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Would you allow this


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This concerns the Hunter complication. Would you allow an 'Appearance Frequency' of 'Rare' for a cost of -5 points?


The idea came from an old 'Star Trek/Superhero' game we had. My character was from a race that hated another race (Race B) because Race B felt they had the Divine Right to enslave my race and did everything they could to accomplish that. So, every member of my race had both a Psychological complication (Hate Race B) and a Hunted (Hunted by Race B). However, Race B only rarely showed up in the game... much less than an Infrequent frequency is suppose to be. So, I was curious if an even smaller Appearance Frequency would be generally acceptable


MistWing SilverTail

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Re: Would you allow this


I'd consider allowing it, but this would mean "less frequent", not "doesn't hapen". As well, if the frequency of this other race showing up is being further reduced from "infrequent", then the value of the posych limit probably also needs to drop.


It's not worth points if it will never arise. If it's a "once in a campaign" (say, every couple of seasons for a TV show), it's still likely worth no points. Hatred of Orcs is not worth points in a Modern Espionage campaign, and 2x BOd from laser beams isn't worth anything in a Renaissance Political Intrigue game. The very fact that Indiana Jones gfears snakes means he's going to encounter snakes. He might also hate Egyptian tax collectors, but since he never encounters them, it doesn't matter and it's not worth any points.

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Re: Would you allow this


No problem: hunter frequecies (even at 8-, meaning that the hunter turns up about 1/4 of the time) are far too high anyway. I'd probably, in fact, not even require the -5 points, and play it by ear.


We're a bit obsessed with 3d6 to be honest: whilst it is great for combat and skill resolution, there's really no good reason to have to use it for stuff like incidence frequency.

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Re: Would you allow this


I tend to use the 'Appearance Frequency' as more of a knowledge roll. The Hunted is going to appear when my plot dictates it, but the Appearance Frequency is going to show how prepared they are for your character. If you have a vulnerability, suceptability, etc, and your hunged has an Appearance Frequency of 14-, on a 14- roll the hunted has just the ticket! Look at how many of Superman's enemies "just happen" to have kryptonite on them.

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Re: Would you allow this


I tend to use the 'Appearance Frequency' as more of a knowledge roll. The Hunted is going to appear when my plot dictates it' date=' but the Appearance Frequency is going to show how prepared they are for your character. If you have a vulnerability, suceptability, etc, and your hunged has an Appearance Frequency of 14-, on a 14- roll the hunted has just the ticket! Look at how many of Superman's enemies "just happen" to have kryptonite on them.[/quote']


This is an excellent approach to the use of 'Hunted' - I'll be adopting that forthwith!

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Re: Would you allow this


My answer to the original question -- of allowing "Rare" Frequency for a Hunter for -5 points -- is "Yes." I've actually been thinking of suggesting exactly that for APG2 if it's ever announced.


However, to my mind the situation as described would be more of a Social Limitation rather than Hunted plus Psychological Limitation. (Not that I wouldn't be persuadable to the latter.)

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Re: Would you allow this


It sounds good to me, as do the other suggestions in this thread. HERO is supposed to be a "toolkitting" system, after all. You could even just sort of use that process as a guideline and call it a custom disadvantage for the same point cost.

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Re: Would you allow this


My group allows 5 points worth of quirks, little one point disads, mostly for flavor, but often with game impact. It's a good place to put disads that are an important part of your character, but don't have the impact of a full on disadvantage. Disads are only worth points if they are disads. How much inconvenience are these guys going to cause you? 5 points of aggravation? 10? Disads are plot hooks you give the GM to snag your character and work into the story. How big the hook (points) should be reflected in how often it's relevant. If you are hunted by a group of omnipotent gods that almost never show up, that's something, but not a lot. Even if they never show up, the fact that you have such a hunted will impact your character. Do you cringe every time a cloud passes over the sun fearing a slaver warship? Live in paranoid secrecy? Restrict use of your natural abilities for fear of word getting back to -them- that one of your kind is active on this planet? I'm not sure if should be in the hunted category (might be psych or social at that point) but it's should be worth a few points.

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