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Military Spacecraft Designations


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Re: Military Spacecraft Designations


Interesting, although in my universe, the spaceships aren't grandiose enough to get those names. But Titan-class spacecraft sounds cool. I may steal it.


I may just dispense with the whole ship designation idea. The spaceships would still have "classes" such as Orion-class spacecraft. If not, I'll call the largest vessels combatants, the medium-sized vessels interceptors or patrollers (depending on use), and the small ones gunships.

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Re: Military Spacecraft Designations


a pt boat is closest to what you thinking of as a torpedo boat whatwould ITS equililent be?


Fast Attack Craft? Missile Attack Craft? Something with high acceleration and maneuverability, light armor and a few "shots" of disposable heavy ordnance--torpedoes or missiles. Probably most effective attacking as a flotilla, deploying a large number of fast-moving, high-maneuvering, armored and ECM-using missile weapons against heavier, slower-accelerating targets.

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Re: Military Spacecraft Designations


a pt boat is closest to what you thinking of as a torpedo boat whatwould ITS equililent be?


MIssile Boat, maybe.


I remember (and stiill have, actually) that old GDW strategic boardgame 'Imperium', about a series of wars between the upstart Terrans and the much larger Imperium. One of the Terran units available were Missile Boats - very cheap warships with some major limitations AND one heck of an offensive punch. War-winning strategies for the Terrans often seemed to involve producing lots of the buggers to swarm Imperial warships.

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Re: Military Spacecraft Designations


Or Storm God Class(heavy beam planet bombardment?)--Thor, Shango, Indra, Zeus, Jupiter, Susano (heh), etc.

War God Class(battleship)--Ares, Mars, Tyr

War Goddess(battlecarrier, perhaps?)--Kali, Ishtar, Athena, Minerva

Hero class cruisers--Achilles, Lancelot

Superhero class battlecruisers(if your sci-fi campaign had a superhero era in its past timeline, or otherwise just use popular comics characters)--USS Batman, USS Colossus, USS Hulk, etc.

You could have some fun with it, obviously.

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Re: Military Spacecraft Designations


I used the Terran ship classes from Cold Navy (Orion, Northampton, etc.). But I want to do away with the whole cruiser, destroyer, etc. designations, since they wouldn't fit my hard sci-fi campaign very well. Actually, neither would the starships themselves. They look really cool, but the spacecraft in my game would look more like the nuclear-powered Orion spacecraft posted in another thread.


Edit: I may still use those starships in a space opera campaign, though.

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