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Zombie Event advice need


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I have 3 heroes. I want to do a Blackest Night / Champions Online Blood Moon type Event. I have 12 dead heroes to rise as "Zombies". I don't want to copy Blackest Night or Champions Online Blood Moon but I want to do something in the same spirt. Does anyone have any ideas on how they could be risen, should I have more than just undead heroes? I really need help with plot of this. I want to have the game progress over a several game sessions. What undead abilities should I add to the dead heroes?


When my game last left off, I had the heroes rescue the Mayor from the main villian and some villians working with him. The main villian escapes into a portal but before he goes extracts info from the Mayor. I haven't gone into detail what the info was, so I want to do something that.

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Re: Zombie Event advice need


Who is your main villain and what is his general shtick? Is he magic based or science based? There are many ways for bring back dead characters. I am just trying to narrow down the possibilities a bit.
He is a Mutant and Masterminds converted villain named Malador. He is a cursed Undead Sorcerer who's magic powers include creating Zombies.
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Re: Zombie Event advice need


The info stolen could be where the bodies of the heroes were buried. Knowing full well how they might be cloned by super villains, the heroes hid their remains away from the memorial they were given by the city. The mayor, being a friendly to supers chap, knows where the real bodies are.


To add more intrigue, Don't let the heroes know how the zombies were raised at first. Let them assume it was the necromancer doing this, but then the necromancer says another enemy has been converting all his corpses. He wants the PCs to help stop the real enemy.


And who is the real enemy?


Aliens and their organism revival ray.


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Re: Zombie Event advice need


Malador was blackmailed by, or in cahoots, with either Talisman or DEMON. Talisman is Bethany's (Witchcraft's) evil magic-using sister. They are cooking up something major and they needed Malador's special powers to pull it off. Maybe they figure that the super zombies will be tough enough to fight off the heroes while they complete some dark ritual. And if they're right, then the heroes had better figure out some other way to stop that ritual than a frontal assault!

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Re: Zombie Event advice need


Malador was didn't have the power to bring back the heroes with enough of their spirit to allow them to use there abilities. He needed a special book/amulet/wand/whatever to accomplish the resurrection and the mayor told him where to find it. But why does the he want to bring them back anyway? To provide superpower muscle for some scheme he is working, twelve pure souls for a special sacrifice need to power some unimaginably powerful artifact/unleash some dark god, or to protect him from some dark force that even Malador is frightened of and it on it's way? Also, what unfinished business might the heroes have to pass on to their still living colleagues before returning to the grave?

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