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Watched too much DBZ when I was little...FrED


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I want to build a power (EB or RKA, haven't decided yet; probably AoE cone) that gets more powerful and/or bigger the longer you charge it up. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to do it using FrED's rules.


I have to be missing something obvious.


Have I been looking at this too long? How would I build this?

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Re: Watched too much DBZ when I was little...FrED


You could also build it in increments, say ...

15d6 EB

+5d6 EB, requires a Full Phase

+5d6 EB, requires a Full Turn

+5d6 EB, requires a Full Minute



The Aid is probably better, though.


Especially if you use the Standard Effect Rule.

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Re: Watched too much DBZ when I was little...FrED


Three things' date=' where is Goku's Kaioken? Where is his ability to have dueling Kamehameha? And where is his bag o' Senzu beans?[/quote']


Some things were skipped. He doesn't do Heneshinken, for example, because SSJ replaces that. I may have missed the Kaioken. Dueling EBs are in Ninja Hero and UEP. Senzu seeds are something else I missed... I'm not even sure I listed them on the assorted gear page. Of course, if you want to send me stats and the like for said seeds, or your versions of the characters, I'll be happy to look them over, and if they meet my (reasonable) standards, post them to the page.


DBZ is a world perfect for an RPG... but I don't have the time or energy (or the references) to expand on what I've done.

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Re: Watched too much DBZ when I was little...FrED


You do appear to have missed the Kaioken in your listing of DBZ powers, but you did the Senzu seeds after all: http://surbrook.devermore.net/worldbooks/dbzhero/articles/dbzgadgets.html


When referring people to your marvelous DBZ HERO stuff, I generally link to the intro page to the entire worldbook: http://surbrook.devermore.net/worldbooks/dbzhero/dbzhero.html . It links to all the character sheets, plus much more coolness handily categorized. :thumbup:

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Re: Watched too much DBZ when I was little...FrED


The Kaioken seemed to be a chi-based method of temporarily boosting Goku's strength and chi-energy powers. It appeared to work in levels, in that Goku would call out "Kaioken times two/three/etc." to achieve even greater power. Goku implied that there was danger his body could become permanently damaged, or he could even die, if he used too high a Kaioken for too long. That makes it sound like Aid with some type of Side Effects.


As you known, much of the early DBZ story arc involved Goku training for his first battle with Napa and Vegeta, and IIRC learning the Kaioken was part of his training. Later in the series, while training in space in heavy gravity, Goku calls on a "Kaioken times twenty" to give him the power to blast-push away from a star's gravity well -- obviously his capacity had improved by then. He also used it during his first fight with ultimate Freezer/Frieza, before he achieved super-Saiyajin status.

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Re: Watched too much DBZ when I was little...FrED


It was pretty much Goku's first powerup ... it doubled his power level (or more' date=' if he called 'Kaioken times (x)'. He pretty much stopped using it once he could go Super Saiyan.[/quote']


Yeah, that's why I didn't include it. I also think he was so much stronger by then, he didn't need it even without SSJ (mostly). The problem is one of scale, really.

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Re: Watched too much DBZ when I was little...FrED


I use Succor for charging up individual attacks, plus there's always Push, Haymaker, and general Power ups.


My game originally used Susano's* writeups but it has mutated from there just a bit.


I built Kaioken with Succor as well, as it is inferred to take a lot out of Goku, so the more that he uses the Kaioken, the more END that it eats up per Phase, until he has to burn STUN, and so on.



*And someday Susano, some-friggin'-day I'm going to get that info to you like I keep saying when these threads pop up, as it has been through numerous trial-and-error designs until it felt just right for DBZ to me and my group.

On the plus side, 6th Edition is upon us, and this could be a good opportunity to get my 6e notes to you. ;)

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Re: Watched too much DBZ when I was little...FrED


It's funny' date=' I was just looking at your DBZ write ups just last night, into the wee hours... lots of info, great documentation, but who has 40 six sided dice laying around (Goku's Kamehamha) WOW![/quote']


I never said they were useful character sheets!

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Re: Watched too much DBZ when I was little...FrED


I use Succor for charging up individual attacks, plus there's always Push, Haymaker, and general Power ups.


My game originally used Susano's* writeups but it has mutated from there just a bit.


I built Kaioken with Succor as well, as it is inferred to take a lot out of Goku, so the more that he uses the Kaioken, the more END that it eats up per Phase, until he has to burn STUN, and so on.



*And someday Susano, some-friggin'-day I'm going to get that info to you like I keep saying when these threads pop up, as it has been through numerous trial-and-error designs until it felt just right for DBZ to me and my group.

On the plus side, 6th Edition is upon us, and this could be a good opportunity to get my 6e notes to you. ;)


Cool! I'd love to see and host them.

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Re: Watched too much DBZ when I was little...FrED


It's funny' date=' I was just looking at your DBZ write ups just last night, into the wee hours... lots of info, great documentation, but who has 40 six sided dice laying around (Goku's Kamehamha) WOW![/quote']


Actually, most of the Champions players I know pick up what we call 'dice cubes'; 36 small six-siders in a clear plastic case. Throw in 4d6 from another source and you're good. :)

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Re: Watched too much DBZ when I was little...FrED


Actually' date=' most of the Champions players I know pick up what we call 'dice cubes'; 36 small six-siders in a clear plastic case. Throw in 4d6 from another source and you're good. :)[/quote']


Chessex makes those in all sorts of colors.


I also have 40d6 in just loose D6s.

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Re: Watched too much DBZ when I was little...FrED


That's one BIG bag o' dice! it must put fear into your gaming partners when you amble up to the table' date=' Ha![/quote']


This is what I use:




Duluth Trading Company "Clincher" (http://www.duluthtrading.com/store/departments/tools-shop/tool-bags-tool-belts/82564.aspx?feature=product_4)

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