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Does your campaign world have a S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Boll Weevil

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...and if so, is that organization UNTIL? The few comics I have read lately have had SHIELD play a major role. I got the Marvel Ultimate Alliance game (Wii) for Christmas and just love how easy the story put us heroes together. Nick Fury sends a distress call and every character in the world comes running. There was no recruiting, no back story required. If SHIELD needs you it must be big news. I love that!

I pulled out my UNTIL sourcebook and I read it again, this time squinting a little and pretending it was a SHIELD book. It is, i think, the closest the CU comes, correct? As written, I think it is a little more legit(that is, on the books) than SHIELD but that is easily amended.

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Re: Does your campaign world have a S.H.I.E.L.D.?


UNTIL was heavily inspired by both SHIELD and UNCLE (as in "The Man From..."), so the resemblance is far from coincidental. SHIELD, during its published history, has at least once been officially associated with the Marvel Universe's United Nations, IIRC, though most of its existence has been extra-governmental.

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Re: Does your campaign world have a S.H.I.E.L.D.?


I've used U.N.T.I.L. in the past with great success. I actually used the old Super Agents book when I had it to work from and built my own version of the organization ... these days I don't use a whole lot from the CU, but have fond memories of using it in a capacity similar to what Marvel has used S.H.I.E.L.D. in (especially in reference to UA) :)

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Re: Does your campaign world have a S.H.I.E.L.D.?


I'd use UNTIL too, but it certainly wouldn't be the CU UNTIL with the anti-grav bikes, blasters, space stations and teleporters. And someone at UNTIL has been reading far too much Norse mythology. :P. My UNTIL would use assault rifles, ride in helicopters and armoured cars and being a "real-world" organization, be subject to all the political bickering and infighting that any such organization is subject to.

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Re: Does your campaign world have a S.H.I.E.L.D.?


The world spanning law-enforcement agency in the Wardens campaign is Orion... they were founded after WWII as a branch of Interpol that hunted Nazi war criminals associated with the German Super Soldier Program... as the number of paranormal criminal and terrorists in the world increased, the branch evolved into an independent agency with oversight from Interpol, the World Court at the Hague and the United Nations... funding comes from various national governments, a few para-tech corporations and an investment team at the World Bank.


Technologically, they are one of the better equipped agencies in the world as they have to deal with paranormal criminals and terrorists as well as the Grand Empire (campaign para-tech bad-guy agency).

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Re: Does your campaign world have a S.H.I.E.L.D.?


I have a couple. The Worldleague International Enforcement Law Directorate, or WIELD, and the Forward Operational Resources Contractor Enterprise, or FORCE. WIELD carries out international law enforcement operations, while FORCE is technically a private military contractor largely employed by the United States for both overt and covert operations, particularly involving terroristic agencies or supervillains, or those requiring operations in other countries. Us, ing a PMC gives the US a degree of deniability if any op goes bad, and also raises the possibility that the agency could be "hired out" to help with a particular problem.

There's also WEIRD--the Worldleague Extranormal Investigations and Research Directorate, which is largely responsible for "first contact" situations involving aliens and extradimensional beings, as well as anything involving magic, psionics or inexplicable tech. They're kinda like Torchwood writ large.

And there's WARD, the Worldleague Antagonist Restraint Directorate, which oversees the capture and detention of legally arrested and/or convicted paranormal criminals.


The Worldleague is kinda like a UN with teeth...every member has WMD, but since every one of the 12 nation-states that's a member draws income from the interstellar wormhole "gate" tariffs on the vast number of spacecraft passing through, they do have a vested interest in having an effective law enforcement arm. Even so, most member states also have their own "in house" unit, such as SHAH MAT, the quasi-villainous agency used by Syriana, the middle-eastern nation-state which extends from Turkey to Pakistan.

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Re: Does your campaign world have a S.H.I.E.L.D.?


I've always preferred (when appropriate) United Nations Central Law Enforcement -- UNCLE. It only has limited authority in most nations, and provides intelligence and other resources to apprehend, capture, thwart, or otherwise inconvenience multinational threats. There's a bit more of James Bond than Nick Fury in the UNCLE I run. Fighting forces are provided by whatever military or police agency is determined to have jurisdiction in any particular case. This means that in the US and its territories, US law enforcement agencies are used, as well as any duly deputized superbeing who may prove useful and cooperative. In the UK, it will be whatever authorities are "legal" to use there, etc. Occasionally, military forces under the UN flag might be used if a supervillain is overtly using a sovereign nation as a base of operations.

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Re: Does your campaign world have a S.H.I.E.L.D.?


In my SuperSquad America universe, I haven't introduced a worldwide UNTIL equivalent, but for the U.S., I use EAGLES -- the Elite American Group for Law Enforcement and Security. This is not to be confused with E.A.G.L.E. (Extra-normal Activities Garrison for Law Enforcement) from Kurt Busiek's Astro City but since I had been using EAGLES for years before Astro City came out, I decided to keep it, even though I suspect some people in my convention games figure I just took it from Busiek. That universe also has OASIS -- the Office of American Scientific Investigative Studies -- which was somewhat inspired by OSI (Office of Scientific Investigation) from the Six Million Dollar Man; however, OASIS is focused much more on the science and tends to work with EAGLES on projects that need agents more than scientists.


In other campaigns in the past, I have also used the Canadian agency M.A.P.L.E. -- the Multiprovincial Agency for Protection and Law Enforcement. And in a short-lived comedy campaign, I had the United States Elite Law Enforcement Security Service aka USELESS.

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Re: Does your campaign world have a S.H.I.E.L.D.?


In Epic City there's...


INSEC: United Societies Internal Security


INSEC is the United Societies Federal Government’s answer to the unknown; tasked with the surveillance, investigation and containment of all paranormal activity within homeland territories with jurisdictional obligations inside each and every City State. INSEC has field offices and independent agents located throughout the U.S., The British Empire, Europe and the Rising Sun Hegemony.


(INSEC has been my "PRIMUS" since the 80's. Many thanks so many here who's work I've incorporated into my INSEC organization!!!)


I'll add a write-up of the INSEC liaison to Epic Alliance...


Janice Cutler

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Guest steamteck

Re: Does your campaign world have a S.H.I.E.L.D.?


I have the United Nations Intelligence Team or UNIT. They're more James Bond than nick Fury also but do provide elite international forces and international contacts and support for Supers

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Re: Does your campaign world have a S.H.I.E.L.D.?


I have the United Nations Intelligence Team or UNIT. They're more James Bond than nick Fury also but do provide elite international forces and international contacts and support for Supers

Sounds more like Dr. Who than either. Although, to be fair, the Doctor that was more involved with UNIT was more of a James Bond than the others.

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Re: Does your campaign world have a S.H.I.E.L.D.?


I'm using UNTIL and PRIMUS. So far my campaign hasn't gotten that far so neither has had much impact. Of the 2 PRIMUS will almost certainly end up playing the bigger role. I've got the UNTIL book and a friend of mine has old copy of the PRIMUS one which I can borrow. End of the day these are both big organisations and I don't have the time to write up something like that, even assuming I'd do anywhere near as good a job, which I wouldn't. I do of course put my own spin on things.

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Re: Does your campaign world have a S.H.I.E.L.D.?


Besides UNTIL, I have a strictly European international organization: ELECTRA- European Law-Enforcement and Counter-Terrorism Response Authority. ELECTRA also has its own superteam, Pax Europa. ELECTRA's head, Sir Arthur Knight, is- unbeknownst to any of the organization- the British superhero Union Jack (a British "Captain America"-type complete with a Union Jack-bedecked shield).

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Re: Does your campaign world have a S.H.I.E.L.D.?


Besides UNTIL' date=' I have a strictly European international organization: ELECTRA- European Law-Enforcement and Counter-Terrorism Authority. ELECTRA also has its own superteam, Pax Europa. ELECTRA's head, Sir Arthur Knight, is- unbeknownst to any of the organization- the British superhero Union Jack (a British "Captain America"-type complete with a Union Jack-bedecked shield).[/quote']

A classic by STORN:



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Re: Does your campaign world have a S.H.I.E.L.D.?


Yet it's always seemed to me that "UNTIL" was written by people who assume that the UN is one monolithic organization and that the "United" in UN and US mean the same thing. I'm not even going to get into the fact that some people in the US believe that the UN is going to invade the US and imprison all good Americans in concentration camps. Puh-leaze. The UN couldn't stop arguing long enough and even if it could, it could never get its disparate members pointing in the same direction long enough. It should really be the HDN - Hopelessly Disunited Nations.

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