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Strangest Perk you've seen?


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Re: Strangest Perk you've seen?


I played in a game many years ago where one of the characters had a perk-like oddity (called a schtick, I believe) that they could start a Three Stooges-style pie fight at any time by getting into an argument with someone. I don't recall the game system, but it was comedic and multi-genre (though not It Came from the Late Late Show).

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Re: Strangest Perk you've seen?


Same game of Dark Champions there was this character called Swift who seemed to spend most of his time 'acquiring' the equipment and schticks of other characters. He was, apparently, worshipped as a messiah by a cult. It was a very organised and media-aware cult and most battles he was involved in there would be a couple of robed monks with clipboards appraising his performance and working out camera angles and doing surveys of bystanders to better project his public image.


"So, honorable citizen, how would you rate Swift's combat style, visually:


1) Most dramatic and exciting, I would be happy for my daughter to marry him

2) Solid and dependable, he would make a good World Leader

3) ..."


I don't know if you'd call it a perk...

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Re: Strangest Perk you've seen?


Strangest one was a brick who wanted the right to marry random people of opposite sex to each other. "YOU... (Grabs a man) YOU... (Grabs a woman) (Looked deeply at both) MARRY!"


Is that really a Perk though?

If the local authorities back him up and say it's legally binding, then yes.

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Re: Strangest Perk you've seen?


I played a princess at one point whose family invited all the local faeries and thus avoided the "sleeping beauty" curse issue. As such, she had *too many* baptism gifts. In addition to the expected fair features, sweet voice, etc, she had always perfect hair and nails that were never chipped or brittle.

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