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Lantern Corps...Only Not


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Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not


I would put black as a 'secret order'... sort of a policing agency within the 'corp'. Their 'virtue' would be lack of virtue... the moral self-sacrifice to do what is necessary even when it may be immoral by other standards. Room for villains and anti-heroes in that sort of system.

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Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not


So Red would involve almost all fighting' date=' Orange, still pretty brutal, but has a small bit of non-fighting chi powers etc.?[/quote']


Hollowing the concepts presented there are several powered options for each. For example:


Red: In keeping with the Berserker theme they may have powers based around the Enraged Disadvantage this could be things like Strength, Combat Skill levels or Damage Shields with a Trigger of when they become enraged. They might also have powers that increase their damage output and the damage output of others. With this school I would think things like Lightning Reflexes would also be common.


Orange: For control I would look at things like Change Environment, Darkness, Entangles, Flash and maybe things like Telepathy and Mind Control depending on the flavor you want to go with. These powers can easily scale becoming AOEs as the Orange student grows in skill. For actual martial arts I would look at Grabs Joint Locks, Reversals and Trakedown. This may overlap with Blue signifigantly but I think their actual powers will create a large difference.


Yellow: Here I think Presence is the name of the game as you said. A nice large Pre to inspire and demoralize as needed. To supplement that things like Drains, Find Weakness (Maybe with Usable on others later on), Growth (Again later on with usable on others), Images, Mental Illusions and Negative Skill Levels could all work to intimidate or inspire. For a actual fighting style this becomes a little tricky, why might work is a basic kind of style with Combat Skill Levels for Successful Intimidation rolls.

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Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not


One could also work in the Asian Elements as well, tie in some colors there with the virtues and emotions .....I might fiddle a bit with some build stuff after I rescue my previous build project from the players so I can post them. I've been on a kind of high end force field/body armor kick for awhile (think, what's in the Novel Hyperion)......tis an interesting Idea.



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Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not


There is alot of symbolism surrounding the number that 7 you could use to flesh out your groups.


The 7 colours of the rainbow we already know - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet

As you have already stated, each group would be represented by a color


7 Virtues - chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, kindness, patience, and humility and 7 Deadly Sins - lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride

Each virtue is opposed by a corresponding sin: Lust/ Chastity, Gluttony/ Temperance, Greed/ Charity, Sloth/ Diligence, Wrath/ Patience, Envy/ Kindness, Pride/ Humility

Your groups could be powered by the virtues but perhaps each group could also have a "dark side" that is powered by it's corresponding sin

7 Chakras - Base or Root (lower back/ spine), Sacral (ovaries/ prostate), Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Brow or Third Eye, Crown

Instead of just rings perhaps the "power items" could correspont to a chakra such as; a cape (base), a pair of rings (sacral), a belt (solar plexus), a brooch or pendant (heart), a necklace (throat), a forhead gem or tilaka (brow), a crown (crown)


7 Elements (when combining the classic elements with the Chinese elements) - air, water, earth, wind, fire, aether/ thought, wood, metal

Instead of generic force, perhaps each group could generate or control an element


If you combine all of the above, here is what you get:


Indigo Group, Crowns, Control Metal, Powered by Greed/ Charity

Orange Group, Forhead Gems/ Tilakas, Control Thought, Powered by Envy/ Kindness

Green Group, Necklaces, Control Plants and Wood, Powered by Gluttony/ Temperance

Yellow Group, Pendants/ Brooches, Control Wind and Air, Powered by Pride/ Humility

Red Group, Belts, Generate and Control Fire, Powered by Wrath/ Patience

Blue Group, Rings, Control Water and Ice, Powered by Lust/ Chastity

Violet Group, Cloaks/ Capes, Control Earth and Stone, Powered by Sloth/ Diligence

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Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not


Something else to maybe consider: the color wheel, especially where duality is concerned.


Each color has a virtue and a vice but the virtue of one color is represented as a vice in the opposite.


example: If Red's vice is Anger, then Green has Patience as a virtue.


Similarly, if there were a White and a Black, then White could be composed of extremes - every virtue and every vice - whereas Black would be devoid of them.

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Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not


Something else to maybe consider: the color wheel, especially where duality is concerned.


Each color has a virtue and a vice but the virtue of one color is represented as a vice in the opposite.


example: If Red's vice is Anger, then Green has Patience as a virtue.


Similarly, if there were a White and a Black, then White could be composed of extremes - every virtue and every vice - whereas Black would be devoid of them.

Yah, my chart may need some work. I thought Green should be Envy but then thought Green was better with Wood and Wood as the only edible element (plant) should be with Gluttony.

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Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not


Well, it's been rather thorough so far, so I'd say that you have it mostly figured out as-is but I like the idea that each color has its issues that are complemented by another color's virtues instead of the two sides of a coin being encompassed by a single color.


That way, if, say a Blue character has Lust as a vice, then a selling point of Orange (the opposite of Blue) is that it has Chastity, but Orange would also be Envious, whereas Blue is Kind.

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Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not


Here's a breakdown:


Blue (Kindness/Lust) versus Orange (Chastity/Envy)

Red (Temperence/Wrath) versus Green (Patience/Gluttony)

Yellow (Diligence/Pride) versus Violet (Humility/Sloth)

Indigo... kinda throws the whole theory for a loop since there's no opposite.


Hurm... maybe the original idea works out better in the end.


Oh well.

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Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not


Here is a slight update to the concept. I threw in some names to replace their generic titles and expanded how the corresponding deadly sin effects them.



Indigo Artisans, Crowns, Control Metal, Powered by Charity, Vulnerability to Greed (power doesn't affect precious metals such as Gold, Silver, Platinum, or Palladium)


Orange Monks, Forehead Gems/ Tilakas, Control Thought, Powered by Kindness, Vulnerability to Envy (use of power to harm others causes the user a corresponding amount of pain, resulting in many Monks being pacifists)


Green Wardens, Necklaces, Control Plants and Wood, Powered by Temperance, Vulnerability to Gluttony (power can only be used to heal and harm or create and destroy in equal amounts)


Yellow Wayfarers, Pendants/ Brooches, Control Wind and Air, Powered by Humility, Vulnerability to Pride (power weakened by the use of the user's true name, resulting in many wayfarers rarely staying in one place for too long)


Red Warriors, Belts, Generate and Control Fire, Powered by Patience, Vulnerability to Wrath (flame rages out of control when angry)


Blue Mariners, Paired Rings, Control Water and Ice, Powered by Chastity, Vulnerability to Lust (cannot use powers on members of the opposite sex, resulting in Mariners often being found in pairs)


Violet Masons, Cloaks/ Capes, Control Earth and Stone, Powered by Diligence, Vulnerability to Sloth (use of power requires physical exertion)

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Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not


> Their 'virtue' would be lack of virtue... the moral self-sacrifice to do what is necessary even

> when it may be immoral by other standards.


ah, the marine corps credo.


"we sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready to..."


How about this?


Their lack of virtue is their vice, and their lack of vice is their virtue.

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Cold Fusion



Centurions White   Hands   Leadership Cowardc. Gauntlets Radio-mag. Powers do not work vs. pure black objects

Warrior    Red     Root    Patience   Wrath    Leg-band  Fire       Loss of Control / Explosion

Monks      Orange  Spleen  Temperac.  Glutton  Belt      Thought    Feedback if power used to harm

Wayfarers  Yellow  SolarP  Humility   Pride    Chestplt. Air        Power is weak versus wielders true name

Wardens    Green   Heart   Kindness   Envy     Pendant   Wood       Power must Balance (heal/harm,etc)

Mariners   Blue    Throat  Chastity   Lust     Choker    Water/Ice  Power useless versus opposite gender

Artisans   Indigo  Brow    Charity    Greed    3rd Eye   Metal      Cannot Affect Gold or Platinum

Masons     Violet  Crown   Diligence  Sloth    Circlet   Earth/Stn. Power is exercised physically

Agents     Black   Fingers Vigilance  Laxitude Rings     Vacuum     powers halved vs psychic attacks or constructs


this chart represents me trying to unify Pariah's centurion ideas with Checkmates and other's

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Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not


You might consider translating the colors into Orders or Guilds of a sort, maybe even a secret (or overt) Society, each defined by the corresponding trait. The lantern corps themselves each have a broad range of members, and it makes them more interesting, so I’d argue that setting them up as fighting styles or schools would be a little restrictive. Within just the Green Lanterns, the gutsy pilot, taciturn marine, idealistic artist, and headstrong brawler all have a distinct feel and character to them, but still fit well within the corps.


With that in mind, consider these:


Red – Anger/Rage. Red has an obvious association with blood, so why not expand it to include any bloodthirsty type? The berserker is a given, but the sadistic weaponsmith works as well. A warlord who fathers innumerable children by dozen of courtesans, but decrees that only the lone survivor will be recognized as his heir has Red written all over him.


Orange – Avarice/Greed. Pirates and pillagers may have rules, but they are one and all out for themselves. The highest circle of the Thieves Guild belongs to Orange, but so do the highwaymen, brigands, and reavers. The amoral money lender may harbor delusions of membership some day, and anyone lucky enough to unearth an Orange treasure would be rich beyond his dreams, provided he can hang on to it.


Yellow – Fear. Practically anyone who uses terror to their advantage: a legendary assassin who can get to anyone, anywhere, but always warns his targets first, or the notorious warrior with a reputation for consuming those he kills. A ruthless commander who flies the Yellow banner loads his catapults with the heads of the fallen when he lays siege to his enemies.


Green – Will. As the center of the spectrum, these are the stalwart, grounded, and durable. The noble knight is in, but so is the courageous squire who takes up his fallen master’s weapon against the Black Rider. Wild, carousing barbarians with no use for authority may seem out of place, but when they hold their ground and refuse to die- that’s their Green showing.


Blue – Hope. This is the realm of the inspiring warrior, though like the others, he can come in different forms. A troubadour’s songs can inspire a group, as can a lieutenant’s tales of glory told around the campfire. People often want to be a part of something greater than themselves, so the warrior with a destiny fits as well.


Indigo – Compassion. Know for giving quarter to the enemy or even abstaining from lethality. On the other hand, compassion may mean mercifully delivering a comrade into the hereafter when there is no chance of recovery. A (moderately) pacifistic warrior monk is an example, but so is a wandering hero.


Violet – Love. Like some of the other colors, Violet is more a motivation than a modus operandi. They may fight for love but it’s unlikely they will literally love their enemies. Diversity is still possible, though they are invariably female in the comics. A young widow who dedicates herself to avenging her fallen husband is just as valid as the stern and maternal cleric who never leaves town without her trusty old, battered, but unbroken shield and an eye on her companions’ backs.


Membership doesn’t even need to be implicit. If the spectrum is actually a pantheon of gods or powers, you might be an agent of Violet when you swear to carry on your beloved father’s work, or of Green any time you make a stand against many for what you believe in.

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Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not


Wow a lot of great ideas here. I really like the different items with the Chakra. I think I'll mix the colors up a bit though. I want Violet to be crown and Thought' date=' for one.[/quote']


I think there is alot of room to switch things up. My (limited) reasoning behind where I put the colors was to have the the most widely known elements (fire, air, water, and earth) correspond to primary-ish colors of the rainbow (red, yellow, blue, and violet). After that I figured green was a shoe-in for Wood and I chose Indigo for metal only because I thought Earth and Metal might be similar in philosophy so their colors should be similar too. Orange and Thought were both left overs so I stuck them together.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not


Apone: All right, sweethearts, what are you waiting for? Breakfast in bed? Another glorious day in the Corps! A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm. Every meal's a banquet! Every paycheck a fortune! Every formation a parade! I LOVE the Corps!


Aliens (1986)

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Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not


White could be future corps members unchosen at this point.


i also thought that for Indigo - Compassion -instead of ( I kill because I have to and I forgive you for making me kill you. (a little weak, need help)) how about "surrender or die!"? I dont have to kill, I choose to accept defeat of my enemies over death.


Also Ce related to emotions would be a good choice. the counter to the CE would be various environmental movements.

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