  3. Shooting someone on the property from outside of the property does not turn them Pink.
  4. Logue himself (Playing the versatile Mr Zero) has determined that stretching to say accquire objects/files would turn him pink. in essence the power has a warning setting. However it WILL cross over Shapeshifting *



* and Multiform and Dulplication powers.




Given the above set of conditions, one might be able to:

  1. Observe carefully from outside the premises, obtaining whatever intelligence you can by video, radio, and other "remote-sensing" devices, powers, or magics. Or you could send in a character who is inorganic to do your surveillance.
  2. Use powers that do not require your presence on the property to obtain evidence, such as telekinesis, telepathy or what-have-you. Police could be alerted to goings-on at Warthaw by "anonymous tip" if sufficient evidence becomes available -- things like what's going on or where to find contraband, etc. I

Now I think about it, I'd like to hear more from the player(s) in the campaign regarding what Warthaw is up to.

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Re: Legal Questions: Pink Defense


Or you could send in a character who is inorganic to do your surveillance.


OR a Character for whom this colour change would be totally irrelevant. For example, somebody / something who is all-pink anyhow, or is permanently invisible, or is colour-blind and simply doesn't care how others see him / her / it, or has a power that allows them to change colour at will.


Depending on the exact nature of the Pink Defense, it could even be that somebody with suitable levels of Regen, or Power Defense, or Ego Defense, or certain kinds of Life Support, may be either immune or able to shrug off the effects very quickly. A GM call, basically.


Maybe no one in the group fits the exact criteria mentioned, but you never know. SOMEBODY would, somewhere. Probably a whole bunch of somebodies.

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