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So how did you guys learn the system?


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Re: So how did you guys learn the system?


That was great, Lucius :)


My Pulp HERO story has dragons though... komodo dragons (rawr). I have attached my episode one document if anyone is interested (it's light on details - mostly because I tend to improv stuff as we go).


It may not take them four sessions to handle the adventure but here is how I see it playing out.


Session 1. Cover the basics of the rules briefly, run through the characters and tell the players they can flesh them out personality-wise/background wise as they desire. Dump the PCs in Darwin and let them look for leads. Everyone they talk to tells them a blind search in the region would be senseless and unlikely to give results, so naturally that's what they're going to decide to do. The beauty of which is that it'll be their plan *wink* and not me telling them it's their plan.

This session is setting and story driven - creating the scene and establishing the PCs role in it all.


Session 2. They check out some boring islands, they check out some potential islands (all from the air). Then they have an in-flight incident over an interesting island in the Banda Sea. They end up on the island and it has lots of fun distractions mostly involving firing guns at things to slow to do much about it.

This one is a combat driven session and serves to introduce them to the combat rules before the set-piece combat which ends the story.


Session 3. They find the right island, somehow manage to infiltrate the lagoon of fire and formulate a plan to eliminate the threat of the hidden submarine base.

This is primarily a skill driven session, which also has some stealth-based combat in it.


Session 4. They put their plan into motion, it stirs up the hornets nest and then the volcano errupts (hooray!) - loads of fun and should finish up the story arc.


They might crack it in three sessions (which is OK) and it may take longer (but I don't expect it will).


Oh... and we play fortnightly so there is recap time at the start of every session - I make a different player do the recap each time. It's positively fascinating finding out what they liked and what they remember (and what they care about).

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Re: So how did you guys learn the system?


Ternaugh referred to my proposal above as "Around theHero System in (less than) 80 plays."


I like that.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary notes that even if each "Chapter" takes 5 sessions, it' s only 30 games

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Re: So how did you guys learn the system?


Why not forget the character generation and use the pregenerated charcters that come with the rules? Or download a few from Mike Surbrook? Play with those and then' date=' with the hook set, show your players how to modify those characters via use of experience points. Then show them how to build thier own characters. Like most addictions, let it sneak up on the poor fools... Bwaaah haah haaah hah![/quote']


That's what my site's for! I also include Hero Designer files for most everything I've personally made, so people can edit and alter as they wish to better fit their needs.


As for how I learned the system.... I started playing when it was still Champions, back in 1985. I sat in on a session and watched (I don't recall that helping much) then developed a character with the GM of a new campaign. I also trued making my own PCs (and did a terrible job.) However, the "make anything" aspect of HERO really appealed to me, so I picked up the various supplements -- starting with Champions 3E, then Justice Inc. and Danger International. Things sort of evolved from there, with me eventually running some games of my own, constantly trying to perfect my craft at adapting material to the HERO System, and culminating with the publication of Kazei 5 1st Edition. Things have since evolved further to the point where I hope to introduce others to the system and even run some Con games.

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Re: So how did you guys learn the system?


I was first introduced to Champions (HERO 4th) in 1989 sometime. I enjoyed it well enough, but I was always a fan of comic books and not trying to simulate them with a game system. I realized pretty early on that the Spiderman/Firelord debate was all about arbitrary author preference and did not want to get involved in said argument over a game. So I thanked the GM and told him I'd rather go back to my AD&D 2nd Edition game. He mentioned in passing that the Champions rules could be used for fantasy games too and I figured that I would give it a shot. It took a few weeks before he had something put together. I played a single session and was pretty impressed. But the group as a whole still wanted their Hit Points, Armor Class and THAC0 tables.


As time went on, the "Champions" GM and I became pretty close friends and we started gaming almost every weekend. The D&D sessions kept going, but we would start to intersperse other games; Shadowrun, Robotech, and HERO into the mix. With regular access to the Big Blue Book, I became more and more familiar with the system and started picking up a few games as GM. I already had a pretty staunch following with my Shadowrun game and the fantasy HERO game I started to run built momentum.


Then I moved back home and started going to school. It was several hours away from the group and not really practical to get together more than once a quarter. So my friend picked me up the HERO 4th Edition rulebook and Fantasy HERO (I believe the accurate edition was 2nd, but later I would refer to it as 4th Edition Fantasy HERO). From those two resources I started on the grand adventure that led me through 5th Edition and into 6th. Learned a lot with 5th edition and almost all of the fundamental changes that 6E brought to the table were attractive to me. What I can tell so far is that 6E will truly be "my" edition in terms of grokking the rules and making it all work together seamlessly.

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Re: So how did you guys learn the system?


"How I Learned Hero System"

by Wannabe Ninja


The first lesson my sensei gave me started with her saying "Hit me." I

tried to strike a pose like I'd seen in kung fu movies and she said "No,

don't make like you're Karate Kid. Just hit me." I tried, but it took a

few tries to connect. Then she hit back, and it hurt a lot less than I

expected. "What kind of move is that?" I asked. "Just a Basic Strike"

she said. "Same thing you're using." So I asked how come I had to throw

a few punches and she just clipped me the first time, and she explained

Combat Value. "Start with basics" she explained while ducking away with

a normal Dodge, not even adding Skill Levels, "If you don't know how to

roll to hit and damage for an ordinary blow, you won't know what to do

with The Unseen Sword of the Crescent Moon or The Spinning Whirlwind



"These are the basic building blocks" she said with a straight face

while demonstrating Basic Blocks by frustrating every punch or kick I

threw at her, and using her extra Phases to counterattack. That's how I

learned how important SPeeD is.


I was starting to see where I needed to spend my points.


The first real Martial Manuever she used was Throw, and that was just to

teach me Breakfall. I began to see that DEX was good for more than

initiative. When I complained about the exercise and the ascetic diet

she said it was good for the CON. I was so disappointed to learn that

didn't mean we were going to GEN-CON. When she showed me Nerve Strike, I

was really Stunned. At first I thought there was so much to learn, but

she always came back to basics. "It just drops a couple of steps," she

explained, "Don't count BODy and don't subtract defenses. Just do a set

number of dice, STR doesn't help. And of course, if they have the

defense, it doesn't work at all." Naturally I asked what the defense

was. "Every No Normal Defense attack needs a special defense; for Nerve

Strike, it's having rigid armor that protects the pressure points." I

said "In other words, when you most want to bypass defense - when you're

up against armor - is when you can't use it?" She told me she didn't

design the Manuever, she just spent points on it.


Sensei wasn't done with me when I'd picked out ten points in manuevers

and took the KS and a few Skills like Breakfall, and Stealth because I

wanted to be like a Ninja. "Talents are so useful" she said. "Combat

Luck, Danger Sense, Lightsleep...." I protested "Who's going to sneak up

on me in my sleep?" I should have known she'd say "I might." We talked

so much about Skills I might as well have taken Conversation. "It's

boring to fight all the time" she said. "If all you do is fight, fight,

fight, who will care about you? Even Miyamoto Musashi took PS:

Painting." I had to ask, "Me - ah who?" "See what I mean?" she went on,

"If you don't spend points on something besides Combat Skill Levels,

you'll never know what anyone's talking about and everyone will know

you're an ignoramus."


The day came that she brought up Powers, and I said I didn't want to be

a superhero. "Powers aren't just for supers" she said, tossing me a bag

of throwing stars and taking out a sword. "You wanted the Weapon

Familiarity, start throwing." As I tossed them one by one she knocked

them aside, explaining "Killing Attacks are a power. So's Missile

Deflection. And Reflection." She caught the last one barehanded and

returned it; only Combat Luck saved me. "Run or die." She charged, and

being no fool, I ran. Even though I knew she wouldn't kill me - not as

long as I was doing what she said, anyway. "So's Running. Now stop.

Listen." I listened, believe me. "That trick with walking on rice paper

- Limited Gliding. Scattering marbles to trip up pursuers - Change

Environment. The Ninja's famous ability to 'disappear' in plain sight -

Invisibility. Just because something's listed in the Powers section of

the book doesn't mean having it qualifies you for a mask and cape."


At first I was really confused by Disadvantages. "How does it help to

have something like Hunted by Ninja?" I asked. "I'm Hunted by WANNABE

Ninja" she clarified, "Why do you think I wound up stuck with you for

this long?" I ignored that and asked "Why would anyone want a

Disadvantage? Give me one good reason." She gave me several. First,

it's more points to spend on things I need, "like maybe KS: What the

Heck You're Talking About." Second, they can help define a character and

may even be required for a concept; "The 'Style Disad' is practically a

gimme. More optionally, Berserk if Surprised would define you as having

dangerously honed reflexes, or Vulnerable to Flash could underline how

hypersensitive your eyes and ears are." Third, it can provide a

challenge to overcome; "I can spread the word about you and give you

Reputation: Hopeless or Foolish Wannabe Ninja. Then you will have to

work hard to be taken seriously." I declined to take that one. Fourth,

they can provide depth and detail to my history, background, and

personality; "Everybody needs Psych Lims, in my opinion. It gives you

motivation and something to roleplay." Finally, they can provide "hooks"

to draw me right into the action; "Adventures can be written around

Disadvantages! Look, you've always wanted to meet a real Ninja, right?

Take Hunted by Ninja and maybe you will." "I'd like to meet one, not

necessarily get killed by one!" "Just take it at 'mildly punish' level"

she said. Little did I know she was setting me up. I had not yet bought

Analyze: Inscrutable Martial Arts Masters.


The time came to leave the dojo. "You have nothing more to teach me?" I

asked, and she scoffed. "I have more to teach than you'll ever know, but

you can't learn it yet. You've spent your alloted points and maxed out

Disads. Get out there and earn some XPs."


So I have. I still haven't met any Ninja, not met per se, where I knew

what they were. But who do you think replaced my steel shuriken with

ones made of rubber? Stole all my socks? Put a tripwire between two

trees in a park right where I was going to walk? Gave my date the

fortune cookie that said "your dinner companion is an idiot, maybe you

should date a real Ninja instead?" Wrote "Stupid barbarian" in Japanese

on my livingroom ceiling, and then "Stupid barbarian can't read

Japanese" in English after I got someone to translate it? I've got to

buy off this Disad.


But first I have something else to spend XP on. Something that will

finally get me some respect. My sensei gave me the idea when she

threatened to give me a bad Reputation; I'm going to get a positive

Reputation that will get me taken seriously. Yes! I'm saving up for

Reputation: Skilled and Dangerous Wannabe Ninja.



Lucius Alexander


Copyright Palindromedary Enterprises

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Re: So how did you guys learn the system?


"How I Learned Hero System"

By Juan Heavybrick


You can learn a lot from a villainous monologue.


He had me trapped, glued to the wall with that sticky goo he

uses, and he had to gloat. He told me I was DCV 0 and as his lackeys

leveled their weapons he told me their bonus for brace and set, and

about the skill levels built right into the guns with the focus

limitation, and I could tell he loved telling me about how their damage

stacked up to my defenses. I learned about the Armor Piercing Advantage

one of those blasters had, and the Hardened Advantage I didn't have.

This guy loved to hear himself talk. Before he'd even told me, I'd

figured out the monologue rule, how his big speech was essentially

taking up no time at all, occurring between the moment I got plastered

to the wall, and the moment his minions opened fire. He went from

character creation to how experience points were earned, which was a lot

less materiel then than it is now, but still a lot to pack into a

monologue. He wanted me to know all about this brilliant system of game

rules. And inevitably, he told me just a little too much.


Straining mightily, I tore myself loose and sure enough, they

could hardly miss at that range, especially the guy with Area Effect:

Cone. Each blast stung or staggered me, but I was too heavy for

Knockback to be an issue, and each roll of the dice told me I wasn't

Stunned yet. They weren't coordinating attacks, and it's only if two or

more of them hit at the exact same split segment that they get to add

damage for that. He gave me plenty of time to count hexes, so I knew

that before their next phase I could half-move a Leap and Grab him,

getting a bonus to my Presence Attack that made them all drop their



"But...how?" he sputtered, "That Entangle was big enough even

your great STRength can't break it that fast!"


"Pushing" I grunted as I tightened my bearlike hold on him,

knowing my explanation would be the last thing he heard before slumping

unconscious, to awaken in a jail cell. "You told me I can push STR, and

I can push a Power, so I figured I could do both - push STR and Density

Increase at the same time. While you can still draw breath, tell your

guys to either give up or start making Full Moves away from here, 'cause

the cops weren't far behind me and you can hear them coming now if you

make a Perception Roll."


Lucius Alexander


Copyright Palindromedary Enterprises

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Re: So how did you guys learn the system?


Like others, I started back in the early 80's when I joined a campaign started with 1st edition. The whole 'you can build anything' aspect was mind boggling. That group eventually fractured when different members started going to college (we had 3 graduating classes represented: 85,86 & 87). Of the originals in that group I was the only one who still kept buying subsequent versions of HERO (although I kept ThatMaskedMan interested as a result). When 5th Edtion 1st came out we both got exited about the system for a new game again and started making new characters for the first time in years. How to questions about my namesake character were the primary reason I joined this board in 2004 and learned rules I didn't realize I hadn't known correctly via various friendly arguments over the past 5+ years.


I still own every Hero related book I've ever purchased. Although not 100% complete (and lacking almost everything published in the last couple of years except 6th Edition) my collection of older Hero products is close to 95% complete. Being able to see the evolution of the rules (within the original/core 'Champions' line as well as Danger International, Justice Inc. & Fantasy Hero) till now also brings a perspective to understanding the current rules that is just not available otherwise.

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Re: So how did you guys learn the system?


I skimmed the rules way back in the days of 2e Champions (The boxed set), then both played and ran a game. Then totally read the rules all of the way though. Had someone help me make an efficient character. Read Champions II where many secrets of character gen were disclosed (The Goodman School of Cost effectiveness). Ran more games. Played/Ran Fantasy Hero. I also looked at how other people's characters were constructed (both PC's and published heroes/Villains).

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Re: So how did you guys learn the system?


Currently trying to. I played about 15 years ago but ended moving to other games and when 6th edition came out I was looking for a new game system. Got the game system and finally ran it last weekend, my players and I are learning as we play and are hoping getting it right but since everyone is liking the game, the characters and the adventures so far I call it a success.

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Re: So how did you guys learn the system?


I'm currently waiting for technology to reach the point where I can beam the rules directly into my brain.


You can learn a lot about character design, especially about adaptation, from Surbrook's Stuff. He also had a thread (it may still be around) about adapting characters that would make good educational reading.


Lucius Alexander


Susano's probably forgotten more about Hero System than the palindromedary knows

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Re: So how did you guys learn the system?


This I know; I was trying to subtly express my anticipation of the 6E update.

[PS:Subtly Express Stuff 8-; roll of 13, failed by 5]


Dang, let's try it this way:

I want the Kazei 5 for 6E!;)


Email me direct and I can send you the cover jpeg and an 8-page preview PDF.

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Re: So how did you guys learn the system?


"How I Learned Hero System"


By Dr. Morrow


I learned what I know via the scientific method. Controlled

experiments in the laboratory. At least, they started out under



With the right equipment you can measure a lot of things. With a

simple hamster wheel, not different in principle from a toy you'd buy

for a pet gerbil, I was able to measure the Running speed of rats as I

pumped points into their Running, then bought Running back down and

piled on the Noncombat Multipliers, and then applied a Megascale

Advantage and saw the numbers really take off. With Eidetic Memory a

mouse can run a maze perfectly after exploring it once, and Tunneling

lets it cut right to the cheese. Everyone was impressed when I gave a

Rhesus monkey a PRE of 30, especially when I added skills like

Bureaucratics, and PS: Writing Grant Proposals and let it help with fund

raising. I was eventually able to afford an island on which to learn the

combat system by equipping whole armies of lab animals with Attack and

Defense Powers and letting them fight.


Then I experimented with Disadvantages, things like

vulnerability and susceptibility. I made one mouse the DNPC of another

mouse, and observed their behavior as one became far more annoying and

the other, although exasperated, remained protective. I modified them

further; I wanted to see what happened when I deleted the "Animal

Intelligence" Disad. One thing that happened was that they picked up one

default language for free, and I had talking mice. I made the DNPC

"Useful" and upgraded my main mouse with a high INT, Scientist and

several Sciences, and a number of other useful abilities. I had in mind

a grand experiment in which I would observe and record my scientific

mouse as HE conducted experiments with the rest of the lab animals. I

gave him the run of the labs and the equipment, including more than one

copy of the rulebook.


When they escaped, my only clue was the book left behind with

his underlinings and margin notes. Anonymity was circled, so I'm sure

they have faded into the world's population of lab mice despite what

should have been Distinctive Features. I hadn't even given them Social

Limitation: Laboratory Animal, and I have since learned that my escapee

has plainly stated "Actually, I'm a laboratory mouse bent upon world

domination" and been laughed at and the obvious implications ignored.

From notes made in the sections about Bases I am sure he has acquired a

scientific laboratory somewhere, and controls it secretly.


Now I use my skill of Deduction and powers of scientific

reasoning to track down what I have loosed upon the world, for I know

too well what I have created. If my monster mouse wants to rule the

world, it is only because the world is the biggest and best laboratory

he can imagine. If he has his way, we are all just lab animals.


Perhaps he's even succeeded. Maybe as I build gadget after

gadget to counter his plots or track him down, I'm just running a maze

he's set for me. Am I a Hunted on his character sheet now? Or is he a

Hunted on mine?



Lucius Alexander


Copyright Palindromedary Enterprises

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Re: So how did you guys learn the system?


"How I Learned Hero System"


By Dr. Morrow



Lucius Alexander


Copyright Palindromedary Enterprises

This was the third first-person introduction to the Hero System you posted here.

I think I'll soon have to start a thread just to collect all these introductions.

Keep 'em coming. :)

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