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damage negation v. damage reduction


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Re: damage negation v. damage reduction


I am having a bit of difficulty grasping the difference between these two powers. Are they essentially different ways of achieving a similar effect, or am I missing something? When would you use one versus the other?


For example, lets say I want to build a kevlar vest for a police detective. Would I use damage negation or damage reduction?


I'd use neither...I'd use plain old armor/Resistant defense...


They both are "ignore damage powers" though the exact effects are a little differant...


Damage Reduction gets better the bigger the attack it resists is...so vs small attacks it does very little (ex: you take 6 stun, 1/2 DR "stops" 3 stun, not very impressive for a 30 pt power...) Damage Negation lets you "ignore damage" up to a point so -6DC Damage negation lets you ignore the first 6DC's that come at you so small attacks really don't affect you at all (ex; a hail of small arms fire, you casually ask "Is it raining?" and mean it...) Plain old Resistant defence stops a certain amount of damage.


So it "kinda depends" on what you use, based on what you want...

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Re: damage negation v. damage reduction


If you buy 1/2 DR Resistant (PH, EN, Mental) that is the same as doubling stun, body and REC (for STUN) and CON (for stunning).


So the DR costs you 120 points.


To make it worthwhile (and obviously costs have changed quite a bit in 6e), you need to spend...hang on...


1/2+1+(let's say)1/2+(let's say)4/5...that's what....3 4/5.... divide 120 by that...that's about 32 points. So, what were we talking about?


At the moment, I'm not sure what you're talking about, but sometime this weekend I plan to start us up a thread so we can stop hijacking this one.


I created two threads, giving you two chances to show that maybe you do know what you're talking about.






We can head there to butt heads, and butt out here.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary now returns this thread to its regularly scheduled headbutting hijacking buttheads

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