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MESSENGER Went Into Safe Mode Approaching Mercury


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The MESSENGER spacecraft went into safe mode just before its closest approach of Mercury on Sept. 29. Although the instruments were taking data as the spacecraft came near the planet during this third flyby of the mission, after going into safe mode, no further data or pictures were obtained.


And thus the hidden staging base of the invasion force from the dreaded Blortch Empire had its secrecy maintained. A simple artificial cosmic ray to crash the MESSENGER's computer, and us puny humans will have no warning of the coming invasion...

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Re: MESSENGER Went Into Safe Mode Approaching Mercury


I didn't know spacecraft had a safe mode.


It's fairly common for solar-power only probes; it closes down all non-essential operations to extend battery power and ensure the probe doesn't go offline altogether.

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Re: MESSENGER Went Into Safe Mode Approaching Mercury


It is also common to have a safe mode for the spacecraft's computer.

If the computer actually crashes, your spacecraft has suddenly been transformed into a $425 million pile of flying junk.


The computers are designed so if there is any glitch, it abruptly reverts to a safe mode so that the problem can be remotely fixed by mission control. This is because you cannot send somebody from Geeks On Call to Mercury orbit.

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Re: MESSENGER Went Into Safe Mode Approaching Mercury


It is also common to have a safe mode for the spacecraft's computer.

If the computer actually crashes, your spacecraft has suddenly been transformed into a $425 million pile of flying junk.


The computers are designed so if there is any glitch, it abruptly reverts to a safe mode so that the problem can be remotely fixed by mission control. This is because you cannot send somebody from Geeks On Call to Mercury orbit.



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