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The Cast Of Red Dragon Inn


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Character Notes


Red Dragon Inn is a board game (of sorts) produced by Slugfest Games. The concept is fairly simple, you play one of eight members of an adventuring party, back from the dungeon, and ready to spend their loot. Game play consists of drawing cards from a character deck and using those cards to alter drinks, gamble, avoid getting your drink altered, detecting people cheating at gambling, cheating at gambling, and so on. You also buy drinks for your friends and consume the drinks you’ve been given. Last one standing (and not flat broke) wins.


Some time back, while playing a game of Red Dragon Inn I commented that between the various characters, their cards, and the quotes thereon, you could create some interesting HERO System character sheets. After a lot of delays and other dawdling, I present the finished result.


Comments on Character Construction


The eight Red Dragon Inn characters are as follows: Dierdre the Priestess, Dimli the Dwarf , Eve the Illusionist, Fiona the Volatile, Fleck the Bard, Gerki the Sneak, Gog the Half Ogre, and Zot the Wizard. When designing their HERO System character sheets I obeyed the following “rules”:


  1. Characters were to be set in Hero Game’s Turakian Age, if only because it has a pre-made magic system and numerous racial and professional templates handy.
  2. Each character gets one 20 in the Characteristic most related to their profession. Thus, Dierdre has a 20 EGO, Gerki a 20 DEX, and Fleck a 20 PRE. The exceptions are Eve (who has a 20 COM since Dierdre has the 20 EGO) and Dimli and Gog. Both have two Characteristics at 20 or better.
  3. Characters are to be written as generically as possible. Thus, they are missing many of the skills you might expect them to have -- such as additional Languages as well as Area and City Knowledges. Many of the characters have skills with {choice) listed or unspecified Contacts. Game Masters can fill these out as they wish.


As a final note, the characters don’t have backgrounds, just descriptions. They also have fairly sparse Disadvantages,which ties into Rule 3 above.

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Re: The Cast Of Red Dragon Inn




Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
10	STR	0	11-	Lift 100 kg; 2d6 HTH Damage [2]
18	DEX	24	13-	OCV:  6/DCV:  6
13	CON	6	12-
10	BODY	0	11-
16	INT	6	12-	PER Roll 12-/13-
20	EGO	20	13-	ECV:  7
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6
16	COM	3	12-

4	PD	2		Total:  4 PD (0 rPD)
4	ED	1		Total:  4 ED (0 rED)
4	SPD	12		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
5	REC	0
26	END	0
22	STUN	0		Total Characteristic Cost:  79

Movement:	Running:	8"/16"
Leaping:	2"/4"
Swimming:	2"/4"

Cost	Powers
2	1)  Cure Illness:  (FHG page 246), END 4
7	2)  "Mass Heal":  Healing-Spell (FHG page 247), END 12
Notes:  This spell is the same as "My Goddess Heals Me", except it's 
AOE: Radius (+1).
6	3)  "My Goddess Doesn't Like That":  Sacred Fire (FHG page 
251), END 7
Notes:  You might want to make this an EB as opposed to the original 
RKA. Deirdre's Goddess manifests her power as a beam of light.
3	4)  "My Goddess Heals Me":  Healing-Spell (FHG page 247), END 6
6	5)  "My Goddess Protects Me":  Shield Of Faith (FHG page 254), END 1
Notes:  This is the Strong version of this spell.
5	6)  "Prayer Of Healing":  Healing-Spell (FHG page 247), END 8
Notes:  This is the Strong version of the basic Healing-Spell. It should 
take even longer than the basic Healing-Spell (say... 1 Minute?), 
require 0 DCV Concentration, and might even have the Can Heal Limbs 
2	7)  "Wine Into Water/Water Into Wine":  See Notes, END 3
Notes:  This spell isn't specified, per se. I figure it to be a Minor (at 
best) Transform, capable of changing water into wine or wine into 
water. It has Limitations similar to other Divine spells (OAF [holy 
symbol], Extra Time, Incantations, and so on), as well as No Range. 
The Cost and END are arbitrary values.

4	Elven Swiftness:  Running +2" (8" total), END 1
2	Elven Eyes:  +1 PER with Sight Group
4	Elven Longevity:  LS  (Longevity: 1600 Years)
5	Elven Eyes:  UV Perception (Sight Group)
5	"My Goddess Provides":  Luck 1d6

3	Fringe Benefit:  Priestess
1	Fringe Benefit:  Right to Marry:  Can perform the marriage ceremony

27	"They May Not Know You're Cheating, But My Goddess Does!":  
Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, out of combat, Function as a Sense) 
3	Elven Sleep:  Lightsleep

2	AK: (choice) 11-
2	CK: (choice) 11-
4	Gambling (Card Games, Dice Games) 12-
2	"I Have To Pray Now...":  KS: Religious Doctrine 11-
2	"That Looks Like Mummy Rot!":  KS: Diseases 11-
3	Oratory 12-
3	Healing:  Paramedics 12-
3	"Let Us Toast The Goddess!":  Persuasion 12-
5	Faith:  Power 14-
2	PS: Priestess of the Goddess 11-
3	Riding 13-
2	Survival (Temperate/Subtropical) 12-
3	Trading 12-

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  121
Total Cost:  200

75+	Disadvantages
0	Normal Characteristic Maxima
5	Physical Limitation:  Prone To Intoxication (-3 on CON Rolls to resist 
drunkenness) (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Dislikes Being Treated 'Like A 
Bimbo' (Common, Moderate)
20	Psychological Limitation:  "My Goddess Made Me Do It" -- devoted to 
the goddess and her purposes  (Very Common, Strong)
90	Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points:  200


Description: Dierdre is an elvish priestess of an unspecified goddess. Highly attractive, she isn’t above using her looks to get things to go her way, but at the same time, doesn’t like to be treated like a mindless bit of eye candy either.


Fairly tall, with long tapering ears that poke through her shoulder-length fall of silvery-blue hair, Dierdre possesses a curvaceous build. She normally wears a long sleeved low-cut robe the same color as her hair, with a gold necklace and circlet on her brow.


Dierdre was created using the following Fantasy Hero Package Deals/Templates: Elf, Cityfolk,Contemplative Priest.

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Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
21	STR	12	13-	Lift 459.5 kg; 4d6 HTH Damage [4]
15	DEX	15	12-	OCV:  5/DCV:  5
20	CON	20	13-
15	BODY	10	12-
10	INT	0	11-	PER Roll 11-
15	EGO	10	12-	ECV:  5
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6
10	COM	0	11-

7	PD	3		Total:  7 PD (0 rPD)
6	ED	2		Total:  6 ED (0 rED)
4	SPD	15		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
8	REC	0
46	END	3
36	STUN	0		Total Characteristic Cost:  95

Movement:	Running:	5"/10"
Leaping:	4"/8"
Swimming:	2"/4"

Cost	Powers
4	"ImpressIve Dwarven War-Belch":  +10 PRE; Only To Make PRE 
Attacks (-1), Incantations (must belch; -1/4)

Martial Arts:  Dwarven War Art
Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Notes
4	Avoidance	--	+5	Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
4	Block	+2	+2	Block, Abort
5	Chop/Smash	-2	+1	Weapon +4 DC Strike
5	Ogre-Slaying Stroke
	+1	+3	Weapon  Strike
4	Side Slash	+0	+2	Weapon +2 DC Strike
1	Weapon Element:  Axes/Maces/Hammers/Picks, Blades

-2	Short Legs:  Running -1"
3	Knowledge Of Stone:  Detect Depth And Slope Of Passage While 
Underground 11- (Sight Group)
5	Dwarven Eyes:  Nightvision
3	"That Hit The Spot":  LS  (Immunity: Alcohol)
2	Dwarven Longevity:  LS  (Longevity: 400 Years)

5	"Dwarves Always Have Money":  Money:  Well Off

10	+2 with HTH Combat
6	+2 with Dwarven War Art

3	"Great Grandfather's Helmet":  Armorsmith 12-
3	Climbing 12-
7	Concealment 13-
3	Dwarven Senses:  +3 with Concealment; Only To Detect Hidden/
Concealed/Cunning Stonework (-1)
2	KS: Dwarven Wrist Wrestling 11-
4	"Best Two Out Of Three":  Gambling (Card Games, Dice Games) 11-
1	KS: Dwarven War Art 8-
2	KS: Stonework 11-
2	PS: Armorer 11-
2	PS: Blacksmith 11-
1	PS: Dwarven Darts 8-
3	"Spike It With Firewater":  Sleight Of Hand 12-
3	Tactics 11-
1	Trading 8-
3	WF:  Common Melee Weapons, Thrown Knives, Axes, and Darts
2	Weaponsmith (Axes And Picks) 11-

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  105
Total Cost:  200

75+	Disadvantages
0	Normal Characteristic Maxima
10	Psychological Limitation:  Dislikes Comments About His Height 
(Common; Moderate)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Grumpy And Irritable (Common; Moderate)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Miserly (Common; Strong)
90	Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points:  200


Description: Dimli is an dwarf warrior who loves gold so much he’s loathe to part with any of it. However, he does love his ale as well, and can drink most people under the table. His skill with the axe is legendary, but not so his skill at darts....


Short and broad, with a long, thick dark brown beard, Dimli is an almost stereotypical dwarf in appearance. He wears dwarven plate armor, with gold trim and small red gems set into the crown of his helmet.


Dimli was created using the following Fantasy Hero Package Deals/Templates: Dwarf, Heavy Warrior.

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Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
10	STR	0	11-	Lift 100 kg; 2d6 HTH Damage [2]
16	DEX	18	12-	OCV:  5/DCV:  5
13	CON	6	12-
10	BODY	0	11-
18	INT	8	13-	PER Roll 13-
18	EGO	16	13-	ECV:  6
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6
20	COM	5	13-

4	PD	2		Total:  4 PD (0 rPD)
4	ED	1		Total:  4 ED (0 rED)
4	SPD	14		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
5	REC	0
26	END	0
22	STUN	0		Total Characteristic Cost:  75

Movement:	Running:	6"/12"
Leaping:	2"/4"
Swimming:	2"/4"

Cost	Powers
4	1)  "Actually, That's Dragon's Breath Ale":  Simbalon's Fifth Spell Of 
Illusion (FHG page 178), END 6
2	2)  "I Attempt To Disbelieve":  The Spell Of The Iron Mind (FHG page 
Notes:  This being Eve, you might want to remove the Usable By 
Other Advantage.
2	3)  "I Cloak Myself In Shadow!":  Alzamar's Cloak Of The Unseen (FHG 
page 182), END 2
Notes:  You may wish to extend Eve's Invisiblity to cover such senses 
as Hearing and Smell.
2	4)  "I'm Not Eve, She's Over There!":  Sicard's Spell Of The Varying 
Visage (FHG page 183), END 4
4	5)  "Look Into My Eyes... You Are Getting... Drunker!":  Belzorath's 
Dominion Of The MInd (FHG page 167), END 5
Notes:  This spell should drop the OAF Expendable coin and add Eye 
Contact Required (-1/2).
5	6)  "Share The Pain":  Torment Of The Mind (FHG page 174), END 6
Notes:  To simulate how this works in Red Dragon Inn the game, the 
spell becomes a Damage Shield, affecting anyone who hurts Eve.
2	7)  "That's Just An Illusion":  Belzorath's Spell Of The Waking Dreams 
(FHG page 176), END 2

6	Contacts: Assorted among people of her home city
5	"Illusionary Coin":  Money:  Well Off

10	+2 with Mental Combat
10	+2 with Interaction Skills

3	Acting 12-
2	AK: (choice) 11-
2	CK: (choice) 11-
3	"What's That Up Your Sleeve?":  Concealment 13-
3	"Tip Me, I'm The [bar] Wench":  Disguise 13-
4	"This Time, Let's Use My Cards":  Gambling (Card Games, Dice 
Games) 13-
3	Spell Research:  Inventor 13-
1	Literacy 
3	Mimicry 13-
3	Persuasion 12-
13	Sorcery And Illusions:  Power 18-
3	Seduction 12-
3	"Drink What? [My Glass] Is Empty":  Sleight Of Hand 12-
3	Stealth 12-
3	Streetwise 12-
2	Survival (Urban) 13-
3	Ventriloquism 13-
1	WF:  Staffs
3	Scholar
2	1)  KS: Arcane And Occult Lore 13-
2	2)  "Illusions Aren't Supposed To Hurt":  KS: Sorcery And Illusions 13- 
2	3)  KS: (choice) 13-
2	4)  KS: (choice) 13-
2	5)  KS: (choice) 13-
2	6)  KS: (choice) 13-

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  125
Total Cost:  200

75+	Disadvantages
0	Normal Characteristic Maxima
10	Psychological Limitation:  Dangerous When Bored (Common; 
15	Psychological Limitation:  Devious (Common; Strong)
100	Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points:  200


Description: A human illusionist, Eve’s spells have confused many a monster, but also many of her friends and allies. Fortunately, most of her pranks are harmless, unfortunately, she tends to get bored easily.


At best guess, Eve is of average height, with short blonde hair and green eyes. However, she tends to her spells to vary her appearance (often in gradual, subtle ways) so no one’s ever exactly sure. She wears a close-fitting dark purple outfit, with gold trim, and a high-collared cloak. She also bears a staff of black wood topped with blue crystal sphere in a gold setting. This may (or may not) help her with her spells.


Eve was created using the following Fantasy Hero Package Deals/Templates: Cityfolk, Wizard.

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Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
20	STR	10	13-	Lift 400 kg; 4d6 HTH Damage [4]
17	DEX	21	12-	OCV:  6/DCV:  6
18	CON	16	13-
14	BODY	8	12-
10	INT	0	11-	PER Roll 11-/12-
11	EGO	2	11-	ECV:  4
18	PRE	8	13-	PRE Attack:  3 1/2d6
14	COM	2	12-

6	PD	2		Total:  6 PD (0 rPD)
5	ED	1		Total:  5 ED (0 rED)
4	SPD	1	3	Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
8	REC	0
36	END	0
33	STUN	0		Total Characteristic Cost:  83

Movement:	Running:	7"/14"
Leaping:	4"/8"
Swimming:	2"/4"

Cost	Powers
Martial Arts: Weapons Combat
Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Notes
5	All-Out	+1	-2	Weapon +4 DC Strike
4	Attack	+0	+2	Weapon +2 DC Strike
4	Charge	+0	-2	Weapon +2 DC +v/5 Strike, FMove
4	Defend	+2	+2	Block, Abort
5	Weapon Element:  Axes, Maces, Hammers, and Picks, Blades, 
Polearms and Spears, Shields, Staffs, Two-Handed Weapons

Martial Arts:  Wrestling
Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Notes
4	Escape	+0	+0	35 STR vs. Grabs
5	"It'll Hurt More If You Do It Like This"
	-1	-2	Grab One Limb; HKA 1d6 +1 , Disable
3	Hold	-1	-1	Grab Two Limbs, 30 STR for holding 
3	Slam	+0	+1	4d6 +v/5, Target Falls
4	"Then I Got The Ogre In A Headlock"
	-2	+0	Grab One Limb; 2d6 NND

10	Can Take The Punishment:  Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 
25%; STUN Only (-1/2)
2	Takes Big Steps:  Running +1" (7" total), END 1
2	"I Do Believe That You're Cheating":  +1 PER with Sight Group

5	"I'm A Quick Healer":  Rapid Healing

20	+4 with HTH Combat
12	"I Just Instinctively Aim For The Head":  +4 versus Hit Location 
modifiers with All Attacks

3	Analyze:  Style 11-
1	"Just The Thing To Get The Rust Of My Armor":  Armorsmith 8-
3	Fast Draw (HTH) 12-
4	Gambling (Card Games, Dice Games) 11-
2	KS: Weapons Combat 11-
2	"Ya Wanna Arm Wrestle?":  KS: Wrestling 11-
3	Paramedics 11-
3	Tactics 11-
4	"I'm Polishing My Arsenal":  WF:  Common Melee Weapons, Common 
Missile Weapons

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  117
Total Cost:  200

75+	Disadvantages
0	Normal Characteristic Maxima
15	Psychological Limitation:  Short-Tempered (Common; Strong)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Bad With Money (rarely spends it wisely) 
(Common; Moderate)
10	Reputation:  why do you think they call her 'the volatile?', 11-
90	Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points:  200


Description: Quite strong and extremely durable, Fiona is more than capable of holding the front lines of any fight. She can also drink quite a bit, but has less luck keeping her hard-fought gold in her pouch.


A tall strapping redhead, Fiona has an impressive physique hidden under her full suit of plate armor. She carries several weapons, including a hand-and-half sword, a broad sword, and an axe.


Fiona was created using the following Fantasy Hero Package Deals/Templates: Heavy Fighter.

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Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
13	STR	3	12-	Lift 151.6kg; 2 1/2d6 [3]
17	DEX	21	12-	OCV:  6/DCV:  6
14	CON	8	12-
11	BODY	2	11-
16	INT	6	12-	PER Roll 12-/13-
13	EGO	6	12-	ECV:  4
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack:  4d6
18	COM	4	13-

4	PD	1		Total:  4 PD (0 rPD)
4	ED	1		Total:  4 ED (0 rED)
4	SPD	13		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
6	REC	0
28	END	0
25	STUN	0		Total Characteristic Cost:  75

Movement:	Running:	7"/14"
Leaping:	2”/4”
Swimming:	2"/4"

Cost	Powers
Notes:  All of Fleck's songs/spells require an OIF (musical instrument 
of opportunity; -1/2). He doesn't have a Power Skill relating to Song 
Magic, so you might need to buy that or simply rebuild his songs 
without the :Requires A Skill Roll" Limitation.
2	1)  Overpowering Song:  (FHG II page 134), END 2
5	2)  Song Of Calming:  (FHG II page 135-136), END 5
5	3)  Song Of Courage:  See Notes, END 5
Notes:  This song isn't specified per se. It should be an Aid to PRE 
built around 60 Active Points, with an Area of Effect defined as "voice 
range." Limitations should be as other Songs in FHG II. Fleck uses it to 
bolster his companions courage when facing dungeon dangers.
8	4)  Song Of Laugheter:  (FHG II page 138), END 6
Notes:  This song doesn't have to incude laughter, it also could 
enthrall them due to the beauty of the music and versus.
7	5)  Song Of Slumber:  (FHG II page 140), END 6

7	"I Can Hold My Liquor":  +10 CON; Only To Resist The Effects Of 
Intoxication (-2)
2	Swift:  Running +1" (7" total), END 1
2	Half-Elven Eyes:  +1 PER with Sight Group
2	Half-Elven Longevity:  LS  (Longevity: 400 Years)
10	"Lady Luck Is Smiling":  Luck 2d6

4	A Friend Of Mine:  Contact:  Priest (Contact has useful Skills or 
resources, Good relationship with Contact) 11-
4	Another Friend Of Mine:  Contact:  Warrior (Contact has useful Skills or 
resources, Good relationship with Contact) 11-

3	Perfect Pitch
10	Fascination

6	+2 with Songs/Spells

2	AK: (choice) 11-
3	Conversation 13-
2	CK: (choice) 11-
4	"Card Up My Sleeve":  Gambling (Card Games, Dice Games) 12-
3	High Society 13-
3	KS: Legends And Lore 12-
3	"How About A Rowdy Drinking Song?":  KS: Songs For Any 
Occasion 12-
3	KS: Tales And Stories 12-
1	"Read Lore":  Literacy 
2	MIF (Chordophones) 11-
3	Oratory 13-
3	Persuasion 13-
3	"Now I'm Going To Play Something Really Sad":  PS: Musician 12-
3	"I Have Composed A Poem":  PS: Poet 12-
3	PS: Singing 13-
3	Seduction 13-
3	Streetwise 13-
1	WF:  Blades

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  125
Total Cost:  200

75+	Disadvantages
0	Normal Characteristic Maxima
15	Psychological Limitation:  Somewhat Full of Himself (Very Common; 
110	Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points:  200


Description: Always smiling, always singing, Fleck is the half-elven is easily the life of any party. Unfortunately, his popularity tends to go this his head, often rendering him a bit smug.


Extremely handsome, Fleck has the long pointed ears of an elf, dark hair, and a neatly-trimmed mustache and beard. He wears a striped blue tunic with billowy sleeves, a red floppy hat, and a gold cloak. He also carrie a lute everywhere he goes.


Fleck was created using the following Fantasy Hero Package Deals/Templates: Elf (scaled down), Cityfolk, Bard.

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Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
8	STR	-2	11-	Lift 75.8 kg; 1 1/2d6 HTH Damage [2]
20	DEX	30	13-	OCV:  7/DCV:  7
15	CON	10	12-
9	BODY	-2	11-
13	INT	3	12-	PER Roll 12-
11	EGO	2	11-	ECV:  4
13	PRE	3	12-	PRE Attack:  2 1/2d6
10	COM	0	11-

4	PD	2		Total:  4 PD (0 rPD)
4	ED	1		Total:  4 ED (0 rED)
4	SPD	10		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
5	REC	0
30	END	0
21	STUN	0		Total Characteristic Cost:  57

Movement:	Running:	4"/8"
Leaping:	2”/4”
Swimming:	2"/4"

Cost	Powers
-4	Short Legs:  Running -2"
22	Fade Into Shadow:  Invisibility to Sight Group , No Fringe, Reduced 
Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Chameleon (-1/2), Only When In Darkness/
Shadows (-1/2)
17	Cat's Feet:  Invisibility to Hearing Group , No Fringe, Reduced 
Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4); Can't Move More Than 3" Per 
Phase (-1/2), END 1

10	Contacts:  Assorted among people of his home city
Notes:  Specifically -- among the criminal element.
2	Guild Member:  Fringe Benefit:  Membership: Guild Thief (Senior 

10	Hard To Hit:  +2 with DCV
10	+2 with HTH Combat
12	"How Did This Get in Your Back?":  +4 versus Hit Location modifiers 
with All Attacks

2	AK: District/quarter/neighborhood of city with which character is most 
familiar 11-
2	CK: Character's home city 11-
3	Climbing 13-
3	"What's That Up Your Sleeve?":  Concealment 12-
3	"Hey! Where'd The Little Guy Go?":  +2 with Concealment; Self 
Only (-1/2)
8	"I Know You Think You Won, But...":  Gambling (Card Games, Dice 
Games) 14-
3	KS: How To Cheat At Cards (and othe gambling games) 12-
3	Lockpicking 13-
3	"It's Contact Poison!":  Poisoning 12-
5	"Luckily For Me I Had This Antidote Brewed Up!":  +4 with Poisoning; 
Only To Evaluate And Identify Poisons (-1/2)
5	"I Forgot To Disarm One Of The Traps":  Security Systems 13-
3	"Oh, This Your Gold Piece?":  Sleight Of Hand 13-
9	"Hide In Shadows":  Stealth 16-
2	Survival (Urban) 12-
7	Streetwise 14-
3	WF:  Common Melee Weapons, Thrown Knives, Axes, and Darts

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  143
Total Cost:  200

75+	Disadvantages
20	Hunted:  City Guard or rival Guild (player's choice) 8- (Mo Pow; NCI; 
0	Normal Characteristic Maxima
5	Physical Limitation:  Small, roughly half human size and mass 
(Infrequently; Slightly Impairing)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Shifty, Sneaky, And Not To be Trusted 
(Common; Strong)
85	Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points:  200


Description: Doing nothing to dispel the stereotype about halflings, Gerki is a master thief, with years of experience dealing with locks, traps, poisons, and backstabbing. He likes his gold and he likes to gamble, and isn’t above using his skills to ensure the latter gets him more of the former.


Short and shifty, Gerki only looks innocent. He has a boyish face, avy red hair, and prominent front teeth. He wears a dark green cloak over a brown vest and gray tunic and is well armed with an assortment of knives.


Gerki was created using the following Fantasy Hero Package Deals/Templates: Halfling, Cityfolk, Criminal, Rogue.

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Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
25	STR	20	14-	Lift 800 kg; 5d6 HTH Damage [5]
13	DEX	9	12-	OCV:  4/DCV:  4
21	CON	24	13-
18	BODY	16	13-
8	INT	-2	11-	PER Roll 12-
8	EGO	-4	11-	ECV:  3
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack:  4d6
8	COM	-1	11-

8	PD	3		Total:  8 PD (1 rPD)
7	ED	3		Total:  7 ED (1 rED)
4	SPD	17		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
9	REC	0
42	END	0
42	STUN	0		Total Characteristic Cost:  95

Movement:	Running:	8"/16"
Leaping:	5"/10"
Swimming:	2"/4"

Cost	Powers
10	"Gog Loves Everyone":  Area Of Effect (up to One Hex; +1/2) for up to 
25 of STR; Can Be Blocked (-1/4)	1
3	"Gog Crush Beer Stein On Head!":  +10 PRE; Only To Make PRE 
Attacks (-1), OIF (object of opportunity to be broken; -1/2), Extra 
Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Gestures (must mangle object; -1/4)
16	"Gog Angry Now!":  Aid  STR 4d6; 4 Charges (-1), Self 
Only (-1/2), [4]
1	"Stop Poking Gog!":  Damage Resistance (1 PD/1 ED)
10	"That Not Hurt":  Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25%; STUN 
Only (-1/2)
4	Takes Big Steps:  Running +2" (8" total), END 1
3	Sharp Senses:  +1 PER with all Sense Groups
10	"This Taste Yucky":  Discriminatory with Smell/Taste Group
5	Gog See In Dark:  Nightvision
5	"Look What Gog Find On Floor!":  Luck 1d6

15	+3 with HTH Combat
4	"Shut Up!":  +2 with Block

3	Climbing 12-
4	Gambling (Card Games, Dice Games) 11-
3	Hoist 11-
1	Navigation (Land) 8-
1	"Dance With Gog!":  PS: Dancing 8-
2	Survival (Temperate/Subtropical) 11-
3	Power: Brick Tricks 14-
2	WF:  Common Melee Weapons

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  105
Total Cost:  200

75+	Disadvantages
0	Normal Characteristic Maxima
5	Physical Limitation:  "Gog Not Know Own Strength" (Infrequently; 
Slightly Impairing)
5	Psychological Limitation:  "Gog No Like Cheaters" (Uncommon; 
15	Psychological Limitation:  A Nice Guy At Heart (unless riled or 
wronged) (Common; Strong)
100	Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points:  200


Description: A half-ogre, no one really wants to know any more about Gog’s parentage. That said, he’sa nice enough guy, even if he’s not exactly bright and has two left feet when it comes to dancing. Just point him at the monsters and stay out of his way and you’ll be okay (and watch it on the insults, he has a disturbing tendency to figure those out when you least expect it.)


Huge, muscular, and green-skinned, Gog is an intimidating sight. He has thick reddish-brown hair that grows along the back of his skull, and is worn in two long braids. Gog wears heavy scale armor, with plate pauldrons and gorget and vambraces of leather set with spikes. His weapon is unspecified, but almost certainly matches his great size.


Gog was created using the following Fantasy Hero Package Deals/Templates: Ogre (scaled down), Barbarian.

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Re: The Cast Of Red Dragon Inn




Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
10	STR	0	11-	Lift 100 kg; 2d6 HTH Damage [2]
15	DEX	15	12-	OCV:  5/DCV:  5
13	CON	6	12-
10	BODY	0	11-
20	INT	10	13-	PER Roll 13-/14-
17	EGO	14	12-	ECV:  6
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6
10	COM	0	11-

4	PD	2		Total:  4 PD (0 rPD)
4	ED	1		Total:  4 ED (0 rED)
4	SPD	15		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
5	REC	0
26	END	0
22	STUN	0		Total Characteristic Cost:  68

Movement:	Running:	6"/12"
Leaping:	2"/4"
Swimming:	2"/4"

Cost	Powers
1	1)  Detect Magic:  (FHG page 221), END 1
4	2)  "I Don't Think So":  Stelrane's Spell Of Dispersion (FHG page 223), 
4	3)  "Keep Your Hands Off Of My Wand":  Wizard's Trap (FHG page 
228), END 9
4	4)  Lustyn's Spell Of Trickery:  (FHG page 222)
5	5)  Mystic Bolt:  (FHG page 224), END 7
5	6)  Mystic Dart:  (FHG page 225), END 6
6	7)  Mystic Wall:  (FHG page 229), END 8
4	8)  "Now You See Me... Now You Don't":  The First Spell Of The 
Crimson Ring (FHG page 232), END 4
1	9)  "Teleport Beverage":  See Notes, END 4
Notes:  This spell allows Zot to teleport small objects. They have to be 
near him and can't weight more than a full drinking tankard. The END 
and point costs are guesstimates.
3	10) Wizard's Bastion:  (FHG page 229), END 4
3	11) Wizard's Shield:  (FHG page 231), END 2

2	"What's That Up Your Sleeve?"":  +1 PER with Sight Group

15	Pooky the Psychotic Rabbit:  Follower
2	Fringe Benefit:  Membership: Guild Mage (Senior Apprentice)
5	"Transmute Peanuts To Gold":  Money:  Well Off

15	+3 with Spells

2	AK: (choice) 11-
2	"Down Pooky":  Animal Handler (Rabbit) 12-
1	Bureaucratics 8-
2	CK: (choice) 11-
4	"This Time, We'll Use My Dice":  Gambling (Card Games, Dice 
Games) 13-
1	High Society 8-
3	Instructor 13-
3	Spell Research:  Inventor 13-
3	KS: Arcane and Occult Lore 13-
3	KS: The Magical World 13-
3	KS: Wizardry 13-
1	Literacy 
13	Magic:  Power:  Wizardry 18-
3	"Not Now, I'm Meditating":  PS: Meditation 13-
3	"The Stars Say No!":  SS:  Astrology 13-
3	SS:  Magical Theory 13-
3	"I Pull A Rabbit Out Of My Hat!":  Sleight Of Hand 12-

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  132
Total Cost:  200

75+	Disadvantages
5	Distinctive Features:  Wizard (Not Concealable; Noticed and 
Recognizable; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses [Detect Magic])
0	Normal Characteristic Maxima
15	Psychological Limitation:  Show-Off, Like Impressive, Flashy Effects 
(Common; Strong)
Notes:  "Behold my impressive power as I... pull this rabbit out of my 
105	Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points:  200


Description: An experienced wizard and master of many spells, Zot should be teaching magical theory at the Wizard’s College if it wasn’t for Pooky the insane bunny rabbit and his familiar. He’s now an adventuring wizard, parting monsters for their hard-won gold, and living freely.


Zot dresses in a long black robe and matching cloak. He has a thick gray beard and a silver metal skullcap.


Zot was created using the following Fantasy Hero Package Deals/Templates: City, Wizard.

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Re: The Cast Of Red Dragon Inn




Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
0	STR	-10	9-	Lift 25 kg; 0d6 HTH Damage [1]
16	DEX	18	12-	OCV:  5/DCV:  5
14	CON	8	12-
7	BODY	-6	10-
15	INT	5	12-	PER Roll 14-/16-
10	EGO	0	11-	ECV:  3
13	PRE	3	12-	PRE Attack:  2 1/2d6
10	COM	0	11-

4	PD	4		Total:  4 PD (1 rPD)
3	ED	0		Total:  3 ED (1 rED)
3	SPD	4		Phases:  4, 8, 12
4	REC	2
28	END	0
20	STUN	6		Total Characteristic Cost:  34

Movement:	Running:	7"/14"
Leaping:	4"/8"
Swimming:	1"/2"

Cost	Powers
32	Magic Augmentation:  Aid  Magic 2d6, Limited To One Power At A 
Time (+0), any magic power one at a time (+1/4), Delayed Return 
Rate (5 Points per Hour; +1), Invisible Power Effects (Fully 
Invisible; +1); Only When Within 5" Of Wizard (-1)
12	Nasty Bite:  HKA 1d6; Reduced Penetration (-1/4), END 1
5	Claw:  HKA 1 point, END 1
1	Tough Skin:  Damage Resistance (1 PD/1 ED)
2	Rabbit's Legs:  Running +1" (7" total), END 1
4	Rabbit's Legs:  Leaping +4" (4" forward, 2" upward), END 1
-1	Short Legs:  Swimming -1"
32	Shared Senses:  Clairsentience (Sight And Hearing Groups), x4 Range 
(1,200"), Usable Simultaneously (familiar and wizard at once) (up to 2 
people at once; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Only 
Through The Senses Of Others (familiar only) (-1), Blackout (-1/2)
6	Rabbit Senses:  +2 PER with All Sense Groups
4	Rabbit Ears:  +2 PER with Hearing Group
5	Rabbit Eyes:  Nightvision
10	Magical Communication:  Mind Link , One Specific Mind (the wizard), 
Psychic Bond

2	Drunken Rampage:  +1 with Bite
20	Hard To Hit:  +4 with DCV

7	Concealment 16-; Self Only (-1/2)
2	"Pooky! Stop Looking At The Cards!":  Gambling (Card Games) 12-
2	Understanding:  Language:  "Common" (basic conversation; literate)
Notes:  Can only understand the language,  can't speak it.
11	Stealth 16-

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  156
Total Cost:  190

75+	Disadvantages
10	Physical Limitation:  Diminutive, down to one-quarter human size 
(.5m, or 1/4"; +6" KB) Frequently, Slightly Impairing
15	Physical Limitation:  Very Limited Manipulation Frequently, Greatly 
15	Psychological Limitation:  Psychotic, Prone To Drunken Rampages 
(Common; Strong)
75	Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points:  190


Description: A small white rabbit, Pooky is insane. Really. He loves ale and will swipe unattended drinks any chance he gets. Unfortunately, this has been known to result in drunken, frothing-at-the-mouth, rampages in which Pooky will attempt to attack anything that moves. Oh, and he also helps Zot cheat at cards by trying to look at the other player’s hands.


Pooky was built based off of the Jackalope character sheet from the Hero System Bestiary, with the Familiar and Smart Templates.

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Re: The Cast Of Red Dragon Inn


As a final note, Red Dragon Inn 3 is due out around time for Gen Con. Accordinig to the Slugfest Games forum, three of the new characters will be Audera The Paladin (sister of Deirdre the Priestess), Phrenck (Frank) the Troll Alchemist, and Wizgille the Gnomish Inventor. If/when I get RDI 3, I'll see about adding these guys to the cast.

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Re: The Cast Of Red Dragon Inn


the beginning of it starts out like Lone Wolf and Cub, where a former student of Shaolin is doing the Ball or Sword test for his infant son. Then a former comrade of his shows up and tries to kill him and away we go. This is not Wong Fei Hung, but the character also uses the No Shadow Kick as one of his signature moves, but his main attacks are via a long spear and his special attack "Wonder Screw".

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Re: The Cast Of Red Dragon Inn


Nope' date=' not seen it.[/quote']


I think you have - in fact I think we watched it at your place - although it was along, long time ago. The one with the map to shaolin temple tattooed on the backs of several kids - one piece per kid? The fight scene where our hero faces a guy using a big burning log as a weapon - he splits the log with his spear? (that's the inspiration for the parody scene in Grunge: the movie, by Adam Warren).


cheers, Mark

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