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Easy Boosted Form


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Re: Easy Boosted Form


multiform cost end to changex4(or what ever you want)

while it may be a cold rage,you may not need to use some skills or talents(things for cooler heads)


I'm looking at converting a character from another system over to Hero and one of their powers is proving a bit problematic.


In the other system, they essentially enter a 'cold rage' (meaning that they lose no facilties, ie. are not berserk) and gain higher strength, constitution, health, regen, and a few other abilities. To do this, they have to roll to activate the power and spend lots of their 'power resource'.


So, in Hero, they would have several stats (Str, Con, Body, Stun, END, PD, ED) that get boosted, as well as Regen and a few ancillary powers.


All of this would be Costs END only to activate (END cost x4 or so) and RSR.


Now, the question is, if I build it individually, that's a lot of RSR's to make. Building it as Multiform seems counter intuitive as the sheet is exactly the same except for the buffs. Basically I'm wondering if there is a build that would allow all of it to trigger from a single RSR, and spend a single amount of END and then go with it... rather than building lots of individual Linked effects and rolling for each. Help!



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Re: Easy Boosted Form


How about something like this:


43 Aid 5d6, all [special effect] powers simultaneously (+2) (150 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x4 END; -1 1/2), Costs Endurance (-1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2) (uses Endurance Reserve) - END=60

11 Power Resource: Endurance Reserve (60 END, 10 REC) Reserve: (16 Active Points); REC: (10 Active Points); Slow Recovery 5 Minutes (-1) - END=0


He can only Power Up every 30 minutes

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Re: Easy Boosted Form


Nice build; however you're still going to need add in regeneration, which you can not do with the Aid, and Aid tends to be pretty inefficient at self boosts....although the 'All Simultaneously' helps :)


I'm assuming that this is a superheroic character, and the boosts are going to be quite large? What sort of points are we talking about?

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