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The Puffin: A Personal Aircraft


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The rather unusual-looking craft would be especially handy for military applications. Its extremely low heat signature would make it difficult to detect in the air, and the fact that it’s whisper quiet doesn’t hurt, either. In fact, because it’s so quiet similar technology may be used for commercial transportation in the future. The lack of loud, emissions-heavy aircraft engines would mean that airports could be situated closer to city centers and even residential areas. And if we can’t have personal jet packs, then personal aircraft would be the next best thing.





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Re: The Puffin: A Personal Aircraft


"with a range of just 50 miles,"

"the range could be doubled by 2017."

"cruise at around 150 miles per hour"

So even in 7 years they'll only have a 40 minute endurance. It doesn't look like it's got much of a glide ratio either. What they desperately need is a system to reverse the function of the props from engines to generators. When it comes into land without power (as will eventually happen with such a short ranged vehicle) it can bleed off the downward velocity then use the power for a last upward surge.


[edit just read the original article in Scientific American where they mention a 240 to 320 km (150 to 200 mile) range by 2017. This assumes at least a tripling of battery power. A 1 to 1 1/2 hour endurance sounds a lot better. But it STILL needs the generators.]

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Re: The Puffin: A Personal Aircraft


The amazing thing is how little space you need to avoid a collision if you can just pull up and reverse thrust. This thing can go to a dead stop in less than 150m vertical and 150m horizontal even assuming you only do a 4.5 G turn upwards with 1 G reverse thrust (and we know it can do 1 G reverse thrust because it needs 1 G forward thrust to take off). If you want it to keep relatively close to it's previous altitude for traffic purposes it still only takes less than 320m to stop 80m/s (approx. top speed).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: The Puffin: A Personal Aircraft


Here's another possible future aircraft--





It's supposed to be electric powered--just the thing for getting around an O'Neill-type space colony, or maybe a Jupiter-sized Dyson sphere.


More about it here--



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