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What are the chances of multiple sentient races to evolve/be created on one world?


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Re: What are the chances of multiple sentient races to evolve/be created on one world


It helps that many fantasy races are very niche-based. In other words -- dwarves are mountains/underground' date=' elves are forests, lizardmen are swamps, orcs are badlands, and humans tend to be everywhere.[/quote']


And you notice that in a standard fantasy setting, elves and dwarves have 'historically' become less common as humanity spread. There's that pesky evolutionary pressure at work, the humans out-competing elves and dwarves for resources.


It would be unlikely in any setting for there to be a true balance between various sapient races. It's almost a genre trope that humans are slowly pushing everyone else into extinction, even with various divine entities in the picture.

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Re: What are the chances of multiple sentient races to evolve/be created on one world


And you notice that in a standard fantasy setting, elves and dwarves have 'historically' become less common as humanity spread. There's that pesky evolutionary pressure at work, the humans out-competing elves and dwarves for resources.


It would be unlikely in any setting for there to be a true balance between various sapient races. It's almost a genre trope that humans are slowly pushing everyone else into extinction, even with various divine entities in the picture.


In many settings, elves come first, then dwarves, then men.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: What are the chances of multiple sentient races to evolve/be created on one world


In our own ancient past, we shared the Earth with other (presumably sapient) hominid species. It's just that only Homo Narrans (ie humans) survived, for whatever reason.


And everyone knows Elves aren't hominids. They aren't even animal.

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