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OIAID vs. Multiform for Bricks


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I am trying to create a superhero character that can transform from his normal human form into his Brick form (e.g. Colossus). I am trying to figure the best way to represent this change with either OIAID or Multiform.


I did find the thread at http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/75482-6E-Mess, but decided to start a new thread as that one appeared to have drifted off topic.


It appears that there are actually three options


a. Just write up the character at both power levels and allow for an instant change. On the downside, the GM should not be allowed to take advantage of the character out of his heroic form frequently as a disadvantage.


b. Write up the character as multiform, with his normal form being the true form and his superhero form being an alternate. Using his brick form as the true form would just result in a loss of points to build what amounts to a disadvantageous alternate form. This would require a half phase transform, and complicates the application of experience points.


c. Have the character's brick capabilities bought with the OIAID limitation. This would require a full phase to transform and / or other means to prevent the transformation. For a brick character this would result in massive points savings as much of his strength, brick powers (e.g. Thunder Clap), defenses, movement powers are all bought with a -1/4 reduction. The increase of a full phase delay to a 1/2 phase delay for multiform is really not that major. The only question remains as to what other requirements over the full phase delay the GM would require.


Based upon the above options, I am leaning towards OIAID option with a full phase to change, a reluctance to compromise secret ID and possibly requiring concentration to enact the change or other requirement.


I am seeking opinions as to the best way to do this while accurately reflecting the relative lack of effectiveness in normal form (compared to supers), without losing points or gaining additional points in a cheesy manner. I am willing to accept the difficulties of tranforming as a dramatic story element.

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Re: OIAID vs. Multiform for Bricks


I tend to favor OIAID so long as the powered up form has basically all the same abilites and personality traits as the lesser form. Thus it's perfect for your typical Colossus type.


For somone like the Hulk, where the personalities, complication, attributes and skills are radically different, Multiform tends to work best.

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Re: OIAID vs. Multiform for Bricks


In 5e, at least, OIHID required some preventable action on the part of the character. I would say that Colossus simply activates his Armor/Density Increase powers and has no activation limitation on them, as I don't recall him ever being prevented from armoring up.


DC's Captain Marvel is OIAID, though, as he has to say 'Shazam' to get his powers.

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Re: OIAID vs. Multiform for Bricks


In 5e, at least, OIHID required some preventable action on the part of the character. I would say that Colossus simply activates his Armor/Density Increase powers and has no activation limitation on them, as I don't recall him ever being prevented from armoring up.


DC's Captain Marvel is OIAID, though, as he has to say 'Shazam' to get his powers.


Actually, this is not true for 6th edition, and IIRC the rule has not really changed (apart from the different name) from 5th ed. It is required that the change must take at least a Full Phase and/or there must be other difficulties or ways to prevent the character from activating powers. Following printed examples indicate that extra time or additional ways to prevent transformation requirements are typically meant to be alternative and not combined, unless specifically meant by the character concept.

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Re: OIAID vs. Multiform for Bricks


Actually' date=' this is not true for 6th edition, and IIRC the rule has not really changed (apart from the different name) from 5th ed. It is required that the change must take at least a Full Phase and/or there must be other difficulties or ways to prevent the character from activating powers. Following printed examples indicate that extra time or additional ways to prevent transformation requirements are typically meant to be alternative and not combined, unless specifically meant by the character concept.[/quote']


Still, Colossus' change is virtually instantaneous and I have never seen it interrupted or prevented (outside of 'Xd6 Suppress vs all mutant powers' devices, which work on everybody), so I would still say Colossus does not have an activation limitation on his powers. :)

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Re: OIAID vs. Multiform for Bricks


Still' date=' Colossus' change is virtually instantaneous and I have never seen it interrupted or prevented (outside of 'Xd6 Suppress vs all mutant powers' devices, which work on everybody), so I would still say Colossus does not have an activation limitation on his powers. :)[/quote']


This is true. OTOH, SFX-wise, it is wholly conceivable to make a Colossus variant where activation of powers require a Full Phase or an Extra Phase of undisturbed concentration.

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