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Do you give differing accents to fantasy races?


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Re: Do you give differing accents to fantasy races?


I once did a T&T one-shot where Dwarves had German accents, Elves had French, Hobbits had Cockney, Orcs had Russian, and Trolls (had they shown up) would have had cheesy Swedish accents.


(It wasn't intended to be a one-shot. In fact, I don't think we ever got around to actually playing the adventure....)

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Re: Do you give differing accents to fantasy races?


Barbarians with thick southern accents. "Amoanna hurt y'alls purty bayud!"


In our D&D current game, that's how the giant folk talk, with the added refinement that ettins have two names, leading to strange constructions like Billy-Bob and Bobby-Joe, etc. :)


cheers, Mark

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Re: Do you give differing accents to fantasy races?


Suggested for humorous effect:


Elves - California surfer

Trolls - Brooklyn


Flip these. Male trolls talk like surfers, female trolls talk like Valley Girls, and elves have a Brooklyn accent. ("You callin' me a fairy or sumthin'?")

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