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Multipower are so common, why not just cut every cost by 2 ?


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Re: Multipower are so common, why not just cut every cost by 2 ?


I don't consider "argument from adjustment power" to have much validity.


The mechanics of the MP make it a single Power, not what adjustment powers may or may not do to it.


I don't consider an argument based on personal opinion not supported in the rules to have much validity either.


From 5er, pg 316:




A character with a Multipower has several different Powers that draw from a common pool of Character Points (known as a Multipower reserve).

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Re: Multipower are so common, why not just cut every cost by 2 ?


I don't consider an argument based on personal opinion not supported in the rules to have much validity either.


From 5er, pg 316:


Mechanically, you only get to use one of the Powers in an MP at full AP at any one time, and if they're fixed slots, you only get one Power at a time full stop. The game can call it what it wants, doesn't really matter, the mechanical reality is that it's a single power, with extra points paid in HERO for the versatililty.

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Re: Multipower are so common, why not just cut every cost by 2 ?


Mechanically' date=' you only get to use one of the Powers in an MP at full AP at any one time, and if they're fixed slots, you only get one Power at a time full stop. The game can call it what it wants, doesn't really matter, the mechanical reality is that it's a single power, with extra points paid in HERO for the versatililty.[/quote']


Not true.

I've built several character's multipowers with Reserves that are twice the size of the slots with the express purpose of using any 2 slots simultaneously.

Your argument doesn't hold water.

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Re: Multipower are so common, why not just cut every cost by 2 ?


to get any significant points out of a Unified Powered Limitation ,

the limitation would have to be on the pool itself and thus on all slots within the multi-power

which would restrict the range of powers the character could have inside the multi-power.

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Re: Multipower are so common, why not just cut every cost by 2 ?


to get any significant points out of a Unified Powered Limitation ,

the limitation would have to be on the pool itself and thus on all slots within the multi-power

which would restrict the range of powers the character could have inside the multi-power.


No, it would mean that all the powers are affected at the same rate by negative adjustment powers. There should be a reason for that. It could be that these are all manifestations of Fire Powers. It could be that all these completely different abilities are run by a central battery in Armor Man's armor, so any negative adjustment power is considered to weaken the battery, not the power itself.

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Re: Multipower are so common, why not just cut every cost by 2 ?


No' date=' it would mean that all the powers are affected at the same rate by negative adjustment powers. There should be a reason for that. It could be that these are all manifestations of Fire Powers. It could be that all these completely different abilities are run by a central battery in Tony Stark's chest, so any negative adjustment power is considered to weaken the battery, not the power itself.

...fixed that for you...

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Re: Multipower are so common, why not just cut every cost by 2 ?


Not true.

I've built several character's multipowers with Reserves that are twice the size of the slots with the express purpose of using any 2 slots simultaneously.

Your argument doesn't hold water.


His claim that

if they're fixed slots, you only get one Power at a time full stop.

is not true.


But his assertion that a Multipower is, conceptually speaking, a single power, makes sense.


Lucius Alexander



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Re: Multipower are so common, why not just cut every cost by 2 ?


His claim that


is not true.


But his assertion that a Multipower is, conceptually speaking, a single power, makes sense.


Lucius Alexander




As I've stated earlier, it makes sense as a possible sfx but there is nothing in the rules that requires it.

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Re: Multipower are so common, why not just cut every cost by 2 ?


His claim that


if they're fixed slots, you only get one Power at a time full stop.


is not true.


But his assertion that a Multipower is, conceptually speaking, a single power, makes sense.


If you have enough points in the MP to run multiple fixed slots, then you just have a more versatile single power.



Personally, I would never allow an MP that wasn't in some way tied together in terms of SFX, and in such a way as to explain why the character could only use one or two powers at full potential at a time.


A random collection of powers with no connection would not fly, to the point that it has never occured to me to create a character with an MP that was anything of the sort.



If GMs out there are allowing random-shopping-cart MPs, then I think that the original poster's objection to them as "just a big discount" actually has a bit more validity. My comment that an MP was a single power with extra spent for versatility, was in response to that assertion that MPs are just a list of discount powers.

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Re: Multipower are so common, why not just cut every cost by 2 ?


To be honest I think you guys are thinking too hard :)


As a GM I could live with gadgets as a MP as long as the concept was sound. First and formost the Active Points of the MP represent the ability of the gadgeteer. Thats how strong he can make his/her gadgets. As long as more than one isn't in play at any one time I think the representation is fine. Amusing as Mr Waters' Batman example is, when Batman hands a shuriken to a tenament kid its no longer a 2d6RKA its just a momento.

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