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Animate Flame


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What ways could I use to build a psychokinetic power that manipulates a small flame, animate it as a silhouette humanoid shape were it moves and dances as desired, scorching the surface of wherever its feet touch, and maybe even igniting flammable material, and vanish when concentration is lost?

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Re: Animate Flame


I like that!


If I add Physical Manifestation, someone can come along and snuff it out.


Or you could represent it as OIF - Flames of Opportunity and perhaps add Sticky if it can set fire to other objects? Sticky may be overanalyzing it though - it can be deemed an aspect of flammable objects, much like other fire-powers. :)

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Re: Animate Flame


If you really want to animate it, Summon is your best bet. You'll need to work up some character sheets for "flame creatures" of different sizes/intensities. Note that this is probably quite expensive. I'd only recommend it if animating fire is the character's main schtick.

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Re: Animate Flame


A Summon is only necessary if:

* The flame can go do things without your direct control - like ordering it to pursue an enemy who runs out of your view.

* The flame can do a variety of things, like picking things up or using manuevers.

* The flame can be attacked directly, not just via Dispel. Even then, Physical Manifestation could cover this.


The fact that the power seems to be short duration and requires concentration makes me think a Continuous power, like CrosshairCollie's build, would fit the best.



However, if you did go with Summon, it's not necessarily that expensive. At a base level, something like:

Summon 100p Flame Sprite, Automaton (+1), (40 active points); OIF (flame of opportunity, -1/2), Concentration (-1/2), (20 real points)


Would give you a 100p creature, probably sufficient for anything short of a bonfire. If you want multiple flames, you can have eight of them at once for only 15 more points.

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Re: Animate Flame


Flame Dancer: Sight Group Images, Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Side Effect only affects the environment near the character; Minor burn damage, can ignite flammable materials; +0) (10 Active Points); Set Effect (Dancing humanoid flame outline; -1), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2) 10 Active, 4 Real

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Re: Animate Flame


Is the damage meant to be useful or not?


If it IS meant to be useful, well:


Flame Dancer: (Total: 21 Active Cost, 11 Real Cost) Killing Attack - Ranged 1 point, Constant (+1/2), Area Of Effect (1m Surface; +3/4), Mobile (1m per Phase; +1/2) (11 Active Points); Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Can be blown out or doused as 'normal' fire can, dispelling the effect; -1/4) (Real Cost: 6) PLUS Sight Group Images (10 Active Points); Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2), Linked (Flame; -1/2) (Real Cost: 5)


The 1 pip KA is a damage shield built over the image. The image is easy to detect as 'not real' (no +PER) but it is still visible even if no one is going to think it is a real man on fire.

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Re: Animate Flame


Maybe in 7e. :mad:


Change Environment is a nice idea but I'm not enjoying the implementation. It is a power deigned to fit a niche without too much of an eye to the overall effect, and far too woolly with it**.


MISE* it will have been thought all the way through.





*Maybe In Seventh Edition


**Not that I'm necessarily against woolly: it is woolly but trying not to be that obtains my bovidae caprinae

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Re: Animate Flame


Images with environmental side effects?


That should do it :)


That is exactly what I was thinking. Images with side effects and physical manifestation so that the image can be snuffed out. The image is so small I might even let the player have this power as a gimme so long as he didn't actually start using it for arson.

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