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Browncoat Mal Reynolds on Castle


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Re: Browncoat Mal Reynolds on Castle


My wife and I are also Castle fans. We started watching from the first ep. We watched the Halloween ep last night...it was really fun. Lot of references to Buffy and such too. I was also geeking out on the Frank Miller references being a huge fan of his...cool stuff all around...nice light cop show.

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Re: Browncoat Mal Reynolds on Castle


I might have to see this, as I loved Firefly, and was rather angry that it got canceled after only one season, a friend of mine gave me the collection for X-mas and I'm re watching it for the second time.


Another thing that I was disappointed with was that both Buffy and Angel got canceled, I loved those shows as well.


Why is it that all the good shows get canceled, and all the bad ones hang around?

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