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Density Dilemma!!!


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I'm building a 5th Edition superhero who has the innate ability to alter his Density. I've decided to utilize the 5th Edition Ultimate Metamorph rules: Unifying Density Increase And Desolidification: Alter Density (page 26 of 5th Ed Ultimate Metamorph).


If you haven't seen these rules, they basically describe how a character can go from full Disolid to full Density Increase. The key is that these optional rules provide an alternate form of Desolidification that allows the character to be "partially" intangible up to the point of total intangibility - even though he's less dense at some stages of his transformation (depending on the points allocated to intangibility) he can still be affected and hurt. Pretty cool!


Now comes the tricky part...


This character has been infested by a benign colony of semi-intelligent nanites. These nanites have altered the character's cellular structure, making the character's flesh pliable (= Stretching). So, now we have a character that can alter his density and has the ability to stretch... HOWEVER... When the character utilizes his natural density powers to get extra hard and heavy it inhibits the nanites ability the stretch his flesh!


Here's where I need the help...


How do I limit the stretching based on the level of Density Increase??? At 0 pts of DI I want the character's Stretching to be at full power... But as he increases his Density I want his Stretching ability reduced. (NOTE: I'm not worried about the Stretching as the character reduces his density toward intangibility)


Thoughts on what type of Limitation to put on Stretching to reflect its reduced effectiveness at high densities???


Any help would be awesome!!! :)

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Re: Density Dilemma!!!


40 Point Multi-Polwer

8m upto 8 levels density

8m upto 8" stretching

2u disolid (can still be hurt a limitatiom from -3/4=21 real points to -3/2=16 real points)


m=a multi-slot where a variable amount can be alocated from the pool so other powers may also be allocated point


this won't give stretching while disolid

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Re: Density Dilemma!!!


Game starts in 2 hours so for now I'm using Limited Power: -10 AP of Stretching Elemental Control/10 points of Density Increase (or Desolidification) used (-1). Seems to work pretty well. (its a large -1 LIM because the "lockout" affects an entire Stretching Elemental Control)

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Re: Density Dilemma!!!


40 Point Multi-Polwer

8m upto 8 levels density

8m upto 8" stretching

2u disolid (can still be hurt a limitatiom from -3/4=21 real points to -3/2=12 real points)


m=a multi-slot where a variable amount can be alocated from the pool so other powers may also be allocated point


this won't give stretching while disolid


That was my take on it.

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Re: Density Dilemma!!!


I'm building a 5th Edition superhero who has the innate ability to alter his Density. I've decided to utilize the 5th Edition Ultimate Metamorph rules: Unifying Density Increase And Desolidification: Alter Density (page 26 of 5th Ed Ultimate Metamorph).


If you haven't seen these rules, they basically describe how a character can go from full Disolid to full Density Increase. The key is that these optional rules provide an alternate form of Desolidification that allows the character to be "partially" intangible up to the point of total intangibility - even though he's less dense at some stages of his transformation (depending on the points allocated to intangibility) he can still be affected and hurt. Pretty cool!


Now comes the tricky part...


This character has been infested by a benign colony of semi-intelligent nanites. These nanites have altered the character's cellular structure, making the character's flesh pliable (= Stretching). So, now we have a character that can alter his density and has the ability to stretch... HOWEVER... When the character utilizes his natural density powers to get extra hard and heavy it inhibits the nanites ability the stretch his flesh!


Here's where I need the help...


How do I limit the stretching based on the level of Density Increase??? At 0 pts of DI I want the character's Stretching to be at full power... But as he increases his Density I want his Stretching ability reduced. (NOTE: I'm not worried about the Stretching as the character reduces his density toward intangibility)


Thoughts on what type of Limitation to put on Stretching to reflect its reduced effectiveness at high densities???


Any help would be awesome!!! :)


sounds like another case of people making things more difficult than they have to be. :doi:


the denser he is the less he can stretch, the more he stretechs the less dense he is?

Sounds like 2 power Multipower to me...cut and dry.

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Re: Density Dilemma!!!


sounds like another case of people making things more difficult than they have to be. :doi:


the denser he is the less he can stretch, the more he stretechs the less dense he is?

Sounds like 2 power Multipower to me...cut and dry.


Yes yes and yes. Buy the desolid separately so that you can stretch and use desolid at the same time.

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