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Or, more specifically, his power to eat people and then turn into them. One of my friends is trying to create what's basically a furry version of Kirby for our Champions game, and our biggest problem so far is the eat people and then turn into them power he has. We've got access to the Fifth Edition Core Rulebook and nothing else, and I believe he's got about 150-200 points or so left to spend, so any help with this would be great.

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Re: Kirby


Here's one approach you might be able to adapt:


I'm changing course here a little bit and working on one of Superman's signature villains and arguably one of the hardest to translate into HERO - The Parasite.




Like all of the heroes, I want to build him on 350 points as well. I think this is possible because Superman and all of the other 'naturally powered' heroes (of this thread) abilities have been built using the 'Affected by Adjustments as an EC' Limitation. By building all the heroes with this I avoid having to build Parasite's Drain with the 'All Powers Simultaneously (+2)' level of Variable Effect.


With this in mind I would appreciate any feedback regarding the following power set for Parasite:


36 Do You Feel Yourself Getting Weaker?: Drain Any Biological SFX Ability 3d6+1 (standard effect: 10 points), any [biological] power one at a time (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Hour; +1) (82 Active Points); Limited Special Effect Only vs. Biological Abilities (-1/2), Restrainable (-1/2), Limited Power Skin Contact Required (-1/4) 3


36 Hurts Doesn't It?: Energy Blast 6d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Attack Versus Limited Defense (Power Defense; +1 1/2) (90 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Restrainable (-1/2), Linked (Do You Feel Yourself Getting Weaker?; -1/4), Limited Power Skin Contact Required (-1/4)


128 Now I Have Your Powers!: Variable Power Pool, 100 base + 28 control cost, No Skill Roll Required (+1) (200 Active Points); Character Has No Choice Regarding How Powers Change (Also Gains Biological Disadvantages ; -1/2), VPP Powers Can Be Changed Only In Given Circumstance (Linked To Drain; -1/2), Conditional Power Powers Fade At Same Rate As Drain Recovers (-1/2), Limited Class Of Powers Available Limited (-1/2), Limited Power Abilities Gained Proportional ToThose Drained (-1/2)

0 1) Multiform (500 Character Points in the most expensive form) (100 Active Points) Real Cost: 100

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Re: Kirby


Kirby has Extra Dimensional Movement that is Usable as Attack... he sucks people into his body and they have no effect on him while they are there.


Swallowing them to instantly kill them won't go over well, but a VPP of copied powers (as mentioned above) would work to have the powers while they are 'in' you.


A triggered Double Knockback Blast when you 'spit them out' would work well to send them flying (into other enemies!)

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Re: Kirby


Kirby has Extra Dimensional Movement that is Usable as Attack... he sucks people into his body and they have no effect on him while they are there.


Swallowing them to instantly kill them won't go over well, but a VPP of copied powers (as mentioned above) would work to have the powers while they are 'in' you.


A triggered Double Knockback Blast when you 'spit them out' would work well to send them flying (into other enemies!)

This is probably how I would write this up...a Multiform VPP Linked to UAA EDM.

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Re: Kirby



Sounds very expensive.

I'll take that as a challenge! :D


Swallow Transformation


VPP, One Type of Power {Multiform} (-1/2), Only to transform into the Target of EDM (-1/2), Linked to EDM (-1/2) [Variable Cost based on the points of the most powerful character the GM allow you to copy.] (To be able to copy a Standard 350 pt. character, the AP cost would be 105 pts. and the Real Cost would be 84 pts.)


Extra-Dimensional Movement, Single Location In Single Dimension {A Dimension representing the Character's stomach or body} (20), Useable As Attack {Defense is being too large to swallow, being built on more than 350 pts., or tasting bad (as determined by GM)} (+1), 0 END, Persistent (+1) {To eliminate the LOS and Consciousness requirements} [60 APs/ 60 Real Cost]

Total Power cost = 144 pts.*


*To be able to copy more powerful foes than standard 350 pt. characters, just increase the VPP.


That leaves 6-56 points left over, according to the OP.


Build Notes: A Multiform VPP allows the character to copy things that normally can't go into a VPP; such as frameworks, special powers, and skills. The UAA EDM assumes that the GM allows a Dimension to be defined as the character's stomach or body and approves the "set of common defenses" required by the UAA advantage.

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Re: Kirby


That's actually..wow. I mean' date=' it wouldn't fly in a lot of campaigns, but it's a dang good build. Repped.[/quote']

Thank you. Credit for this build should also be shared by Hugh and Sean, who helped create it in a past thread on Possession . They also wouldn't allow it I think :P .


I did in fact try a very similar build for a Possession character (think Jericho or Nocturne) and it worked out very well. The biggest issue was that the GM needed character sheets for any villain he was going to allow to be Possessed (those that coudn't be possessed simply had there eyes covered, which was the defense...they are the window to the soul after all). While it was bit more work for the GM, he said he fun with it too.

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Re: Kirby


I'll take that as a challenge! :D


Swallow Transformation


VPP, One Type of Power {Multiform} (-1/2), Only to transform into the Target of EDM (-1/2), Linked to EDM (-1/2) [Variable Cost based on the points of the most powerful character the GM allow you to copy.] (To be able to copy a Standard 350 pt. character, the AP cost would be 105 pts. and the Real Cost would be 84 pts.)


Extra-Dimensional Movement, Single Location In Single Dimension {A Dimension representing the Character's stomach or body} (20), Useable As Attack {Defense is being too large to swallow, being built on more than 350 pts., or tasting bad (as determined by GM)} (+1), 0 END, Persistent (+1) {To eliminate the LOS and Consciousness requirements} [60 APs/ 60 Real Cost]

Total Power cost = 144 pts.*


*To be able to copy more powerful foes than standard 350 pt. characters, just increase the VPP.


That leaves 6-56 points left over, according to the OP.


Build Notes: A Multiform VPP allows the character to copy things that normally can't go into a VPP; such as frameworks, special powers, and skills. The UAA EDM assumes that the GM allows a Dimension to be defined as the character's stomach or body and approves the "set of common defenses" required by the UAA advantage.



So repped.

(But I would not allow it.)

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Re: Kirby


So repped.

(But I would not allow it.)

I have most of my villains on sheets so I would allow it. Anybody I didn't want eaten/ copied I would just make too big or add a few points to...of course one of my villains, The Skunk, may not be edible anyway. :sick: .


The trick to GMing such a character is to just make sure you have an extra villain or two in battles so combats stay "balanced" and to throw in the occasional need for the character to copy someone out of combat (like a securty guard to learn about a secured area or a tight lipped agent to find out what they are hiding) so the player can use the power outside of battles too.

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Re: Kirby


I have most of my villains on sheets so I would allow it. Anybody I didn't want eaten/ copied I would just make too big or add a few points to...of course one of my villains, The Skunk, may not be edible anyway. :sick: .


The trick to GMing such a character is to just make sure you have an extra villain or two in battles so combats stay "balanced" and to throw in the occasional need for the character to copy someone out of combat (like a securty guard to learn about a secured area or a tight lipped agent to find out what they are hiding) so the player can use the power outside of battles too.


Sorry. Not specific enough.

I would not allow it for a PC.

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