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The Algernon Files

Dr. MID-Nite

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Re: The Algernon Files


Yes, I do. Yes, I have.


The quality is top-notch. The world-logic is internally consistent.


As for using it, I've pulled two characters out for use in my world. Magog was a throw down for the team that was playing. He stood up well to their abuse long enough for my purposes.


I don't recall the other character I was using.

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Re: The Algernon Files


Has anyone used The Algernon Files or have the book and care to comment on it? I've thought about picking it up.


I have it, and I love it. It's a very fine collection of diverse characters of all motivations and power levels, with rich and interesting backgrounds. They embrace many common archetypes, but often feature a distinctive twist. While I find most of them quite usable with Hero Games published characters, their design priorities are different from HG's -- Active Points in Power constructs are often high with lots of Modifiers, and the characters tend to have lots of Skills.


The world these characters exist in isn't laid out in so many words, but the interconnections between them in their write-ups makes their continuity clear. OTOH most of them fall within the spectrum of mainstream comic conventions, so almost any comic-inspired campaign world would accomodate them. I usually run a modified version of the Champions Universe, and I've easily inserted a number of Algernon heroes and villains into the setting. For example, I made Dr. Prometheus's "children," the Prometheans, creations of Teleios; used the master villain Praetorian as a general for Istvatha V'han, and his followers augmenting her forces; and substituted the Covenant from AF for the Trismegistus Council -- they're very similar organizations, but the Covenant is more detailed and can provide more combat backup for PCs.


I also used the superpowered all-female goth/punk rock band Hell's Belles, just because they're cool. :cool: Also:


I'm vaguely interested in the Serpent Queen character...who might be a good foil for the Egyptian based PC in my campaign.


Serpent Queen is an ancient and powerful master villain, who comes with her own serpent-men cultists as backup. I used her as a template for VIPER's immortal patron Nama and his kindred.

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Re: The Algernon Files


The Algernon Files 2.0 (Hero Edition)

Greetings Herophiles, I picked up The Algernon Files 2.0 (Hero Edition) about 1758hrs just before my FLAGS closed and here is what I have learned so far.



Art: (4 out of 5) - The Front Cover Art was well selected a group picture of the Sentinels, TAF's version of the JLA and Avengers. The Back Cover Art contains a selection of Supervillains. While not my what I'd pick they do make you curious enough to seek them out and check out their write ups. The Interior Art is consistent and thought provoking. Personally I like the style and hope they maintain it.



Layout: (4 out of 5) - I think it would be better to section it out.


1. Table of Contentions - Its clear and easy to reference. Not too small and clear separations.


2. Introduction & How to use this Book - Short and sweet. Lets you jump right into TAF Universe in an amusing style.


3. Appendix 1 - Timeline of the TAF Universe is great and really brings the reader into the setting.


4. Appendix 2 - Adventures, Plots, and more...


Writing: (4 out of 5) - The Staff and Playtesters did a great job making sure that TAF was well written and organized.



Content: (4 out of 5) - Again it is better to section it out.


1. High Powered Superheroes and Supervillains galore. Great backgrounds and Character Sub Plots. The Write-Ups are logical and creative without being abusive. I have not picked a favorite yet, but I like the Hell's Belles


2. Maps, Drawings, and the BAR!!! What would our lives be like without the proper maps.



Summary: (4 out of 5) - I need more time to absorb it, but I have to say it is... Fracking Awesome! The quality of the production and content make it more than worth the price (Canadian). My only complaint is the speed it took to get into my hot little hands and that's not their fault.


If your looking to run a High Powered Campaign without suffering from excessive Power Gaming this is the Allies/Enemies book for you. If your looking for some cool Maps and ideas you will be referencing TAF 2.0 for the next 25yrs. I kid you not. Great work folks.




Make mine Hero by Blackwyrm Games!






P.S.: Sentinels Base Staff - Stan Kirby (Director of Facilities) and Darren Long (Chief Legal Counsel) .... ... ROFLOL!!!

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