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Brand new to HERO & finding my feet


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Hi folks,


As the title suggests I am very new to HERO system. I've been playing Champions Online and (being a tabletop RPG fan) that made me curious to check out the HERO system.


I made the plunge and got the mega bundle - I have been looking the .pdfs while I wait for the books to arrive.


All I can say is wow! It's like a whole new world here (and it looks so good). I've been wanting a generic system I can use for my group to learn and use for all genres... what a find!


Anyway, I've tried building a few heroic characters to learn the basics of character construction. I've also built a few powers and tackled multipowers (which I think I have a handle on).


I was (selfishly, I know) wondering if there are resources out there like equipment lists for various genres which might already have powers, advantages and limitations calculated with a final real cost, such as the Dagger or .45 Handgun from the 6E book? Do the various setting books have things like this in them, or are they ideas books?


Are there any particularly good web resources for players and GMs?


Thanks for any help you can offer :)

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Re: Brand new to HERO & finding my feet


The major Genre Books have equipment in them.


If you need more guns than you probably need, pick up Dark Champions.


Or, the other approach is if you need a wide variety of equipment in one place get the Hero System Equipment Guide - it has weapons from Fantasy Hero, guns from Dark Champions, and futuristic weapons from Star Hero. Keep in mind these books are all 5th Edition still, since 6th just came out there aren't any books for it yet.


As for fan created stuff, I'm sure there's some somewhere, I'm sure.


The Genre Books are also excellent guides at using the Hero System to get your game to have the right flavor. From adjusting the rules, to creating new ways of using the rules.


As for good web resources, these boards are probably the best you'll encounter - Welcome aboard.


If you need a suggestion of books to pick up, or any other questions don't hesitate to ask. We like answering questions. A lot.

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Re: Brand new to HERO & finding my feet


Welcome to Hero: it is good to see Champions Online introducing new people - the master plan is working then :D


It is only a matter of time before Lord Laiden finds this thread: the Lord of the Lists will doubtless have references to satisfy you...although 6e (Hero Sixth Edition) is also new and shiny, so there is not too much dedicated 6e stuff yet, there is plenty of older stuff that works (almost) as well.

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Re: Brand new to HERO & finding my feet


Welcome to Hero! As you can already see, we have an enthusiastic and helpful bunch of fans. Don't worry, most of them don't bite. ;)


g-a already recommended the Equipment Guide. It was written for the 5th Edition rules, of course, but for the most part you won't notice any significant differences in most gear. We've got an all-new, 6E-based version of the "EG" scheduled for release early next year which will overcome even that minor level of difficulty. :hex:

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Re: Brand new to HERO & finding my feet


I can wholeheartedly recommend the Ultimate Skill, which covers use of skills to an extent I have not seen anywhere else.:thumbup:

As an added bonus, the only things that changed in that book was renaming Seduction to Charm (which was a better name but it's function is unchanged), the COM chart (1 paragraph long only), and a few pieces of equipment that may have to be slightly redesigned.

Other than that, you can use the entire book as-is with 6E.


Hope you will long enjoy this excellent game system - some of us are on our 3rd decade of Hero! :celebrate

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Re: Brand new to HERO & finding my feet


I can wholeheartedly recommend the Ultimate Skill, which covers use of skills to an extent I have not seen anywhere else.:thumbup:

As an added bonus, the only things that changed in that book was renaming Seduction to Charm (which was a better name but it's function is unchanged), the COM chart (1 paragraph long only), and a few pieces of equipment that may have to be slightly redesigned.

Other than that, you can use the entire book as-is with 6E.


Hope you will long enjoy this excellent game system - some of us are on our 3rd decade of Hero! :celebrate


I second the Ultimate Skill recommendation. Also, if you run any sort of game that might involve fantastic creatures, you might consider one of the Asian Bestiaries. It is no ordinary Monster Manual. Because it uses a lot of Eastern inspiration, it contains many creatures your players will have never heard of. Also, the creatures are often so odd that they work well as the basis for an alien race in a Champions or Galactic Champions game. I plan on using it in an upcoming Dark Champions game I'm running. Genetic monstrosities FTW.

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