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Using Human “Wetware” to Control Robots


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Re: Using Human “Wetware” to Control Robots


If I understand this, the rat-neuron robot is basically just a twitch mechanism, right? A signal comes in from the sensor to the neurons, which generate an output signal that's read by the robot as a "change direction" command. So the idea is to see if emergent behavior develops from larger groups of neurons?

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Re: Using Human “Wetware” to Control Robots


If I understand this' date=' the rat-neuron robot is basically just a twitch mechanism, right? A signal comes in from the sensor to the neurons, which generate an output signal that's read by the robot as a "change direction" command. So the idea is to see if emergent behavior develops from larger groups of neurons?[/quote']

If I understand this, it is basically the same as computer software using the so-called "neural net" technique.


Except that by using actual organic neurons, the system is far more compact and sensitive than current computer software/hardware.


I'm reminded of Keith Laumer's A PLAGUE OF DEMONS, where aliens harvest human brains to be used as controllers for their giant robot tanks.

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Re: Using Human “Wetware” to Control Robots


That would be so kewl' date=' if the possible implications weren't so freaky.[/quote']

Though for our purposes, freaky implications are a gold mind for diabolical game masters to harvest uncomfortable situations to torment their stable of players.

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