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Range: Sensory


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Everyone who heard the Pied Piper's song was entranced... everyone who saw Medusa turned to stone.... everyone who smelled my college roommate was disgusted.


How do I build a power that is based on the sensory abilities of the other person? Someone with really good eyesight is at a disadvantage when fighting the Medusa...


Megascale AoE with a limitation that you must be sensed? Some sort of triggered effect?

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Re: Range: Sensory


Trigger would work best for the Medusa, since that was a passive ability.


For the Pied Piper is an active ability, his Power would take a Limitation "Only Targets within Earshot" - there is an option in Ultimate Energy Projector for Area Of Effect Earshot as well that would work.

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Re: Range: Sensory


Just using what is in the book, how about AoE megascale, for the base effect*, then either a modified version of 'Requires a Roll (PER roll by OPPONENT)' or a custom lim to do the same thing? Normal sensory range modifiers would apply.


That way, as you say, the more sensitive are more likely to be affected.



*This should extend to the maximum range at which the effect, when perceived, can affect a target. It will not be as expensive as it sounds but make sure you buy 'hole in the middle', if that is still in 6e.

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Re: Range: Sensory


Medusa didn't have personal immunity... as the mirror famously shows in much media.


The Pied Piper might have... though one wonders what he would do if he were effected by his own power that is essentially a mind control that says 'follow me!'... follow himself?


Unfortunately, my college roommate had personal immunity, not hole in the middle for his personal stench.

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Re: Range: Sensory


Medusa didn't have personal immunity... as the mirror famously shows in much media.


The Pied Piper might have... though one wonders what he would do if he were effected by his own power that is essentially a mind control that says 'follow me!'... follow himself?


Unfortunately, my college roommate had personal immunity, not hole in the middle for his personal stench.


It just occurred to me that, in some versions, Perseus was able to view Medusa's reflection in his shield without harm, thus enabling him to fight her without actually gazing directly upon her. How come she's vulnerable to her own reflection?

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Re: Range: Sensory


Medusa didn't have personal immunity... as the mirror famously shows in much media.


The Pied Piper might have... though one wonders what he would do if he were effected by his own power that is essentially a mind control that says 'follow me!'... follow himself?


Unfortunately, my college roommate had personal immunity, not hole in the middle for his personal stench.

Random aside, but traditionally, Medusa didn't turn herself to stone, and her monster siblings had no trouble looking at her. Also, her head (which the hero took with him in a sack) could still turn people to stone even after she was dead.

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Re: Range: Sensory


Random aside' date=' but traditionally, Medusa didn't turn herself to stone, and her monster siblings had no trouble looking at her. Also, her head (which the hero took with him in a sack) could still turn people to stone even after she was dead.[/quote']


What, are you saying we should bring back Independent or something? ;)

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