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Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


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Coming soon to a con near your (maybe)! I ate some frozen pizza too late at night, and I had this wierd dream involving the Enterprise encountering an X-wing that had just flown through a stargate. Yeah, I've been watching a lot of old shows I had missed on DVD recently nad my subconscious is littered with the detritus.


Anyway, I then thought about an idea for a con game that would fuse elements of the major long-running TV and film franchises into one. The palyers would play representatives from each universe forced together through the miracle of rubber science to solve an issue that would threaten all of their universes.


If you did this, would you use iconic characters, or would you use cutouts?

I admit that I am intrigued by the posibilities of T'ealc and Spock having a conversation:


Spock: Fascinating.

T'ealc: Indeed.


Are there innate power level issues between the universes. Would you want to play a guy with a submachine gun, some high explosives, and combat training, if someone else had a phaser? Would a Jedi apprentice really Worph Worph.


Who would be the appropriate representatives of each universe. For example who would you use for Babylon 5? I haven't watched the show often enough to get a handle on the power levels as compared to stuff I am more familiar with. I was thinking a Minbari Ranger.



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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5



Are there innate power level issues between the universes. Would you want to play a guy with a submachine gun, some high explosives, and combat training, if someone else had a phaser?


A submachine gun is more combat-effective than a phaser as long you don't want to take people alive, have plenty of ammo and aren't dealing with a hard target. There's a reason they didn't switch to zats. (In fact a Sith would have a lot more trouble with an SMG's autofire than a Phaser's beam.)

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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


A submachine gun is more combat-effective than a phaser as long you don't want to take people alive' date=' have plenty of ammo and aren't dealing with a hard target. There's a reason they didn't switch to zats. (In fact a Sith would have a lot more trouble with an SMG's autofire than a Phaser's beam.)[/quote']


This brings up a personal quandary of mine. Do blaster bolts in Star Wars really travel that much slower than the speed of light? It appears on film that they do, but if I had a 9mm HK MP5 and Han's Solo's blaster, would the bullet really behave the same way the bolt? I think this might be the case with a bowcaster, but a blaster? It seems "logically" that a Jedi should scoff at a submachine gun. I think that Hero solves the problem neatly by just separating the two attacks out in the Missile Deflection/Reflection build.


Extend that: Do the nadions that comprise the phaser beam propagate at the speed of light, or some speed that is specifically less? Also, phasers have the ability to obliterate anything they are fired at, which is a potent ability in the hands of a PC.


Damn, this would be a fun game to mount.

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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


Coming soon to a con near your (maybe)! I ate some frozen pizza too late at night, and I had this wierd dream involving the Enterprise encountering an X-wing that had just flown through a stargate. Yeah, I've been watching a lot of old shows I had missed on DVD recently nad my subconscious is littered with the detritus.


Anyway, I then thought about an idea for a con game that would fuse elements of the major long-running TV and film franchises into one. The palyers would play representatives from each universe forced together through the miracle of rubber science to solve an issue that would threaten all of their universes.


If you did this, would you use iconic characters, or would you use cutouts?

I admit that I am intrigued by the posibilities of T'ealc and Spock having a conversation:


Spock: Fascinating.

T'ealc: Indeed.


Are there innate power level issues between the universes. Would you want to play a guy with a submachine gun, some high explosives, and combat training, if someone else had a phaser? Would a Jedi apprentice really Worph Worph.


Who would be the appropriate representatives of each universe. For example who would you use for Babylon 5? I haven't watched the show often enough to get a handle on the power levels as compared to stuff I am more familiar with. I was thinking a Minbari Ranger.




I think SGC and Star Trek Personnel could be built on roughly the same points with some of the same basic skill levels. Different weapons just do different things. A jedi apprentice might have trouble with Worf but not an Obi Wan, or Skywalker.


I prefer Kirk/O'Neill/Solo but they are all fast thinking, fearless captains. You're going to need tech support.


I don't how many slots you are looking for but a standard five man band would probably have R2 as a mechanic, Kirk to come up with a plan, Solo for piloting skills, Teal'c for firepower and weapons skills.


I am not familiar enough with Babylon Five but Bester or the female psychic could be put in for the mental skills.


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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


The set up for this is doable thanks to time travel, star gates, wormholes and parrallel universes. The Earths of Star Trek, Star Gate, Babylon 5 could all co-exist as mirror versions of one another, while the galaxy far, far away could be only be one galaxy away, in a different direction than the Andromedans, and still be far, far away. As for a long time ago, the worm hole that provides a shortcut between galaxies could traverse time as well as space. FarScape could be added too, with John Crichton having a twin brother in Star Gate Command.


I think it would be interesting to run this as a "Crisis of Infinite Earths" in which parrallel Earths find their realities merging. Star Gate Command and Star Fleet could mix with minimal fuss while, the Interstellar Alliance would make an interesting addition to the United Federation of Planets. Vulcans would take very quickly to Jedi training (there is no emotion, there is only peace) and help to replenish their numbers and restore the fire that was extinguished from the galaxy. The Rangers would also be effective in that capacity. The UFP would probably throw its support behind the Rebel Alliance. Meanwhile, the Empire could help the Klingons restore their lost glory, and the Sebaceans would get along with Imperial humans- the two races are close enough that they might treat each other equally.


Here are some more visuals: having a Mon Cal on the bridge of a Constitution class ship, with a Narn in charge of the security team; Scorpius getting command of the Death Star ("you may fire when ready"); Khan Noonian Singh battling Jabba the Hutt for control of the Out Rim's spice trade...

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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


The set up for this is doable thanks to time travel, star gates, wormholes and parrallel universes. The Earths of Star Trek, Star Gate, Babylon 5 could all co-exist as mirror versions of one another, while the galaxy far, far away could be only be one galaxy away, in a different direction than the Andromedans, and still be far, far away. As for a long time ago, the worm hole that provides a shortcut between galaxies could traverse time as well as space. FarScape could be added too, with John Crichton having a twin brother in Star Gate Command.


I think it would be interesting to run this as a "Crisis of Infinite Earths" in which parrallel Earths find their realities merging. Star Gate Command and Star Fleet could mix with minimal fuss while, the Interstellar Alliance would make an interesting addition to the United Federation of Planets. Vulcans would take very quickly to Jedi training (there is no emotion, there is only peace) and help to replenish their numbers and restore the fire that was extinguished from the galaxy. The Rangers would also be effective in that capacity. The UFP would probably throw its support behind the Rebel Alliance. Meanwhile, the Empire could help the Klingons restore their lost glory, and the Sebaceans would get along with Imperial humans- the two races are close enough that they might treat each other equally.


Here are some more visuals: having a Mon Cal on the bridge of a Constitution class ship, with a Narn in charge of the security team; Scorpius getting command of the Death Star ("you may fire when ready"); Khan Noonian Singh battling Jabba the Hutt for control of the Out Rim's spice trade...


Wow. that's enough for a series of novels. Of course the publishing rights would never work out. I like the way your mind works. Repped.


I think I would set it up as a one time event, with a "five man band." I hadn't thought of Bester. He's kind of a bastard and would add a little spice to the stew.


I think Kirk and Solo would be redundant. They are the same archetype. Solo and Spock on the other hand...pure comedy gold.

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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


I think SGC and Star Trek Personnel could be built on roughly the same points with some of the same basic skill levels. Different weapons just do different things. A jedi apprentice might have trouble with Worf but not an Obi Wan, or Skywalker.


I prefer Kirk/O'Neill/Solo but they are all fast thinking, fearless captains. You're going to need tech support.


I don't how many slots you are looking for but a standard five man band would probably have R2 as a mechanic, Kirk to come up with a plan, Solo for piloting skills, Teal'c for firepower and weapons skills.


I am not familiar enough with Babylon Five but Bester or the female psychic could be put in for the mental skills.



"Five man band." That's quite clever.


I think a full Jedi would be too powerful to interact with the others, but what's the fun of Star Wars without Jedi.


R2 is a good call. He actually has enough personality, autonomy, and skill to be fun to play.


I just like T'ealc.

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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


The female psychic from B5: I think you mean Talia Winters.


And if you're having Talia, I'd chuck in Susan Ivanova as well, because she's such a kick-ass character (and possibly Talia's lover). And you could also bring out Ivanova's own telepathic abilities.

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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


The female psychic from B5: I think you mean Talia Winters.


And if you're having Talia, I'd chuck in Susan Ivanova as well, because she's such a kick-ass character (and possibly Talia's lover). And you could also bring out Ivanova's own telepathic abilities.


Or Lyta Alexander, the psychic from the pilot film, who subsequently spent a lot of time with the Vorlons and was heavily enhanced by them.

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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


Are there innate power level issues between the universes. Would you want to play a guy with a submachine gun' date=' some high explosives, and combat training, if someone else had a phaser? Would a Jedi apprentice really Worph Worph.[/quote']

This is the Hero System we are talking about, here. ;) Just ensure that the various player characters are built on roughly the same amount of points and everything will automatically sort itself out.


So you will have a submachine gun, some high explosives, and combat training, while the other guy will have just a phaser. You can set an explosive booby-trap and still have a submachine gun and combat training. The other guy can set an explosive booby trap with his phaser, and then will have nothing.

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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


This is the Hero System we are talking about, here. ;) Just ensure that the various player characters are built on roughly the same amount of points and everything will automatically sort itself out.


So you will have a submachine gun, some high explosives, and combat training, while the other guy will have just a phaser. You can set an explosive booby-trap and still have a submachine gun and combat training. The other guy can set an explosive booby trap with his phaser, and then will have nothing.


Yeah, but that is just the fault of "bad" writing (ie. writer didn't think everything through or "think of everything.")


In all reality, your Trek character should have a lot more in the way of standard issue gear than just a phaser.


But there are still plenty of reasons why slugthrowers and energy weapons can coexist - EMP weapons disabling energy weapons cause a preference to slugthrowers; advanced composite armors throw the ball back into energy weapons' court; force fields might work better against phasers than a fast-moving chunk of advanced metal.


Jedi do kind of throw a few things under the bus, but even that can be worked around - Mandalorian armor, the allow that blocks lightsabers being a sudden must-have, etc.


Generally, I think it would make for some fun gaming or *shudder* fan-fic ;)

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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


Phasers are pansy weapons anyway. Gimme a tricked-out suppressed MP7 and a baker's dozen 40rd mags, two kilos PE4 and a roll of detcord with fuses, blasting caps, etc, a couple of Claymore AP mines and half a dozen HE grenades. Oh yeah, and a H&K P7M8 and four mags for back-up.

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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


Maybe, but one can use the same Phaser to blast / disintegrate stuff, stun people at a distance, disrupt forcefields, cut through a tough wall or door, heat rocks to help you stay warm (or fool IR sensors), and (as a last resort) as a bomb. Plus the potential, in the hands of a tech-savvy individual, for being converted on the fly into other useful items.


Note: All this in one concealable, aesthetically-pleasing package a bit smaller than ONE clip for an MP7.


Don't get me wrong. When taking down a target, few things are as effective or as deeply satisfying as giving said target a massive overdose of kinetic energy. Plus, it is always nice to have a choice of weapons. But Phasers are durn useful in their own right.

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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


Maybe, but one can use the same Phaser to blast / disintegrate stuff, stun people at a distance, disrupt forcefields, cut through a tough wall or door, heat rocks to help you stay warm (or fool IR sensors), and (as a last resort) as a bomb. Plus the potential, in the hands of a tech-savvy individual, for being converted on the fly into other useful items.


Note: All this in one concealable, aesthetically-pleasing package a bit smaller than ONE clip for an MP7.


Don't get me wrong. When taking down a target, few things are as effective or as deeply satisfying as giving said target a massive overdose of kinetic energy. Plus, it is always nice to have a choice of weapons. But Phasers are durn useful in their own right.



I'm still spitballing this, but I think phasers, tricorders and lightsabers could break this. I agree. Phasers are damn useful. Phasers and lightsabers are powerful weapons, and tricorders are essentially the power to "sense everything" with an anlayze modfier.

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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


might want to have Lyta as an NPC ,as she said she was very powerful weapon(planet busting nuke?)


This is the Hero System we are talking about, here. ;) Just ensure that the various player characters are built on roughly the same amount of points and everything will automatically sort itself out.


So you will have a submachine gun, some high explosives, and combat training, while the other guy will have just a phaser. You can set an explosive booby-trap and still have a submachine gun and combat training. The other guy can set an explosive booby trap with his phaser, and then will have nothing.

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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


with Glazer rounds for the guns


Phasers are pansy weapons anyway. Gimme a tricked-out suppressed MP7 and a baker's dozen 40rd mags' date=' two kilos PE4 and a roll of detcord with fuses, blasting caps, etc, a couple of Claymore AP mines and half a dozen HE grenades. Oh yeah, and a H&K P7M8 and four mags for back-up.[/quote']
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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


Phasers and lightsabers are powerful weapons' date=' and tricorders are essentially the power to "sense everything" with an anlayze modfier.[/quote']


W-e-l-l. Obviously, there are limits on what a Tricorder can sense / analyze.


There was a Next Gen episode where Enterprise-D's internal sensors (arguably similar capabilities) and what they could NOT detect was an issue. Turned out to be quite an extensive list of blind spots - almost all of which could not exist in that specific situation (onboard the Big E), but still.


Also been plenty of times when tricorders have been messed with - forcefields or certain substances or just a buttload of rock blocking the user from detecting what is really there, for instance. Plus, I would guess that their range is very limited for all except the screamingly obvious analysis efforts - it might give readings from which you can infer that the core of the planet you are on is doing weird stuff, but it may not be able to tell you much about the why of it, or what the weather is like on the other side of the same planet.


Tricorders are useful things, to be sure, but much depends on the skill of the operator, and there are times when it can't do much regardless.

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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


At least TOS phasers looked like pistols. The phasers from TNG onward looked like dustbusters and had no intimidation factor. Plus, SF personnel really do need training in proper SWAT and unarmed combat techniques. Eg: in The Doomsday Machine, there's no way an old, fat, out-of-condition Commodore Decker should have been able to take a much younger, fitter, more recently-trained security guard (who should have just stunned Decker with his phaser). And is the ST:VOY episode The Raven, Tuvok and his team are shown walking calmly towards a place they needed to get to at once. Why didn't they just use the internal transporters?


Blasting through rock and walls and doors? Why do you think I'm packing the PE4 and detcord? ;)


And there's nowt wrong with the ergonomics or aesthetics of the MP7, even with the 40 round mag.

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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


Maybe' date=' but one can use the same Phaser to blast / disintegrate stuff, stun people at a distance, disrupt forcefields, cut through a tough wall or door, heat rocks to help you stay warm (or fool IR sensors), and (as a last resort) as a bomb. Plus the potential, in the hands of a tech-savvy individual, for being converted on the fly into other useful items.[/quote']

And all in a very point-expensive easily-grabbed obvious-accessible focus. So expensive that it probably consumes all of your character's points (have you ever tried making a phaser in the Heroes system? Very very expensive)

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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


And all in a very point-expensive easily-grabbed obvious-accessible focus. So expensive that it probably consumes all of your character's points (have you ever tried making a phaser in the Heroes system? Very very expensive)


And of course, StarFleet personnel are not trained in weapon retention techniques. The selection and training process is, as near as I can tell, a case of "Here's your phaser, here's your tricorder, here's how they work. Congratulations, you're now a StarFleet member."


Yes, I know StarFleet isn't primarily a military organization, but if it has peacekeeping and police actions as official parts of its duties, its members ought to have the required training to reflect this. And if it's supposed to be a 24th Century version of the US Navy, where are the Marines, who would have the proper training?

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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


(have you ever tried making a phaser in the Heroes system? Very very expensive)


No, I haven't; and I am sure it is.


One could also ask that if Hand-Phasers are expensive things to represent in HERO system points, then where does that leave (for example) 'Constitution' class Starships? Or any of the ships from the other shows? I, for one, really don't fancy trying to crunch the numbers for SG's 'Atlantis', for one. So, are PCs required to "buy" whichever starship / other thingummy they are assigned to?


Things like Phasers and Tricorders (and Starships) are standard Star Fleet equipment, issued or "loaned" to Star Fleet personnel (ie. Characters with the UFPSF "package deal", whatever that may comprise) as necessary. If PCs want to have fancy non-standard gear as well, fine, but (IMO) they have to pay extra for them. A similar basis would exist for some elements of the other universes as well.

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Re: Star-Trek-Gate-Wars 5


And of course, StarFleet personnel are not trained in weapon retention techniques. The selection and training process is, as near as I can tell, a case of "Here's your phaser, here's your tricorder, here's how they work. Congratulations, you're now a StarFleet member."


Yes, I know StarFleet isn't primarily a military organization, but if it has peacekeeping and police actions as official parts of its duties, its members ought to have the required training to reflect this. And if it's supposed to be a 24th Century version of the US Navy, where are the Marines, who would have the proper training?


Not-so-good writing, and an overwhelming need to simplify things down so it will all fit into a one-hour storyline.


In another thread on this forum, various people got far more heated than necessary over the whole matter of whether or not Star Fleet was/is/will be a "real" military organization. In general spirit and overall mission, I think the indications are that it is much closer to the US Coast Guard than the US Navy.


Note that FASA Trek made repeated mention of Star Fleet Marines - it was just one of those things that never got further detail.

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