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Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover!

Steve Long

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Re: Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover!


There's no rules in it, unless somethings changed bigtime.


I like the cover for the most part. I think Sapphire's energy should have been, well, sapphire colored and not amethyst colored . . .


But whatcha gonna do. It's got great action and Grond looks HUGE.


In game, Grond IS huge. Check out the pic of him on the 4th page of the screenshots thread in the CO forum.

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Re: Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover!


I have to disagree with everything Haven said. It's an exciting cover, and easily-distracted me had no problem reading the back cover text.


In fact, I'd go so far as to say this may be the best cover in DOJ's history.


The only way it could have been better was to have Nighthawk getting crunched. ;)

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Re: Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover!


I have to disagree with everything Haven said. It's an exciting cover, and easily-distracted me had no problem reading the back cover text.


In fact, I'd go so far as to say this may be the best cover in DOJ's history.


The only way it could have been better was to have Nighthawk getting crunched. ;)


Sorry Bob, my favorite Cover is still 4th edition...Then again I am a sucker for Perez art...

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Re: Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover!


I have to disagree with everything Haven said. It's an exciting cover, and easily-distracted me had no problem reading the back cover text.


In fact, I'd go so far as to say this may be the best cover in DOJ's history.


The only way it could have been better was to have Nighthawk getting crunched. ;)


I always thought, the best Cover in HERO(Could have been) history would have been a Follow up cover for the BBB, which shows the result of a Seeker vs Dr. Destroyer fight. Still. Nighthawks boot sticking out of one of Gronds back molars would have been another plus methinks. ;D



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Re: Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover!


I always thought, the best Cover in HERO(Could have been) history would have been a Follow up cover for the BBB, which shows the result of a Seeker vs Dr. Destroyer fight. Still. Nighthawks boot sticking out of one of Gronds back molars would have been another plus methinks. ;D




If memory serves, Rob tried to commission George to do the cover for Day of the Destroyer, but that, alas, fell through. Can't complain too much about the Ben Dunn cover, though.


This one certainly looks great.

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Re: Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover!


My only question is "Why wasn't this on the cover of the basic rulebooks?" Art sells copies.


Easy to answer: Because it wasn't a genre book. With a rules book you want people to realize there were all sorts of uses for it, not just superheroics.


(Toward that end I thought art with several genres rep'd would have worked; but in the end what they did was fine.)

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Re: Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover!


Counter: Those uses are still there, but Champions came first, and is still the core of the system's fanbase.


Counter: Anything looks better than a big gold hex on a big blue background. Every single one of my gamers said to me "Bal! This looks like an auto repair manual." That's hardly a ringing endorsement of product appearance. "It's TWO volumes that look like an auto repair manual? You have gotta be kidding me!" was another comment from one of my players.


I love Hero. I bought a copy of those auto repair manuals for every single player I have, and guess what? The cover art on the main books is a big negative. When I go to conventions and people see what they can play, if people see a pretty looking rulebook, they say "Hey, what's that?" As opposed to "Oh, my god, what's that ugly book?"


I would buy the books if Osama Bin Laden was giving me the finger on the cover. But I know better than to think that beautiful cover art won't sell more books.

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Re: Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover!


That's a counterintuitive marketing strategy. Your strongest sales should always be your core rulebooks. Showing people other things you can do with the core rulebooks never sells as well. Pretty art on the main rulebooks is key. Look at D+D 4. The system is AWFUL. But the art is phenomenally attractive and draws people in.

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Re: Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover!


That's a counterintuitive marketing strategy. Your strongest sales should always be your core rulebooks. Showing people other things you can do with the core rulebooks never sells as well. Pretty art on the main rulebooks is key. Look at D+D 4. The system is AWFUL. But the art is phenomenally attractive and draws people in.


Look at D&D 3.0 and 3.5. Do you think 3.0 sold so poorly due to its understated cover art? Given 3.5 had similar art, I'm inclined to believe that wasn't the case.


To the actual thread topic, the cover screams "Super Heroes" - and that's exactly what the cover for the Super Hero genre book should do. The only negative I can think of is that it sets the bar very high for future covers of other supplements, hardly a condemnation!

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Re: Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover!


The industry has demonstrated over the last couple of years, that ICONIC, sells more Core books, then Giant Jumbles of Grab you Art, while the reverse is true, for the follow up supplements. Aside from HERO from Fred forward, another really good example, is the Starwars SAGA edition. From a distance, the Iconic books really grab your attention in their stark simplicity. Sure, some of that attention is "What the hell, this thing looks like a Parts Catalog for Panhead engines!" But it GOT, your attention. It made you pick it up. Even if you hate it, you still noticed it.


To go to the DnD examples, the 3.x books moved All the time, and used the same formula. When the 4e stuff hit, it was all, BUSY covers, Foil Enhanced ADHD attention grabbing Riot of everything art wise they could think of. Which is why you find Piles and Piles and Piles of them sitting everywhere not selling, because amid all that colorful noise, are strong bold Iconic books from other companies, that stand out even MORE, because of the uncontrolled riot around them in the store.


It's a pretty strong proven marketing tactic.



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Re: Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover!


Defender 6e : Scene.....Sitting in a room, head down in his hands grumbling.......


Defender Fred: *Clanks in, spots his successor looking glum* "Why so Glum Chum?"


Defender 6e : "I just got word from the GM. Hit locations are being allowed in the next game...."


Defender Fred: "Oh......Oh my. So...the Exposed neck and face thing? Not going to go over so well is it?"


Defender 6e: "Well, at least I don't look like QUITE the Tron wannabe on the new Champions cover.....but I think the end is Nigh, I can feel the cross hairs sighting in now..."


Seeker, under a building as a result of the Aftermath of the cover of 4e BBB : "Help!! ....help Me!.....Urrrk!"



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Re: Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover!


Sorry Bob' date=' my favorite Cover is still 4th edition...Then again I am a sucker for Perez art...[/quote']


Being held up for comparison to George Perez in his prime isn't a fate I'd wish on any comic-style artist. The man was (and still is) a detail-rendering god. But I do think this composition is more dynamic and gripping than that 4th Edition cover.

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Re: Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover!


I have to disagree with everything Haven said. It's an exciting cover, and easily-distracted me had no problem reading the back cover text.


In fact, I'd go so far as to say this may be the best cover in DOJ's history.


The only way it could have been better was to have Nighthawk getting crunched. ;)

by seeker
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Re: Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover!


Defender 6e : Scene.....Sitting in a room, head down in his hands grumbling.......


Defender Fred: *Clanks in, spots his successor looking glum* "Why so Glum Chum?"


Defender 6e : "I just got word from the GM. Hit locations are being allowed in the next game...."


Defender Fred: "Oh......Oh my. So...the Exposed neck and face thing? Not going to go over so well is it?"


Defender 6e: "Well, at least I don't look like QUITE the Tron wannabe on the new Champions cover.....but I think the end is Nigh, I can feel the cross hairs sighting in now..."


Seeker, under a building as a result of the Aftermath of the cover of 4e BBB : "Help!! ....help Me!.....Urrrk!"




That's a clever and funny vignette, but I have to admit I don't really sympathize. Personally, I put Defender's new helmet in the same category as Wonder Woman's bustier staying on despite lacking any support from the back, or Batman never tripping over that voluminous cape during a fight. Realistically it's impractical, but you could come up with a rationalization if you really wanted to; but why would you bother? It's comic-book superheroes! It works because it looks cool and in-genre. If small details of unreality like that are beyond your suspension of disbelief, you're in the wrong genre. ;)


I like Defender's new look. I consider it sleek, stylish and dramatic, very much the image of a superhero. I've been uncomfortable with the trend in published comics in recent years to make powered armor look more clunkily mechanical.

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