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Lunar Cave Discovered


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One of the problems with establishing a Lunar base is the deadly radiation flux. You can dig your base underground, but that takes lots of time, massive construction site machines, and lots of resources.


It would be so convenient to find an existing cave.


The Japanese space agency JAXA decided to look for one, with their Lunar orbiter probe. Apparently they actually found one. Looks like part of a hollow lava tube.


This is huge. Instant rad shielding, just add a light-weight inflatable pressurized habitat and a ladder, and you are done.

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Re: Lunar Cave Discovered


I loved that series, years ago.


However, it was pre-internet, and I was never able to find the last two books. :(


Someday I'll probably plunder around and hunt them online when I've time to read them.


Really good reads, if a bit simplistic on characters.


Try looking on



The books are

Inherit the Stars

The Gentle Giants of Ganymede

Giants' Star


or the omnibus edition The Giants Novels


Be warned that Hogan has an ... unconventional views on things. He believes in the insane theories of Immanuel Velikovsky, thinks that the Big Bang theory is untrue, believes that the HIV virus is not the cause of AIDS, and thinks the Holocaust was a myth. The first two appear in the novels.


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Re: Lunar Cave Discovered


Thanks. The original trilogy I have read a couple of times, and even bought and passed on to friends. It's books four and five that hope to one day have time to find and read.


Though some recent feedback leads me to think that I might not want to read them. And really, with the original series, I felt book 2 settled pretty much everything. Book three always felt sort of "see? You were right after all; this book confirms it" with a bit of "well you've followed along all this time, so it seems fair to let you meet these ancient historical characters" tacked in for good measure. However, it really did lay everything completely to rest.


I don't know that I'd be happy if the subsequent books took to stirring it all back up again. :?

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Re: Lunar Cave Discovered


I really like the first three books ('Inherit The Stars', 'The Gentle Giants Of Ganymede' and 'Giant's Star'), which remains one of my favourite SF series. I think things were started (and wound up) very satisfyingly within those three books.


Fourth book ('Entoverse') I read. An interesting idea or two, certainly, but I didn't really like it that much. Too much (semi-)retconning - stuff established fairly definitively at the end of Giant's Star, but suddenly is altered somewhat in this new book.


Fifth book ('Mission To Minerva') I haven't read as yet - waiting for a cheap copy to become available. Casual examination points to parallel universes and timelines being a major theme.

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